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The Holy Order of St. Raguel

Alaternately described as dangerous, violent madmen or devout Catholics in search of a more divine world, the faithful of the Holy Order of St. Raguel, or Raguellans for short, are a tiny but impactful organization of mortal humans. They are dedicated to the belief that God has granted dominion over all creation to the children of Adam and so no supernatural beings have any just claim on this world or even a valid right to exist. In simple terms, they are human supremacists who hunt and exterminate any supernatural beings they encounter. While they have worked hard to have stories paint them as the heroes fighting back against a tide of wicked and unnatural beings in truth things are nowhere near so clear cut.

There are dangerous beings in the supernatural world, beings which prey upon mortal humans. There are also many more supernatural beings who simply wish to live their lives in peace with no designs involving humanity of any sort, much less predatory and dominating ones. The Raguellans do not see a distinction.

Many attribute this us agianst them mentality to tragic events in the Raguellans' individual pasts, but this only accounts for some of the members, frequently those who go by terms like knight or crusader. The leaders of the Raguellans, the Bishop Ciattini and the dozen or so who report directly to him, see this as a struggle for power between the church and inhuman powers which should be brought to heel.

Officially the church does not recognize the Holy Order of St. Raguel and the average mortal human wouldn't even recognize the name, but among supernatural circles the Raguellans the treated alternately as the more immediate threat posed by humans and a boogeyman to be mocked and ignored. Which will be right remains to be seen.
Religious, Holy Order

Cover image: by Pexels


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