Meta Magic

Meta Magic is the genetic ability to perform supernatural effects or enhancements without drawing upon the Glow. Mysteriously, Cosmic energy can appear in the genes of any species, granting them a unique power that they can use at-will, many examples of which are far-reaching and more varied in possibility than Glow Magic. Each person usually only gets one or two powers though, for example a Meta-Human might be born with the ability to control lightning, or two Vampire twins might naturally be able to each control an opposing element, eg. Fire and Ice. Meta genes tend to stick in the family, while an offspring will probably not get the same ability, they will likely get an ability nonetheless.


Meta-Magic is the most diverse type of magic, known to enable an almost unlimited amount of supernatural abilities and effects. The most common include Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Speed, Control of an Element, Shapeshifting, Invisibility, Telepathy, Telekinesis, or Technomancy.