
More than one cabal has been thankful for a Hearthmaster. Many mages claim that the Hearthmaster is the “Heart” of the cabal, hence the common nickname. The Heart serves as the person who bandages the wounds, fixes the meals, keeps the house clean and listens to “confessions.” The Hearts are usually the first to see trouble coming and the first to try and fix it, tapping cabal members to assist them. Sometimes, the leader of the cabal, if there is one, has been or is a Hearthmaster.

Hearthmasters work side by side with both the Farseeker and the Doorwarden, coordinating activities for the betterment of the cabal. It’s not unusual to see emotional bonds develop between a Heart and either a Hand or a Fist, though this sometimes leads to unintentionally difficult situations.

Members of the Silver Ladder, with their penchant for order, are a natural for the position of Heart. They have a tradition of grooming leaders by having them take the position even if it’s currently filled. It’s also not uncommon for mages who practice the Thyrsus Path to take up Hearthmaster positions, using their unique insight into Life to help the overall health of the community.


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