Vanishing Wars

After the events of Season 2’s end-game, the Vanishing Cold War became the next nuclear arms race. Countries tried to vanish entire countries. Terrorists held cities hostage, vanishing them when they didn’t capitulate to demands. Crypto-farms were converted into Vanishing-farms, etc.   Eventually, what remained of previous governments convened secret meetings to establish a coalition that would eventually end the chaos caused by vanishings. Their secretive work led to research that identified the exact amount of energy necessary to vanish a human.   This was a breakthrough moment akin to mapping the human genome.   The coalition of nations then set out to eradicate vanishings by strictly regulating the production and transmission of energy. Their efforts led to the creation of what would ultimately be called, the International Energy Regulation Agency, whose draconian measures finally ensured vanishings become rare…but also created mass poverty and homelessness (due to the same strict limitations on energy consumption).   Given the amount of fear and dread over the previous decades, when the IERA came knocking, most cities agreed to their regulations. Conversely, the IERA went in and ‘darkened’ entire countries. If you agreed to their demands, then they made sure no other countries could vanish you. But if you didn’t agree, then events like “Waco Burns” happened.   The establishment and success of the IERA is subsequent to the ‘nuclear holocaust’ equivalent of vanishings. So when the IERA was formed, most people were desperate for their protection.   Whatever people may say about the IERA, they ended the “Vanishing Wars”, as this period was called, and ushered in a new era:   At midnight on February 2nd, 2059 — once secretly operating as a coalition against chaos, the nations formally announced that they had ‘eradicated’ vanishings and would continue to ensure the safety of the world through the promulgation of IERA doctrines.   By most estimates, the Vanishing Wars claimed the lives of nearly 1/8th the world’s population.
Conflict Type