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The Compact

The Compact
  The Compact does not just cover this world, it covers all of this iteration of the multiverse, which will be referred to as the universe for clarity. There are infinitely many other universes. For millennia the divine beings (gods, devils and others) fought against the demons for control of the universe, with lots of destruction the primary result. Eventually, after the last victory by the divine side, they formed the compact. The compact created a magical framework that allowed divine beings to pull energy from their worshipers living inside the compact and channel it to the divine beings in the outer planes.
  This decisively increased the power of the divine side relative to the demons. In order to keep the compact stable and strong, divine beings were prevented from manifesting directly within the compact, and limits were placed on their ability to directly use their power inside. For the most part they had to act by providing power and guidance to their followers. The compact also limited the power of demons, particularly when they were summoned of otherwise manifested within the compact. It made them vulnerable to certain kinds of divine magic, and prevents them from returning to places inside the compact when slain there and driven back to their home planes.
  The compact also serves to regulate the flow of magical energy. This makes it much easier for non-divine beings to make use of that energy, making spellcasters and others with magical power much more common inside the compact. As a side note, this means that it is harder for such casters to recharge (resting and regaining spells) when outside the compact, and it makes their spells relatively less effective when outside the compact. Low level spellcasters often have no access to their magic when outside the compact.
  There have been any number of attempts over the years by demons to destroy the compact. Or by others to subvert it or work around it. In general such attempts have failed, at least so far. But they do on occasion damage the compact sufficiently that it is weakened in a particular location, requiring repair. Repairs generally are performed via magic rituals conducted by powerful clerics from two or more gods working in concert.


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