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Quicks in Stygia!!!

Metaphysical / Paranormal event


The Acta diurna Stygia - Headlines
a.d. X Kal. Sep. MMDCCLV A.U.C.

  When was the last time we have seen Quicks in Stygia?! I don't know I have forgotten!

  You don't find the amnesia jokes funny, well get used to it. All of us lost it and we couldn't care less if you are offended by it!

  More importantly, 7 Quicks arrived to Stygia and by TRAIN! How amusing is that? For the new tormented souls out there, Quicks are the slang we use for the people who are still alive. Just like you were before you fell of the roof Jerry.

  These Quicks are already the most popular event of the city. In the station, one of the poor sailor sods managed to steal a memory out of one and he swears that was the most alive he felt since... Since so long he doesn't even remember when! The memory he got was one with long hours of torture which made it even more fun. He absolutely recommends it to anyone though, 5 stars he says 5 stars!

  I will keep it short as I have other things to do (such as jumping on the wagon with the others to chase these Quicks). But let me give you one gift before I go.

  They are guests of the Iron Legion and currently within the Castle of Ashen Lady! Train is leaving now, choo choo! Have fun everyone!

Related Location
City of Stygia
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