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Vampires are the ruling elite of the United Clans of Cainite. They have different mystical powers which still puzzle the mortals. They are known to be dominating people according to their will, become invisible and attack with unmatched speed and strength. There is more but the witness statements are inconsistent. As if this is not enough, they are practically immortal. They don't get sick, they don't get harmed easily and they don't age. When they are hungry, they need to consume blood. But it is unknown if it is possible to starve them. Their eyes see much better in darkness compared humans, which gives them a significant advantage at night.

  Everyone knows by now that they have different clans and different allegiances. But the names of these clans and their powers are not yet known in detail, even by hunters. Sometimes they have been seen on the streets, fighting against each other openly. Some of them uses guns while the others resort to melee weaponry such as knives and swords. Some witnesses claim they saw one with claws.

Vampires looks like humans but due to lower amount of blood in their body, they are pale in comparison to humans. They have canine teeth which they use to suck the blood of other creatures. While they are feeding, the victim is paralyzed via kind of an euphoria (similar to some drugs). Some hunters theorized using body temperatures to discern these monsters from mankind but no consistent temperature could be found via samples.

Their most obvious weakness seem to be sunlight which is not a weapon mortals have at their disposal anymore. Religious dogma seems to be far from reality since the cross is useless as well as garlic. Easiest way to finish them is a stake to the heart which immobilizes them and then decapitation. If not possible, fire seems to be best alternative. They seem to be very scared of it. On top of this, hunters learned that they are organized under clans and their clans have inherent weaknesses of their own.


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