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The houses of blood are, as one might expect, not a generally kind group. The vampires view mortal humans as a resource to be controlled and maintained, not worthy even of consideration for equality. They view other supernaturals only slightly more favorably. If you knew nothing else about them, you might find it odd that the vampires of the houses of blood frequently take on multiple human mates.

This is no affection and certainly no kindness.

The houses of blood breed mortal humans to produce strong, if sterile, hybrids which they use as shock trooops in the conflicts both among each other and with other powers. They refer to these hybrids as мусор and frequently use them with no regard for their lives or suffering. They are never allowed any sort of identity beyond their service to the house and for all intents and purposes are treated more like trained animals than offspring.

Officially the practice has been condemned by the Council of Magi, but that condemnation carries little weight when no further action is forthcoming on the matter. And so the houses continue their actions with no regard to the lives they create and destroy.

Like their human parents the blooded are mortal, though they are stronger and more durable than other mortals. They suffer no ill effects from sunlight or other typical weaknesses of their vampiric progenitors and do not require blood to survive though they can metabolize it for sustenence. They are thought to be more resistant to disease and poisons than humans as well, but virtually no study has been done to determine if this is true. They are also born with an innate weakness to the effects of vampiric mentalism, a trait which was engineered by the houses to ensure a compliant force.

Individuals do escape their lives of servitude, but these are few and between the trouble that pursues them and their inability to reproduce it is no surprise that they have been unable to build any sizable numbers in resistance. They do have advocates among the other supernatural communities, but most either actively ignore what happens behind the houses' closed doors or are genuinely ignorant of the blooded's plight. In both cases, liberation is unlikely at best.

Cover image: by Pexels


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