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Battle of Five Armies

Military: Battle


The Acta diurna Stygia - Headlines
pridie Non. Sep. MMDCCLV A.U.C.

  Seat of Burning Waters became an historical battleground as of today.
  Citizens of Stygia witnessed many battles, attacks from Spectre armies, Malfean monsters, endless raids through Tempests... Yet, Battle which took place in Burning Waters was something else. It did not destroy half of Stygia like the Armies of the Labyrinth or the Tempest. But for the first time, 4 Legions and Temple of Fishers fought against each other in open war. As if that is not enough, Grand Maw herself, took part in the Battle for 10 seconds for unknown reasons.

  How did this happen?

  First step going towards this war was the Hijacking of Ode to Spring, approximately a week ago. Penitent Legion chased it but the ship was too fast for them so they never made it in time.

  Then came the invitation. Once the Guildmaster of the Argos Guild, Samuel "Black" Bellamy, also the culprit of the abovementioned hijacking, made an announcement through several news agencies in Stygia, including a radio station which he was a guest several times before.

  Black Bellamy first declared that Ode to Spring is his own ship and it is not one of the fastest ships in Stygia, but the fastest ship itself, no competition. Stygia or elsewhere. Anything said otherwise would be an insult to him. Also, he said that he will bring the ship to the Seat of Burning waters and gift it to Smiling Lord, IF, he is the best Argos user as he claimed to be.

  Penitent Legion, hearing this announcement, prepared their army, marched to the Grim Legion HQ and demanded entry. When Smiling Lord did not allow them to enter to the Burning Waters, Laughling Lady did not take it nice.

  After Ode to Spring appeared on the horizon soon after, Penitent Legion attacked the Grim Legion without hesitation. For unknown reasons, Skeletal Legion, Iron Legion and Temple of Fishers' armies joined the fold before too long. And at some point, Grand Maw appeared in the battlefield and heralded a large Tempest. She disappeared before long. But soon after, a silhoutte of Grandmaw appeared on the horizon towards the Far Shores in a gruesome manner.

  Thankfully, Legion Leaders called a ceasefire there and then, therefore prevented utter destruction of their armies. Some witnesses say that Smiling Lord personally followed Ode to Spring through the Tempest, but returned back empty handed.

  The number of loss is still unknown as the event was so grand it takes time to account for all missing/lost. But Quicks apprehended earlier this month by the Smiling Lord were reported to get away with Black Bellamy, as well as the Tempest Summoning Weapon they have with them. or unknown reasons.

Related Location
City of Stygia
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