Osiris Station

Shortly after the loss of Orion Station, and the subsequent Cataclysm in 2571 removing any chances of its retrieval, a surviving group of mercenaries and criminals discovered Osiris, an asteroid floating freely in space. Among the survivors was a surviving owner of Orion - the once enigmatic Master Halden Cathal - who provided the resources and technology to hollow out the asteroid's interior into their new home.   Today, Osiris is a well established station in its own right and a true successor to Orion. It's new ruler, Wren Cathal, is the primary overseer of the station. A mostly enigmatic board of benefactors act as his personal aids and major decisions regarding the station are reached during planned meetings.  


Osiris is a large disc-shaped station with a protruding spire from its top and a stalk stretching out underneath it. The station is constantly rotating like a spinning top. Built into this stalk are a few hundred hangar bays within which ships of different sizes can dock. From here, an elevator can take one up to the central body. The central body is located within the disc and the interior consists of a vast flat plain of metallic flooring and an far overhead dome-like ceiling, sealed against the vacuum of space. Filling in this place is a bustling marketplace consisting of buildings and stalls of different sizes, all of which surround a central spire. The spire itself extends out of the top of the disc and is reserved for the station's benefactors and rulers.   Osiris Station also supports a layer of energy shielding which protect its body from damage. For offence, several anti-ship and anti-craft weapon systems are located throughout the station's body. Pulse defence lasers, anti-ship torpedoes and railguns provide the perfect defence against potential assailants. Located at the very top of the protruding spire is a single, powerful, photon beam cannon which takes a few seconds to charge up but inflicts devastating damage even against larger and more powerful warships.    

Acquiring and Verifying the Completion of Contracts

To receive a contract, one must meet with an Arbiter. These individuals are found in the Outhouses surrounding the Abode (central spire). An Arbiter is an individual typically dressed in concealing robes, with at least one sat at each of the many tables located in an Outhouse. With the Arbiter, the details of the contract are discussed, after which a puck is handed to the hunter. This device projects a holographic image of the target as well as the information needed for them to complete their task.   Once the contract is completed, the hunter must bring the evidence back to the Arbiter for verification and payment. The exact type of evidence varies depending on the contractor, and can range from blood samples to a decapitated head.   On occasion, the Abode itself will send a message out to all hunters of the guild to inform them of a high-risk-high-reward contract that any member may embark upon should they choose. This often results in multiple hunters competing for the same prize at once, causing a very chaotic conflict as each races against the other to complete the objective and bring back the evidence.    

Guild Rules

Any attempts to attack and/or assassinate executive members of the guild will result in the immediate termination of the individual.   Members are also not permitted to fight and kill others within the station. Doing so will result in the termination of all those involved.   Disclosing the location of the station to any entity which would threaten its existence is strictly prohibited.   Inquiring for more information about the contract than what has been divulged is also prohibited.
Space Station