Storm moving in

Storm’s Moving In

After the drama (or comedy) of the town meeting has played out, and the party has decided on a course of action, the first threat comes to them in the form of a wagon full of anchorites of The Cult of Thalos   Forces
3 Archers 3 Dark knights   As enemy approaches, use the following read-aloud text to describe the situation:  
Strange knights bearing a symbol with three lightning bolts striking ride horses made of water. Accompanied by a wagon full of archers, pulled by another of the water steeds.
    As the Cult of Talos members attack, the rest of the citizens of Leilon scatter. The acolytes of Lathander shepherd the children to safety, and the rest of the adults move toward the safety of the nearby trees. Sergeant Hazz Yorrum, it should be noted, flees faster than anyone.  


If the party defeats the cultists, they find that each of them bears a tattoo of three parallel lightning bolts on their forearms. If any are taken prisoner and questioned, they answer with the ominous ravings of those touched by divine madness. They claim that the Stormlord is coming to drown everyone and cleanse the world of the unworthy.   The wagon was stolen from the town, and still contains the remains of some fish that were meant to be taken to the fishery. One of the dark tide knights carries a potion of greater healing.
Conflict Type


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