The Convergence

The Convergence was the first of three Great Cosmic Events of the Galaxy in which Nozdormu the Starforger, a crazed Celestial dragon, pulled numerous realms into the milky way galaxy giving them planetary forms; then began pulling every planet into the center of the galaxy to be devoured.

The Conflict


Five years after the events of Haven, the UEG had been rebuilding what they had lost in previous conflicts when an energy surge caused new planets to suddenly appear all over the galaxy. Investigations into this phenomenon revealed that the galaxy was somehow, slowly and gradually, being torn apart as its star systems and galactic arms began to stretch away from its center.   Meanwhile, Kittiana and Daniel Almis managed to escape trial on Oblivion and after meeting with Gavin, briefly fought their daughter; Jaya Almis in her phoenix form, who killed Dan. Both Kitty and Gavin followed her to a fractured realm where they learnt that she regained her senses and revealed that she was being controlled by an entity called the Starforger.   After retrieving an artefact called the Blightslayer, Jaya teleported the three of them into a UEG boardroom on Earth, where she enacted Initiative Zero: a measure that enabled a small group of supernaturals to work alongside the forces of the UEG to fight for the greater good.   Soon after, a UDF fleet led by Captain Dumont arrived over the planet Seraph IV. Kittiana and Gavin were both joined by Sebastian as they made landfall and eliminated rebel forces there, effectively securing the planet.   After this, Gavin and Jaya traveled to a discrete location on Earth where they met an Arcanus known as the Artificer to inquire about the location of a key which would open a secret gate on the planet Kiltorna. The gate would lead them to the heart of the galaxy, where the source of the activity - referred to as the Convergence - was taking place


The Artificer revealed that unlocking the gate would require a minion of the Starforger, one of whom the UDF had managed to capture who turned out to be a corrupted Elijah Almis. Soon after, Dumont led the UDF fleet to Kiltorna and dispatched Kitty, Gavin, Jaya and Sebastian to the surface. Xytan also appeared with his own ship, joining the battle to help the UDF. They fought the Starforger’s army on the desert surface and managed to gain hold of the hidden gate, which the Artificer unlocked using a spell-bound Elijah.


Jaya, Kitty, Gavin, Sebastian, Xytan, and The Artificer with Eli found themselves on a rock platform surrounded by a purple nebula, face to face with the monstrously sized Starforger. They had discovered the Starforger's Seat.

The Engagement

During the intense battle, the Starforger’s exterior appearance chipped away to reveal who he truly was: the Celestial of Time; Nozdormu who claimed to have been betrayed by the Celestials and as retaliation, he’d tear the galaxy apart. As if by chance, portals opened to reveal the arrivals of undead dragon that was Daniel Almis, his brother Ven Almis and their sister Bethany Almis. Elijah Almis, finally deciding to stand alongside his siblings, conjured up whatever power remained and all four siblings attacked their father, Nozdormu, at full force alongside the others.   In the aftermath, all that remained was Nozdormu’s corpse floating in the empty void of space. While Xytan retreated with his ship, the rest went to Earth where the crowds rejoiced at their victory. It was here that Jaya established the Knights Initiative.


The Starforger was defeated and the Convergence was halted, stopping any further planets from being drawn into the center of the galaxy.


With so many new planets in the galaxy from different realms and universes, the Convergence had sparked mass hysteria and confusion throughout the galaxy. New factions scrambled together, refugees had to flee to strange foreign worlds, and threat from some of the dangerous new planets plotted their next move.

Historical Significance


The Starforger has gone down in history as one of the biggest threats the galaxy has ever faced, with the final battle being the biggest co-operation of the old Heroes known to happen.
Conflict Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
The Heroes of Old defeated the Starforger