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Warding Charms

Mortals have bits of dessicated marshmallow dispersed among packing peanut-esque breakfast cereal shilled by a cartoon lepruchaun and small bracelets bursting with inane trinkets, but true lucky charms are something far more powerful. Originating from faerie, a true charm is worn as a piece of jewelry and is imbued with protective magic that shields the one for whom it was made or to whom it was gifted. They are always unique to the creator and cannot be made for oneself, but only to be gifted to others whom you truly wish to protect.

The charms are more durable than their composition would imply, but can be destroyed if the force applied against them overwhelms their ability to protect. The strength of the charm is partially determined by the materials used, partially by the magical strength of the fey crafting it, and partially by the strength of the creator's desire to protect the intended recipient. That last bit is perhaps the most important as charms crafted with a deep need to protect can be incredibly powerful.

Such charms are rarely made and when they become heirlooms of tremendous import, for while a charm must be made with a specific individual in mind they can be passed on from the recipient to a new holder without diminishing their strength or effectiveness. Many of the most powerful beings have sought to obtain such a charm, but the need for them to be gifted and not stolen often makes such designs impossible.

Of course, charms with simple protective wardings can be purchased from fey crafters for a reasonable fee, but these are typically simple and either very weak or dependent upon the magical force of the wearer for thier power. Despite this, the trade is fairly widespread and simple charms protecting against minor injury or misfortune are commonplace within the supernatural community.

Some wizards have crafted similar magical devices intended to be used for protection, but without the fey nature such charms are dependent on a wizard's magic and can only be effectively used by another wizard familiar with the device, either through shared knowledge or analysis of it. These are not referred to as charms, but rather by a myriad of wizardly terms, such as protective amulet or spell-warded jacket.
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Cover image: by Pexels


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