
Old stories and newer urban legends are rife with tales of people following a voice only they could hear into dangerous and impossible situations. Most changelings attribute this to True Fae. The Gentry find this terribly amusing, and so they have created the Uttervoice kith.

Uttervoices come from the same sort of people as Nightsingers: artists or those with a creative will. The difference is that the Uttervoices let their frustration get the better of them. When they were taken, they were at a stalemate with themselves, feeling unable to make anything, let alone a masterpiece.

An Uttervoice’s Keeper takes that frustration and shapes it into a weapon to point at her enemies. Instead of a masterpiece painting, her voice is a claymore, cutting swaths through the armies of other Gentry.

Once free of their durance, Uttervoices have wildly varying reactions to their power. Some refuse to speak above a whisper, or at all unless it’s particularly important. Others speak normally but take care to remind others what weight their voice carries.

Uttervoices struggle with fitting in and feeling at ease, especially right after their escape. Fear and anger come naturally to them. When her primary mode of communication contains an act of violence, how else should an Uttervoice relate to those around her?

Beast: She has colorful feathers speckled throughout her brown hair, resembling a peahen. You know her for her ability to drive like a Formula 500 champ, but others say she cut down a True Fae simply by screaming at him until he broke in half.

Elemental: Their hair swirls around them like a sunbeam. and their mouth is a little too big for their face. When they open it their hair crackles like a lightning bolt.

You really don’t want to hear about that…

Kith Blessing: When using their voice to Intimidate someone, an Uttervoice’s player achieves exceptional success at three successes instead of five.

Scream of Agony: The Uttervoice spends a point of Glamour and screams — whether an incantation, a threat, or just wordless howling — and makes a contested Presence + Wyrd roll. Everyone who hears the scream makes a Composure + Wyrd roll; her agony does not differentiate between friend and foe. Failure inflicts one point of bashing damage; an exceptional success on the part of the Uttervoice upgrades this damage to lethal. An Uttervoice can scream continually (utilizing her instant action every turn) until she runs out of Glamour; her scream also ignores any Durability score lower than 2, and shatters glass instantly. Uttervoices find this power difficult to control, though — any time the Uttervoice makes a Presence roll using or affecting a supernatural phenomenon, her power accidentally activates if she benefits from the 8-again rule.


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