
A Tale of Perfection

Once upon a time, an empress reigned, beloved by everyone. She was the most beautiful of all the land’s people, the most perfect of form. Each day, her tailors fashioned a new outfit for her to wear, each more lovely and extravagant than the last. And each day, her tailors paraded her through the city to show off their work. See how the elegant line of her leg enhances the cut of this exquisite dress! See how her peerless poise keeps the birds in this crown from flying away! Her heart was hollow. Despairing, she tore the clothes from her body and let the horses of her parade chariot trample them in the dust. She strode the streets naked, and filled her heart with the satisfaction she felt at the shocked stares of the people, who truly loved her clothes more than they loved her. With that, she commanded them to step aside and took her rightful place at the head of the courts of the Lost.

The Fairest is adored, whether she wants to be or not. She possesses all the things everyone wants: looks, talent, money, friends. She speaks and the world listens. She leads the charge and others follow. A gentle touch, a lingering glance, one compassionate word — these hold all the power she needs to lend strength to the doubting and win over the reticent. None can stand against her judgments, whether she passes them down from an executive’s chair or spits them across a barricade at those who would take away her people’s freedoms. She meets opposition with sangfroid and support with warmth. If she’s imperious, it’s only because she refuses to be put in her place. And if she pries, it’s only because she’s had enough of small talk to last a lifetime.

While the Wizened maintain a freehold’s complex etiquette and operations, the Fairest hold their fellows together with inspiration and bold decisions. When their companions falter, crushed under the weight of their ordeals, they can rely on their Muses to pick their spirits up again. Even when someone else wears the crown, a Fairest is always there at the center of attention, swaying hearts and minds. Others may envy them, but the Sovereign bear the burden of leadership because to do otherwise is to cheapen themselves.

Nobody sees the hard work the Fairest puts in to live as a person instead of a figurehead. She endures enormous pressure and lives up to impossible expectations every day, and does it happily, because by shattering them beyond anyone’s wildest dreams she proves she’s worth so much more than they think. She isn’t the picture they paint in their minds of who she is, and she isn’t a frame for them to hang their trappings on, and she doesn’t care if they don’t like it. Meaningless niceties are sometimes necessary, but she prefers “kind” to “polite” — for those who deserve it. But she loves her many assets, too, and wouldn’t give them up for the world. She’s earned them and she uses them to get what she wants, and to hell with those who resent her for it. In her heart of hearts, she clings to them because they remind her of what was intoxicating about Arcadia. She desperately wishes she could go back and rule there, in truth — claim the magic and pleasures of Faerie for herself, and banish its cruelties forever. Since she can’t, she makes her own paradise wherever she goes, and woe to anyone who gets in her way.


Your Keeper pampered and cherished you, even idolized you. You were the perfect companion, comely and silent, encased in a skin that had a mouth only when he kissed you. He called you “light of my life,” and lavished jewels and gifts upon you as though they would stand in for friends.

You were a ballerina, all elegance and grace. You danced when he wound the music box and posed, motionless, when the song ended. Lords and ladies journeyed from all over to ooh and ahh over the marvelous dancer. How fortunate, they said, that your Keeper found such a rare talent! How noble of him to share his toy with them!

You traveled far and wide, speaking your master’s will to every ear. You rode the finest horse and carried the most splendid banner, and all envied your lofty position at the queen’s right hand. She entrusted you, her fair champion, with her most important quests. You slew dragons, rescued enchanted princes, and led her armies. You ensured they would cheer your queen’s name with your deeds. And every morning, you woke and remembered nothing.

Whatever the case, you were a novelty, a plaything. You were beautiful and noble, expendable and empty. You existed to glorify your Keeper, nothing more. No one knew you for who you were, if you even were anyone anymore. When you finally had enough, you chose someone to be and turned all your wondrous talents to coercing your way back through the Hedge.


You glorify yourself, because no one will do it for you. You show people the real you at every opportunity, and you bring out their real selves, too. You already have their love, but you crave their respect, and you know the best way to get it is to share a true connection that trivialities can’t break. Despite all your charms, it isn’t easy — even your fellow changelings find you intimidating, or stare at you in awe, or let their jealousy consume them. But you know how to kill them with kindness, and you make yourself the only one who can give them what they want. You’re the guiding light in a sea of uncertainty, the grandeur of Arcadia come to Earth in the flesh. Your friends know that when they tire from their labors or lose hope from their traumas, you’ll be there with words to inspire and a plan to win.


She hates ballet. All its rules, its strict positions. All the pain and suffering it takes to be the best. No, the dance she loves comes straight from the heart and pumps the soul out through its steps for everyone to see. She gives free classes on street corners, teaching freestyle hip-hop to kids who don’t have the money or the support to learn from a school. The smiles on their faces as they express themselves to the fullest — and the Glamour she earns from them — are payment enough.

He’s charming, and he knows it. He wears tailored suits, just the right amount of cologne, and a grin that turns on men and women everywhere. He loves to talk, and he loves to listen, and the stories he likes best are about all the things people desire. In his benevolence, he gives them what they want, and all he wants in return is a companion for a while. Of course, desires change day to day, but he’s a resourceful guy. He doesn’t mind repeat business, not at all. He doesn’t like to be alone.

You have to look out for yourself in this world. That’s what she learned from Faerie, and she never lets anyone forget it. She hears the names they call her behind her back, but who cares what they think? They say “iron fist,” but she prefers “strong hand.” Who else could keep the howling wolves at bay when other freeholds turn a gluttonous eye their way? Who else could command the respect of the hobgoblin hordes? No one, that’s who. She’ll never let anyone take her throne. And if she has to go so far as to win the heart of a Huntsman to prove her point, she will.

You fall to your knees and swear you’ll die for her. She tells you to rise and asks, what good would your death do? No, she says, walk by my side, and together we’ll take down the bastards who would have us kneel.

Nicknames: Muses, the Sovereign, Unicorns

Blessing: Gain an additional dot of one Power Attribute at character creation. You may spend Willpower points on another character’s behalf for purposes of the usual three-die bonus or +2 Resistance trait increase. You may still only spend one Willpower point per action. This ability costs a point of Glamour if any Condition is in play that would cause contention or mistrust between the characters, such as Leveraged or Notoriety.

Curse: In addition to your character’s other breaking points, she risks Clarity damage with a dice pool equal to half her Wyrd (rounded up) whenever her action — or inaction — leads directly to misfortune for her allies.

Regalia: Crown

“Bitch,” is it? That’s Queen Bitch to you, darling.


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