BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Angels are, by nature, creatures of virtue. Even the fallen remember their uncorrupted nature. Some virtues come easily to beings of godlike wisdom and power. But the virtue of humility is not one of them. Nonetheless, the silence of the Abyss gives much time for reflection. Like the Cryptics, the Reconcilers spent their time of imprisonment contemplating deep questions. But where the Cryptics looked outward and back, the Reconcilers looked inward… and forward. Their most essential question was: What if we were wrong? What if? What if the rebellion was as evil as Michael and the loyal Host said? What if God’s punishing touch was somehow justified by the disobedience of His servants and children? What if Usiel and Lailah were right all along — that by trying to avoid the Age of Wrath, the Unholy Host only made it real?

  If so — if the construction of Hell was necessary, if the sundering of the facets was merited, if the condemnation of the fallen was just — then what do the fallen do now? Some believe that even in the eleventh hour, the mercy of God can be found. These Reconcilers listen with hope to the stories of Jesus, of Mohammed, of other human prophets and saviors. Maybe God has forgiven mankind. And if He can forgive them, might not His mercy extend to penitent servants as well? Even if His punishment is eternal, and the Elohim are barred forever from His presence… well, might not the Earth be repaired? Perhaps not restored to the Paradise it was, but something great, and glorious, and maybe even pure, could be raised from the ashes. The fallen have lost much of their power, true, but the world is smaller as well. Surely a third of the Heavenly Host can still improve the universe, can still help and serve humanity? This is the Reconciler’s hope: to make peace with their Maker and jailer. Failing that, they hope to make peace with unending exile.

  Rivals: The Reconcilers are modestly friendly toward the Faustians. After all, they share the goal of directly improving the world, even if they don’t see eye-to-eye on how to do it or why. They are also open to Cryptics because they think the questions eventually lead to Reconciler answers. No, the Reconcilers consider their main enemies to be the Luciferans and the Raveners. The Luciferans because their opposition to God is their primary, stated goal. (Granted, it’s a goal for the Faustians too, but it seems ancillary to their self-aggrandizement.) That sort of concerted, organized resistance is the sort of thing that makes reconciliation much less likely. If the Luciferans are despised for their orderly, stupid refusal to face facts, the Raveners are worse for their reckless, chaotic despair and nihilism. It’s pathetic when a onetime minister of existence can’t conceive a better goal than, “Shit on everything I made.”

  Houses: As the least destructive goal, reconciliation holds little appeal for antsy Devourers. While the idea of remaking the world might seem tempting to them, the Faustian program — which tends to be more active and less contemplative — gets those Devourers who still retain interest in improving things. The abstract and long-term nature of the Reconcilers’ goals tends to attract more thoughtful and conceptual demons, particularly those of the Second and Last Houses. Scourges and Slayers are both closely tied to human (and cosmic) decay and death, so the promise of renewal and reinvention is clearly attractive to them. Additionally, both Houses tend to feel guilt over the mortality and decline they inflicted on mankind. Of all fallen goals, Reconciliation holds out the most promise of making it up to them.

  Leadership: The Devil Nuriel leads the Reconcilers, and her reputation is such to give even the most scornful Ravener pause. Before the Fall, she was the Throne of Inexorable Command. During the rebellion, she was Overlord of Daring Liberation, and many Elohim who oppose her cause still owe their existence to her superbly executed rescue raids during the Age of Wrath. Nuriel is a warrior who has grown sick of fighting and seeks a better way. While she is the chief speaker (and planner) for the Reconcilers, its real philosophical soul is the Scourge Ouestucati, onetime Archangel of the Ocean Wind. One of the few fallen who is penitent without anger, she leads primarily by example. Her tranquility and hope give hope to others that they, too, may adapt to banishment.

  Goals: The immediate goal of the Reconcilers is to take stock of the cosmos and learn as much as possible about its current condition. Doing so means exploring the human condition, so many Reconcilers are travelers, seeking a balanced view of mankind and man’s world. They don’t stop at the edges of human experience, though. They are seeking the truth about the supernatural as well. Have all the loyal angels really abandoned the world, or do any facets remain, even partially?


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