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Overview of the Deities

The following is a very far from exhaustive list of the commonly known deities in the campaign world. In particular there are many, many more saints of the All Father, but these are ones that the characters know of currently. Here are the most common deities in the campaign area, as well as some less common deities whose worshippers have become involved in the campaign.   • Kylak (Zeus) sky, weather, law, rulers   • Merinda (Hera) women, childbirth, rulers, secrets   • Ardan (Apollo) sun, music, arts, knowledge   • Eldai (Artemis) hunting, wilderness, animals   • Aeios (Aphrodite) beauty, love, pleasure   • Herlan (Ares, Frey) war, weapons, fighting   • Talia (Athena) wisdom, skill, strategy, war   • Natoya (Demeter) agriculture, growth   • Agron (Hades) death, underworld   • Belios (Hephaestus, Lugh) creation, fire, crafting, metalwork   • Diarth (Dionysus) wine, sex, parties   • Orellion (Poseidon) sea, storms, lost things   • Blanthos (Hermes) travel, trade, communictions, trickery   • Corandor time, age   • Iana magic, necromancy, night   • Amtahl necromany, fate, luck   • Hamma earth, nature, animals   • Golak (Heimdall) watchfulness, guardianship, trustworthiness   • Eianses magic, day   • Suty (Set) chaos, storms, desserts, wind   • Ben'ya (dark elves) killing, torture, enslavement   • Tendai (dark elves) revenge   • Danallah (dark elves) mystery, passion   • St. Aliah evil, depravity, toruture [ she is also called St. Aliah of the Blackest Night, a demigod, not an All Father Saint]   All Father Religion   • St. Sebastion soldiers, warfare, strategy (one of Five Lords)   • St. Alliayse light, fighting evil (one of Five Lords)   • St. Alliah art and artists, comedy, travel   • St. Brigitte magic, illusion   • St. Aram horses, riding   • St. Andrelle travel, secrets, luck, merchants, scholars   • St. Torik the Tall knowledge, music   • St. Derrida vengence, justice (one of Five Lords)   • St. Lucius defender vs. monsters (one of Five Lords)   • St. Kitiaa money, wealth, accumulation of power   • St. Baidoh magic, control   • St. Gabriel justice   • St. Ardath knowledge   There are many more saints of the All Father.


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