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Skirmish in Riverside

Military: Skirmish


Fountain of Caroline is the only place ghosts can speak their mind without any fear since the beginning of Stygia. Even Charon being as merciless as a sword which went right through the heart, never punished anyone if the insults were told on the Fountain of Caroline.

  This time things went differently though. Those Quicks, as fun as the are, know how to stick their nose into the shit as much as a anarchist farmer. Somehow, these crooks decided to go for sightseeing in Stygia and visited the Fountain. And I tell you, they literally made the day turn into a frigging storm from a sunny beach day!

  I wish I was there so I can give you all the details. But I have the next best thing: Sam was there and as a recurrent guest in our radio program, he will now share all the fun bits!

  Shannon: Now tell me Sam, what happened exactly on the plaza today? How did they even end up there without being seen?

Sam: They just appeared out of thin air Shan. I think good old Julie had a trick up his sleeve and managed to hid them all the way. I mean I like the guy but I laughed my ass of on what happened next.

Shannon: Oh? And what happened next?
Sam: They kicked his and his little merry band of legion soldiers' ass hahaha! Respect though, he was back from the Harrowing so quickly after he tried to protect those Quicks.

Shannon: And what did they do, I mean the Quicks obviously?

Sam: They managed to get on the Fountain somehow. That was such an high tension chase though! I thought for a second that was it for the day and some legion was going to come and take them away from us before more fun !

Shannon: But it didn't go that smooth for them, did it?

Sam: You bet your transparent ass that it didn't. First it was all quiet and calm, they were even trying to speak to the crowd. But then one of them actually attacked to one of us. From within the Fountain to outside!

Shannon: Wow how incredibly stupid of them!

Sam: Well they are tourists remember, they were probably shitting their pants off. Oh you probably don't remember what shitting was like. You push some brown soft smelly thing out of your ass and it makes your pants go brown. Whatever, that changed the whole thing. One of the Penitent Legion guys jumped on the aggressor immediately and funrode her skin. But then another legionnaire cut the girl with a soulforged weapon. Then it all went to shit! Before I can turn my head to the Fountain, one Quick drew a weapon which was brighter than the sun!

Shannon: That's where the Tempest arrived?

Sam: Not long after yes. First Smiling Lord and his legions made the scene and arrested everyone. They all came down from the Fountain without much protest.

Shannon: If Smiling Lord was arresting me, I wouldn't leave the Fountain for a 100 years haha

Sam: Well, you are an Argos as am I. So it is easy for us. I think they were scared and rightfully so. Don't forget, thousands of souls went to Harrowing due to this Tempest. If you were there, you would be running for your life, as I did.

Shannon: Right. You believe the weapon summoned the Tempest?

Sam: Yes, I am almost certain Shannon.

Shannon: Considering your talent in Argos, I have to believe you. All of them got arrested by the Grim Legion then? No Penitent Legion prisoners or runners?

Sam: No, not one. Now, with a Tempest Summoning weapon, the Quicks and our lives are at Smiling Lord's hands.

Shannon: Oh God in Far Shores help us.

Sam: I don't think he can Shan. But you keep on praying for both of us.

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City of Stygia
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