
Manorly is an arrangement between three Changelings taken from the same family - or rather stolen as children from the families that once served and worked alongside the main family. Chu Almanza, Ellida Wither, and Princess Troth work together to make sure the child called Diane is safe and protected.
  Once Long ago, but not so very long ago, a boy-child was stolen away in the night. But the lord of the manor was up late from nightmares that had been haunting him and chased the kidnapper from the premises. The lord led the charge to take the boy-child back, incensed that kidnappers had stolen away another of his servants' children. He was a good man, sworn to the defense of his family and those that served him. That promise took him into the Hedge, unknowingly. He came home Fae-Touched, and it did him no kindnesses.
  He died in ignomy, penniless and decreed mad. But he brought back the boy. Others said it wasn't the same boy, but the lord knew. Even if no one recognized the child-turned-man.
  Now His children have been born with a spark since then, some call it madness, but the Changelings know. Those descendants have been marked by the True Fae as prizes to be taken. The madness and creativity have put the family back on top of many markets, and the descendants of that root family still live in Chicago. The Keeper that stole away those first Changelings hasn't been seen again, but most expect it is a matter of time. Manorly is here to protect the fae-marked progeny of that forgotten lord of Chicago.
  Type Adventuring Party Notable Members Chu Almanza Ellida Wither Princess Troth


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