
Song is an art almost as old as humanity itself, and something that utterly fascinates the True Fae. While they have otherworldly music of their own, the Gentry love human songs for the endless depths of their emotional expression. Nightsingers are the kith who produce many of the magical songs the creatures in fairy tales teach heroes or children.

Nightsingers were creative types before Faerie stole them away, and not just musicians. While it might seem odd for a sculptor or an author to become a Nightsinger, it’s really just a matter of learning to sculpt or tell stories with melodies and harmonies the same way one might sculpt bronze or write a poem. That’s not to say the process is easy. The True Fae have odd and exacting ideas about what makes a good song, so a changeling who produces a less-than-satisfactory piece runs the risk of severe retribution.

This is a dangerous position to take as a True Fae. Most Nightsingers escape while their Keepers are in the throes of exquisite agony from a song sad enough to make a stone weep, or doubled over in laughter from a bawdy take on a solemn hymn. Some become their song and float straight out the door, carried by the notes they’re singing. Nightsingers find that, once they’ve escaped, their songs hold less power. They can no longer achieve the reality-bending effects in the solid, consistent mortal world that they could in a realm built entirely of dreams and Wyrd. They’re far from powerless, however. The other Lost quietly fear their ability to completely enthrall others with their song.

Fairest: This almond-eyed torch singer will have you opening both your heart and your wallet to her in under an hour. She has no dearth of admirers, but she always goes home alone. Some call her frigid, some call her prudish, but they’re always back for more.

Wizened: He’s not much to look at — skeletons have more meat on their bones. His wiry black hair sticks out in all the wrong places. But when he opens his mouth to sing, the rafters quake with his baritone and there is not a dry eye in the room by the end of it. He rarely opens his mouth to do anything else.

Thank you, you’ve been a lovely audience. If you’ll notice the jar on my lovely accompanist’s piano, I accept cash gifts as a sign of your appreciation. Please don’t make the mistake of throwing your platinum card in — that is, unless you’re prepared to deal with the consequences.

Kith Blessing: When the Nightsinger uses Expression to sing or compose a piece of music, achieving three successes counts as an exceptional success.

Siren Song: Spend a point of Glamour and roll Presence + Expression + Wyrd as an instant action, contested with Composure + Supernatural Tolerance by anyone who hears the Nightsinger’s unearthly song. Anyone who fails gains the Swooned Condition and is rooted to the spot for as long as the Nightsinger continues to sing; the changeling can take a victim’s hand and lead him along with her, but otherwise he can’t move, although he can still apply his Defense against attacks. Jarring him out of it requires an opposing power (prompting a Clash of Wills), dealing him at least as much damage as his Stamina rating, or making it impossible for him to hear the song anymore.