Outreach Government

Outreach was the last non-Terra planet to retain a stratocratic government after the dissolution of the Terran Empire. In recent years however, this has changed, and governmental power has formally been handed over to a democratic civilian government. Although this isn’t necessarily the same as what you would see on, for example, Chorus II. Many current civilian government officials are former military personnel who opted to make the transition over to politics in order to retain some semblance of power. Furthermore, the ties between democratically elected officials and military officers are still very close, to the extent that the latter often have a hand in influencing the former in terms of policy.   The results of this are seen on the community level on Outreach. While not as extreme as Terra, the presence of heavy surveillance is part of the average civilian’s life, and police are afforded a lot of power and freedom to exercise the law. Although unlike Terra’s TPF, the police are not to act as on-the-spot judge, jury and executioners, merely upholders of the law who follow protocol depending on the situation presented.   The lingering effects of the Terran Empire and the residual stratocracy which has faded only recently has also resulted in military service being seen as a very popular occupation among Outreach’s residents.