Leonard Lancaster

Born in Lancashire England in 1084, when Roger took over. Leonard served the aging Roger as Apothecary, and failed to stop an illness from sweeping through the land. Leonard was imprisoned and sentenced to death, but escaped and fled England. Leonard took the Crusader road to where the men spoke Italian, and was attacked in the night. A fleeing, panicked vampire on the run from the Strix Embraced Leonard against his will and left him as bait for the Birds of Dis.

The unknown vampire left Leonard to die and fled, Leonard met the burning dawn sun and clawed his way into a shallow grave in search of salvation. That next night Leonard rose up a Vampire. That same night he met a terrible corpse-like figure on the road, and given the strange feelings the thing engendered in the Beast, Leonard fled. The creature in human form gave chase, and caught up readily. Leonard tried to fight the thing off and lost miserably. The yellow-eyed creature grappled Leonard and fought to feed, while Leonard struggled to stake the inhuman thing. Eventually, Leonard won but at the cost of health and vitae. As the creature was staked, smoke as dark and thick as tar poured from its mouth and nose and formed into the shadowy shape of an owl before flying away.



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