Purge Magic

The long-lost magic of the Wardens of Oblivion, Purge Magic manifests as a pure white smoke-like energy and holds the power to cleanse any creature of its corruption; whether it be an entity possessing them, a dark magic taking hold of them, or even an emotional turmoil gripping them. It is deadly to creatures of pure evil or undeath.


Exposure to Purge energy violently attacks any entity, thought, or energy it deems evil within the contact. This mainly happens to be Devils, Demons, Undead, Rift-wielders, and Necromancers. What exactly defines these as evils is unknown.

Side/Secondary Effects

Casters of Purge Magic or wielders of Purge-enchanted items must be clear of corruption to use it effectively. Powerful items such as Blightslayer purge the corruption within the wielder upon contact.


A white mist or smoke, sometimes a white flame. It creates a fluxuation of cold and warm temperature in the air and a sense of disgust and great unease for evil beings near it.


It is unknown what Purge Magic uses as a source.
Applied Restriction
  • A Rare Magic
  • Extremely Hard to Wield
  • Deadly to Evil Beings