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Ritual of Summoning

Celestial / Cosmic


Garou Gazette - War Reports
28 August 2002

  Dangerous times ahead of us.
  Yesterday, wartime leader of our nation, Ahroun Siobhan “Warcloud” Lewis performed a ritual with numerous packs in the lands between. But something went wrong…

  The purpose of the ritual is unclear as Ahroun chose not to comment. But the outcome is clear. 24 dead and 52 wounded in Clearwater Camp.

  Cowardly attack started just after the ritual has started and most of the warriors were in combat as tradition for our rituals. There were Wyrm agents in the camp who signalled the raid party when the camp was left undefended.

  Due to the attack, Ahroun had to pull back the forces out and the ritual was abandoned. As expected, once the packs were in the thick of action, the Wyrm forces were destroyed quickly. But the questions, such as how an Ahroun Warpack Lead could not smell out Wyrm agents or what was she trying to accomplish through the ritual is unanswered.

  The most important question is even more fundamental though. How long the Garou Nation will suffer for her failures? This is the real question our leaders have to answer, sooner or later. If we want our nation to survive, I prefer sooner. What about you?

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