Backes Dunfield

A human with a scarred face and a crooked smile. He started working for Martisha Vinetalker in the Inn six months ago and quickly proved himself a valuable lieutenant.   he gave up a life as a privateer (that is, a pirate) to get into business on land. He works the bar and assists Martisha, but he hopes to someday open his own place in Neverwinter or Waterdeep. He wears a pendant around his neck in the shape of a trident, which he says the crew of his last ship wore as a way to appease the many sea gods.   Was murdered by Cain Shadowmourne after the party realized Backes was secretly an officer to the Cult of Thalos.   The Attack on the Wayside Inn was thwarted by The party and Backes met his demise.
Current Status
Current Location
Circumstances of Death
Murdered by Cain during the attack on the wayside in.
Place of Death
Aligned Organization

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