
Agorians are short, spacesuit-bound aliens known for their innate ability to adapt to situations and threats, making them great survivors and fighters against the odds. Agorians have a deeply ingrained community spirit in their culture, meaning they usually excel at working in and leading teams. However, they cannot survive outside of the unique climate of their homeplanet, which was caused by the Mist. Ever since the Mist’s dispersion, they require climate suits or expensive specialised chambers to survive. Agorians are naturally quite short and not well-built, meaning they rarely excel in physical strength or endurance.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

The Agorian’s exact appearance and biology is not common knowledge, apart from they are naturally short; growing to no more than 4 feet. However, Agorians themselves will know that they come in a variety of shapes and colours, usually muted pastel-like colours of the rainbow such as orange, green, or blue. They can also have a varied amount of eyes, usually either one, two, or three. The sporadity of their appearance is thought to be due to the volatile nature of the Mist and the effect it had on life on their planet. This however also led to a reliance on the properties of the Mist for survival.   The Agorian’s suits come in a massive variety of styles, colours, and purposes. They can be specialised for pilots, engineers, or even soldiers. The base features of all though are strong visors that are transparent from at least the inside out, usually with HUDs that interface with any attached technology such as rocket boots or scanners, and an emergency venting system that allows them to release a burst of Mist energy, depleting their stores but warding off species that might find the gas toxious.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Agorian culture holds a heavy emphasis on community, maintaining that the needs of society overshadow the needs of the individual. They work strongly to benefit all, helping the weaker to elevate them to the level of others, providing for all they can. This keeps them prosperous, friendly, and communal in most parts of life. There do come circumstances where an individual is left behind or disregarded because of an impact it may have on multiple others, which shines a light to some on the non-perfect nature of these ideals. Since becoming nomads and living upon large colony ships, their communal nature has only grown, as they are constantly in close proximity and allyship.   Agorians who break a severe law, or who make the choice to, can become exiled from the community. They become marked with the suffixed title “the Lesser” and are looked down upon by the core groups of the race. These Agorians are more likely to explore the galaxy alone, become traders or adventurers, or settle in Concord space and try to start families with other exiles. Whilst some non-exiled Agorian communities have begun to consider settling on planets, they often await the perfect criteria before making the move, meaning there are very few.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Agorians uniquely work with the latent Mist energy found in asteroids and pockets of gas around the galaxy, using it to fuel their technology for unique effect.


Created from the climate of the Mist interacting with the planet Agoras, the Agorians were a quickly evolving and flourishing species that harnessed the energy that created it to create a close-knit society with a tendency to passificism. It was able to develop such a relatively peaceful culture due to its lack of rival species and shared reverence of the Mist. However, scientists soon began to notice the Mist was dissipating and that their species would not survive the climate returning to what it was before. In such a time of need they banded together and developed climate suits for everyone they could, whilst stockpiling what they could of the Mist. Once it dissipated they largely survived, but were left on a barren planet without anymore Mist energy to keep them going.   Communally they made the move to build giant colony ships, housing nearly everyone and sending them through space to search for more remnants of the Mist to keep their suits and chambers fuelled. They find success in asteroids and pockets of space gas, harvesting them in mining expeditions sent out from the main fleet. Some of these miners went rogue and began selling to the other species they made contact with in the galaxy, and so Mist-derived energy made its way into the Concord market. This allowed exiled and adventuring Agorians to purchase their own supplies to keep their suits fuelled and continue their adventures. In 2797, Concord officially sent an open call to all species of the galaxy, offering them citizenship in their territory. The Agorian communities accepted, making them a member species of Concord with an agreement that they be allowed to mine any Mist energy they discovered in space as long as it did not disturb surrounding planetary atmospheres.
Scientific Name
Caligo Agori