
The term “Doorwarden” originally came from a position given to the mage who guarded the sanctum door. Her job was not to protect the mages from all danger; it was only to divert dangers from entering the mages’ home. This defensive position quickly earned the mage the nickname of “Fist.”

Fists deal with outside threats, internal conflicts and even occasional madness. You can find a Doorwarden watching over a mage whose mind travels Astral Space as easily as you can find a Fist patrolling the sanctum. In fact, it’s the internal conflicts that usually require the Fist’s closest attention.

Given the challenges involved, members of the Adamantine Arrow often choose the role of Doorwarden, especially those on the Moros Path. The ability of the Necromancers to recognize the stench of impending death and then prevent it makes them valued guardians.


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