
Also known as “gardeners” or “Eyes,” the Edgetenders tend to the mystical landscape that the cabal occupies, dealing with Hallows, ley lines, Verges or Demesnes, wherever the mystical events occur. Unlike the Fist, who is meant to protect against such things, the Eye’s purpose is to cultivate the mystical landscape so that the cabal can fully take advantage of the magical energies. The Eyes also takes care of any tass or enchanted item that the Farseeker brings in.

More than once, this work sets the Edgetender against the Doorwarden, forcing the Heart to step in before too much damage (social or otherwise) is done. Edgetenders have also been known to take things without permission in order to fulfill their duty, especially when time is of the essence. This leads, naturally, to more conflict for the Hearthmaster to handle.

The Guardians of the Veil often adopt this role because it places them in a position to monitor and suppress any mystical flare-ups that widen the Abyss. Acting as Edgetenders also lets them police the members of their own cabal. Followers of the Obrimos Path, through their connection to Forces and Prime Arcana, also find themselves drawn to the challenge of being the Eyes for their cabals.


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