Ava Taylor

Ava Taylor

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ava is athletic, lean, and willowy.

Body Features

Ava is short and nimble.

Apparel & Accessories

In the summertime, she loves tank tops, shorts, and fun but functional heeled boots. For jewelry she wears bangles on her wrists and hoop earrings.

In the winter she wears thermal tights or knee-high socks of bright and vibrant colors. She also loves deeply or richly colored sweater dresses and knee-high boots.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ava had a serious life and several tragedies early on. She faced a teenaged crisis - she could've gone full goth-girl and been some somber, death-obsessed girl, or become who she is now - a goofball that throws that trauma into her art and lets it all out that way.

Personality Characteristics


Ava's in it for the thrills. She honestly can't be serious, there's too much seriousness in the world. Too many people take themselves too seriously. The world needs more whimsy, more silly.

Likes & Dislikes

Because of her size, she is often mistaken for being younger than she is, and that attracts creeps. Because of that, she favors short nerdy guys and girls her age and level of artistic weirdness or nerdy oddness.


Hygiene is important to her, she showers twice a day after each run.


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