Hissain's Lizardfolk

The leader is a Lizardfolk subchief called Hissain. The large lizardfolk with him is a lizardfolk render whom the others call Slosh. The warriors who follow Hissain’s orders are normal lizardfolk, and there are 5 of them. The sleds and cages are pulled by flail snails which are not agressive unless attacked first. The rest of the lizardfolk in the tribe are young, elderly, and other noncombatants.   Hissains tribe is a nomadic tribe and constantly keeps moving, never resing in one spot for long.   The lizardfolk are scared of the local trolls and they are keeping human hostages as offerings to appease the band of Trolls raving the area. Sometimes they leave behind pots of boiling water, or rests of food as wel to throw the Trolls of their tracks.   While the Lizardfolk are not particularly agressive by nature, they are fierce warriors and will capture humans that don't mind their own bussiness.


Leader: Hissains Lieutenant: Slosh
Geopolitical, Nomadic tribe
Notable Members


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