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Important Characters of The Mourner


A timeline of characters relevent to The Mourner and her current history

  • 1304

    Ealdræd "Hraustligr" Severin
    Life, Identity

    Older, wise, world weary. A great adventurer who's given up his travels to protect home and run his Inn. Owner of The Mourner, friend of old adventuring mate, Doran.

    Part of a local Adventurers guild from his young days, having grown up in Neverwinter and in her surrounding woods, spent most of his time taking bounties and notices in exchange for coin. Through his experiences and time with this guild he made quite the name for himself in the region. An unsung hero of sorts that much prefered it that way due to his humility. Despite this, he was well on his way toward infamy much the likes of Nasher before him.
      With his many riches from adventuring opened The Mourner with the Many Stared Cloaks backing its construction and with the guidence of Doran after tragic events gave him little reason to continue his exploits. They elected to turn the very guild hall they knew so well into the busling hall of the Inn.
    He now spends most of his time in The Mourner, which acts as both a home away from home for the locals and a space to capture the spirit of the old Guild he loved dearly and celebrate a new generation of travelers and adventures that frequent it's seats.

  • 1308

    Doran Underhill
    Life, Identity

    Wise, kind and accepting of people. Adventured with Eald as part of their old guild and fought many battles to keep neverwinter safe. Now works directly with the Many Starred as head of The Winters Watch. Keeps very busy and is rarely seen anymore due to his duties.

    Credited with the creation of the Winters Watch, the idea was born from his time as part of a local adventurers guild. As Neverwinter grew in size and population under King Nasher's rule, it was clear that the city had a fine assortment of resources to protect itself from threats at the walls, but nothing to suppress threats from within. Underhill, with his connections to the Many Starred thanks to his exploits and offered recuitment to the NeverWinter Nine, used this idea and knowledge as leverage to pitch and create the first chapter house of The Watch.

  • 1329

    Crysa "Fregna" Rhosse
    Life, Identity

    In charge of history and arcana at The Mourner. Trying to learn about, catalog and and educated guesses on what the Chapter could be dealing with.

    Growing up in the Southeast Quarter of Neverwinter, Crysa took a shine to the various Arcanists that frequented it's streets and buildings. By age 13 she found herself as one of the youngest members of a local Wizzards guild and saw no reason not to take the chance having grown up poorer in the area. She quickly catipulted her way into Schools as a bit of a prodegy, gaining the attention of many prevelent orginizations in Neverwinter.
    Through these connections and her education, she would in short time be working for The Watch and very closely with the powers that be in Neverwinter like Doran and The Manny Starred, often reporting directly to them.

  • 1334

    Bastila "Brenna" Daughter of Koa
    Life, Identity

    Daughter to the barbarian Warrior, Koa. Having grown as part of the same tribe as Sigurd, she's come into her own after events left the tribe in ruin. One of two known survivors, she's spent most of her life wandering the wilds, learning to live a very independant life having survived one her own with rare if any company.
    This however has not changed her sisterly nature, one she gained growing with Sig and due to their time in the small close tribe.
    After many years and adventures, her travels lead her toward her now and unlikely home of Neverwinter. Fate tends to bring many people through the West gate and into The Mourners doors. There she found a bit of comfort in it's more rustic walls and the many stories or adventure others told within.
    Like many folks that fall for the place, her time there and stories gained the attention of Eald who took quite a liking to her, inviting her into their flock.

  • 1336

    Talin "Stela" Ciel
    Life, Identity

      A Half elf with a silver tongue, Talin was raised by his human mother in Neverwinter Wood. While both his upbringing and lineage pulled him toward the wood, his natural curiosity was always drawing him into the city. After the passing of his mother, he used both his wits and natural talents to survive on the streets on Neverwinter. Pick pocketing, swindling and talking his way into meals, homes and coffers, Talin was well on his way to becoming quite the thief.   The Mourner, a favorite target of his in its earlier years is where fate took over and gave the Wood Elf purpose. Eald had noted the young mans aptitude with quick fingers and quicker feet, often allowing the lad to take a meal "Unnoticed". That is, until Eald elected to offer him an opportunity to serve a more noble and useful purpose, taking him under his wing at The Mourner at the age of 14. An adopted son of sorts and one that still proves to be a headache, albeit a lovable one to Eald.