Magic Training

Arcane Magic

Providing someone meets the biological requirements for harnessing The Glow, they can begin the process of earning the ability to do so. Most citizens of the galaxy see magic as nothing more than the energy which powers their technology, and so very few pursue training and education beyond basic sciences or even competitive sports (such as telekinesis-enabled football).   However, the few with a specific interest, as well as the status or funding for their education, must then learn from a proficient user to do anything more than basic telekinesis or party tricks. CONCORD invests a small amount in educating supernaturals, but mainly focuses on avoiding troublesome uses of their powers. Some proficient users get the chance to train for the Knights, a group of specialised supernaturals assisting CONCORD peacekeepers and investigators. Planets like Nightblood and Lucian are much more open about promoting the powers of supernaturals. More people gain education in a school of magic or ability and their use in the military and police is wider in scope.  

Rift Magic




Meta Magic