
Before the Extinction there was a species of beings that were made purely of Arcane energy known as Arcanus, the vast majority of which were wiped out by the Rift's deadly invasion. The few who survived managed to do so only because they had contained themselves within synthetic bodies, mainly simple robotic ones like the early models of Synthetics. However, as technology progressed many decided to upgrade their body in time, enabling them to inhabit the 'organic synthetic' forms that make them near-Human.    Because they are beings of Arcane energy, these synthetics can use Glow magic, however slight modifications need to be made to their bodies to allow the channeling of it; which most have done upon creation.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Arcanus bear no conventional forenames or surnames. Instead their names resemble titles related to their assigned purpose or ability. Well known examples are The Artificer and The Pathfinder.


Courtship Ideals

The creation of new Arcanus is a complicated and lengthy endeavor. Both 'parents' must come together and focus their energy on the creation of a new being between them. This can take many months of concentrated and draining focus. If a child does not get enough energy during their creation, they may be weaker than the average Arcanus. This also means if a child loses a parent during their creation, it can have devastating effects on their health and ability.