
Artists are not just the painters, the sculptors, the architects, or the composers. They are, in a very real way, their art. True Fae rarely abduct established artists to make Artist changelings. Novices, amateurs, and struggling small-timers might all become Artists. The Gentry don’t care about the initial quality. What they want is an Artist trained to create things solely for them.

As part of their durance, Artists often develop physical characteristics of their chosen medium. A sculptor’s skin might become gray and flinty, whereas a painter might have splashes of random, vivid colors in their hair. In Arcadia, a prison of their own frenzied activity held them. Stopping to rest might mean punishment, often in the form of being forced to destroy their own half-finished piece, or watching their Keeper do so because it wasn’t perfect. Occasionally, a True Fae calls an Artist to help “design” a new changeling — with similar results if they stop working before the victim is finished. As such, many Artists are usually extremely protective of their works in progress, never letting them see the light of day until they are absolutely flawless.

Ogre: The architect has arms like Corinthian columns, bulging out of the shirt that’s a bit too small for them. Their shaggy hair is always full of paint dust and wood shavings. They are surprisingly gentle for their size — but a force of nature if interrupted.

Wizened: The tiny, gnarled woman has splotches across her paper-white skin that might be ink or might be veins. Her eyes are a vivid, unearthly blue. She is never without her watercolors and can paint Arcadia from memory. Some Lost wish she wouldn’t.

Would you mind stepping to the side? You’re blocking my light.

Kith Blessing: Choose either Crafts or Expression. When the Artist uses a Specialty for art with that Skill, achieving three successes counts as an exceptional success.

Tools of the Trade: A good Artist is never without her tools. She can spend a point of Glamour for her player to gain bonus dice equal to her Wyrd, to a maximum of +5, on a Crafts or Expression roll with one of her Specialties pertaining to creating art. All the necessary implements of her craft manifest around her for a scene.