The Helix Virus, as it was dubbed, spread into whatever other computer software and hardware that the machines made contact with, which consequently increased their numbers. By 2565 the virus grew sentient and recognised the residents of the galaxy as threats to its existence, and thus a war waged across the stars.

The Conflict


In 2563, Daniel Almis was killed by the Inquisitional Reich faction leader, Mordeci. Daniel’s death triggered the Almisfall protocol at Helix studios, which was a robotics company owned by him. The Almisfall protocol was a fail safe measure put in place upon the event of Dan’s passing. However something went wrong, presumably a malfunction, which caused the robotic hardware to activate and rapidly begin expansion of its territory that it established on a distant planet.

The Engagement

Two years later, the Nypherian and Reich empires were assimilated or destroyed. The Nypherians had gathered what remained of their numbers and vacated the galaxy forever. Helix then had multiple conflicts with the GSU, after which the Serpentum Imperium joined the effort.   A council meeting was held where the galaxy’s remaining factions agreed upon a truce to end the threat. The Imperium spearheaded the campaign, as their territory was the most threatened by the virus. After a number of operations, the Imperium created a team of specialised operatives who would be sent on a mission to the core of Helix and destroy its central mind. They would be known as the Bane Battalion.   The Imperium also traveled to Haven and made a deal with the planet’s AI construct. In the final battle on the planet known as Helix Prime, Union and Imperium forces, along with the aid of some smaller factions as well as the Tsukam’akai and Custodian’s sentinels, waged a final and brutal battle against Helix.   While the battle raged on, the Bane Battalion infiltrated Helix’s central command, and fought their way into the core. There, the Praetorian GEN 2 soldier Marcus Turner and a fragment of the Custodian encountered a personification of the Helix virus.   Despite having the technological upper hand, the avatar was momentarily distracted by the Haven sentinels’ destroying key command outposts. Marcus tackled the avatar to the floor and smashed her head open, allowing the Custodian to directly interface with her mind and deploy a brute force attack, which destroyed the Helix Virus once and for all.


In the aftermath, all forms of Helix hardware deactivated. The galaxy began to rebuild shortly thereafter.
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