
Long deceased

Two hundred years ago, the wizard Thalivar settled in Leilon and raised a high tower as a laboratory for his magical studies. Thalivar’s field of interest was the planes of existence. At the top of his tower he erected a planar beacon that shone into other worlds, drawing strange creatures like moths to a flame and paralyzing them for his studies. Over the years, the reclusive wizard filled the tower’s library with his research and built an impressive menagerie of monsters.   One summer, Thalivar stopped visiting the town for supplies. The locals who entered his tower to investigate didn’t return, and the The house of Thalivar became a shunned site at the heart of Leilon, drawing adventures from afar to plumb its mysteries for treasure. When the cataclysmic Spellplague wracked Toril, the magic of the tower’s planar beacon was redirected outward into the town, freezing the inhabitants where they stood and bringing ruin to the settlement.
Current Status
Circumstances of Death
Blown up by the Planar Beacon explosion. Bones burned by the Misfits in 1491 DR
Ruled Locations


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Feb 7, 2024 21:02

Wanne *** joh!