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The Legion of Paupers

Some wraiths awaken in the Shadowlands without having the foggiest notion why or how they died. One moment, they were alive and well, and the next — they were in the Underworld. When a wraith appears in the Underworld with no clear deathmarks, or with too many, or with no idea of what happened to her, that wraith is inevitably claimed by the Legion of Paupers, victims of Mystery.   Ruled by the eccentric, erratic and, some say, bitterly sardonic Beggar Lord, the Legion of Paupers remains one of the smallest Legions in the Stygian Empire. In addition to collecting wraiths whose deaths are shrouded in mystery, the Paupers also pick up many whose Legion membership is in question. Those who bear more than one deathmark or who can legitimately belong to more than one Legion fall into these ranks, particularly when a squabble over their assignment would bring other Legions to blows. Because of their small size and disparate membership, Paupers often find themselves under the Stygian radar, underrated and unnoticed by most of the other Legions just as the other Deathlords overlook or dismiss the importance of the Beggar Lord. This practical anonymity allows the legions of the Beggar Lord to do what they do best: collect information unnoticed. The Paupers know what goes on across the entire Dark Kingdom of Iron, and beyond. They know where the figurative bodies are buried, and where the literal ones have crawled back out of the ground as Risen. This knowledge, in the possession of the Beggar Lord, places him in a pivotal position in Stygian politics. Too dangerous to destroy and too knowledgeable to ignore, he wields a subtle power that often has more sway than all the Smiling Lord’s bluster.


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