
Once upon a time, a Keeper wondered what it would be like to have an abductee who did not fear him, who did not tremble when he approached, who did not howl in pain when cut. The Keeper went to a river nearby and spoke his thoughts aloud, then collected water. He gave it to his captive; she eyed him with suspicion at anything resembling kindness, but drank deep. Then he struck her. She did not flinch, she did not cry, she did nothing but gaze at him with calm, unworried eyes. The next morning, she was gone.

Lethipomps do not suffer pain or anxiety — they don’t feel much of anything at all. Whether that’s a side effect of being walking oblivion or something they’ve schooled themselves to is unclear even to them. The end result is the same: They’re voids in spirit if not form, absorbing emotion and reflecting nothing back. Those who become Lethipomps used to feel too much: a buttoned-up banker went to scream rooms after work; an artist’s brushstrokes couldn’t relieve the pain. When they come back, they can’t recapture that. Revisiting the worst of Arcadia is like looking into the sea through a glass-bottomed boat. That’s how many escape: unable to remember fear, they simply walked out of Arcadia, knowing if they didn’t make it at least they wouldn’t die afraid.

Lethipomps can remove emotions associated with a particular memory and draw it into themselves to feel one gorgeous, shattering moment of pain. A Lethipomp could make a splendid therapist, but most focus their energies on collecting horrible secrets, promising forgetfulness and making no mention of its cost. Even those who know oblivion’s price still find themselves drawn to a Lethipomp’s promises; sometimes, being free of guilt and sorrow is worth letting memories fade away.

Darkling: Sometimes when they talk to you, it’s not clear that it’s really you they’re speaking to. They bring up old quarrels you never took part in, secrets locked with a key you don’t have. They’ve got the upper hand always. Sometimes you wonder if these memories were ever yours at all, or if the Lethipomp just wants you to spin, chasing the memory of the memory.

Elemental: Her eyes are dark pools, rivers snaking through a forest of dead trees. Her voice is watery too, a well so deep you’ll never swim out. Her voice scares you, but her eyes — you could drown in those cold waters and never feel an ounce of regret.

Tell me again about the first time you kissed me. Don’t leave anything out.

Kith Blessing: When a Lethipomp uses Empathy to guess a secret, achieving three successes counts as an exceptional success.

Waters of Lethe: By spending a Glamour point and making a contested Composure + Empathy + Wyrd roll, the Lethipomp may absorb the emotions associated with a target’s memory. This doesn’t transfer or resolve any Conditions. They must already have an idea of what that memory is, and even if their target tries to keep part of it from them, the Lethipomp will still find out. The target suffers the Lethargic Condition for 24 hours. The Lethipomp suffers a Condition appropriate to the memory for 12 hours. During this time, they may Incite Bedlam, causing anyone within range to re-enact the absorbed memory.


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