
"Ours is an illustrious and shattered people"- Common Varanus proverb
  Long living and far from home, the Varanus are extra-galactic species of stoic Draconian reptilians from the Andromeda Galaxy. Fate has not been kind to this race of honour-bound warriors and scholars having been driven close to extinction and witnessing their society collapse twice over in the last few centuries only to return to the galactic stage, wiser, stronger and more wary of the dangers that surround them.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

The Varanus possess generally athletic and often lean bodies due to their high metabolism and a protein-fibre rich diet. On average both genders can be found as tall as 7 feet with females often just below 6.5 feet. Coated in hard keratin scales that overlap in a snake-scale pattern to protect the softer skin from cuts, larger scales overlap wider parts of the body {like the back} and is more suited to cover these areas from physical stress. The head, feet, arm joints and tail however is covered by smaller more flexible scales while the scales at the base of the neck and down to the lower abdomen are much softer to allow them to sleep on their bellies comfortably. Besides absorbing humidity from the air to allow longer periods of activity without hydration their scales also have the capability of absorbing large amounts of UV radiation to convert into vitamin D which in turn fortifies scale and bone health. The scales are shed every life cycle and is considered the primary means to determine passing unto a new life cycle.   Varanus scales come in a variety of colours from various chromatic hues to natural greens, blacks and more rarely some that take the hue of metals such as copper and bronze. The rarest and only case of golden hued scales was that the Saggess family who likened their scale colour as a sign of divinity. Albinoism is extremely rare with bone white scaled Varanus often seen as an omen that can be interpreted as either good or bad depending on the time of their birth, with those in the day seen as good while those at night seen as a bad omen. Nightborn albinos are often outcasts in their own family unit but are respected among the military and political elite due to the former palace guard once consisting of albinos in their past. Melanism nearly as rare with those born of pitch black scales all across being considered touched by the death god Kumaktole and thus are sent to the temples to become agents of Kumaktole and it's priests.   Similar to most bipedal species the draconians have two arms that end in clawed hands with opposable thumbs which allows use of tools. Their digitigrade posture makes them surprisingly quiet on their feet despite their size. They sport two horns growing at a 45 degree angle from the base of the skull which determine gender as females have curved horns whilst males lack the curvature. Because of the sexual organs being hidden under a coat of scales, the horns are the primary visual means to spot different sexes.   The Varanus are mesocarnivores relying on meat for the bulk of their dietary needs especially when wounded or regenerating. Their immune system is also quite stellar with disease rarely taking hold throughout their life cycles. While there are few that affect this species the danger is always present leading to routine inoculation every few generations against some diseases (such as scale rot) from taking hold.   Their long lifespans are due to deaccelerated aging considered by scientists to be partly from their cellular regeneration and their distant draconic heritage. Age is broken into two categories. Annual age and the Life cycle. Annual age is basically just a yearly count from birth while the life cycle is divided into specific groups after shedding which occurs usually around a number of years.

Growth Rate & Stages

Life Cycles:   Hatchling: (0-2 years): Often dependent and unwilling to abandon parents.   Hornling: (3-15): When horns begin to grow alongside a natural curiosity for the world. Formal Education starts at this age.   Youngblood: (16-95)   Arnhorn: (96-400)   Vohorn: (401-600)   Oldblood: (600-750): Often respected for the experiences they possess and tend to be seen as leaders.   Elder: (750+): They are vital to upholding the oral traditions of their generation and often lead at the head of most Varanus-centric organizations

Additional Information

Social Structure

Varanus clans or "J'sar" are tightly-knit family units that can comprise of as many as 36 members, however given the generation gap between members in addition to their stations and education often forcing them away from their clan at any given time it's rare for a entire Varanus clan to be together in one place with some never even seeing their relatives, knowing them only from loose correspondence and tales told to them by their elders and siblings. When two members of the same clan meet (often by discovering each other through their clan name) it's customary for the two members to share a meal and practice their specific clan rituals in an attempt to bond.    Hatchlings when capable of independence from their parents begin their formal education, first through an elder teaching them at their home for the first few years to lay the foundations of general knowledge in the presence of a family member for comfort gradually reducing the presence of the family member until the hatchling is comfortable with attending a formal school and returning home for the first couple of years before being fully enrolled in a boarding school where the hatchling will remain until their basic education is completed. More advanced education follows a similar trends with students being enrolled in a boarding school among a group of other students who become their Su'jar or "study family" forming tight bonds that often last beyond their time in education.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The Varanus do not have gendered names however they do share a naming structure similar to the one used by the Roman Republic on Earth, in which each Varanus have a Birth name (First/personal name), a Clan name and a honorific nickname that is often granted once they attain citizenship which would be the name they are often referred to by the state and when engaging in politics. Family units often refer to one another based on their position in the age hierarchy, with rank, name and clan for example the Elder of the Imar clan would be referred to as 'Shuk' (Elder) Raxus Imar, the first born as 'Ista' Karsus Imar (First), the second born as 'Dusa' Istusk Imar (second) and so forth

Beauty Ideals

Varanus standards of beauty lie in physical outliers such as one's form. Females are often sought out for the shape, health and colour of their horns ,the thickness of their tails and the stockiness of their build while males are often sought out for the height, scale smoothness, colour and general posture, while other forms of attractiveness also exist the way in which interest is shown is also important.

Gender Ideals

The Varanus make no distinction between the sexes in expected roles, the only expectation is that a male Varanus and female Varanus would pair and provide young which both parents are expected to raise until their formal education begins. Outside this obligation of procreation the Varanus rarely live active sexual lives and most mate with a single partner for life. An Varanus couple may often sire three generations of children as female Varanus have very specific ovulation periods starting from the ages of their 20's, 240's and 400's with fertility after that requiring treatment and medical assistance to produce eggs.

Courtship Ideals

When one partner has interest in another it's often shown through specific courtship rituals often initiating interest through body movements and dance upon which if returned will lead to the initiating partner to display themselves in private to the interested partner. For example a war-scarred male might show off their scars and body to a interested female and should the female accept then she would embrace her new partner and the two bond. Often the presenter makes themselves very vulnerable to the judgement of their potential partner and when rejected the courtship is expected to never be brought up again only making it known to their peers that their interests diverged.

Common Etiquette Rules

The Varanus are a refined and respectful species, and gestures of respect when engaging in conversation or to acknowledge others is second nature to them, among the more common gestures is the bowing of the head which in most contexts is a sign of respect and acknowledgement of peers and strangers. Another gesture is that of placing your right hand in a fist against your heart which is the equivalent of a military salute that also serves for a civilian means of recognition, it's considered rude however if non-citizens (those without sashes) and those who have not done some state service to do this act in the presence of one that did. The now extinct winged elite had a convoluted system of gestures with hidden meanings that are now lost to all but the most astute diplomats who in their studies learn some of these gestures to use among their own to send hidden messages and meanings without uttering a single word.

Common Dress Code

Clothing is not worn typically in the privacy of ones dwelling but in most situations Varanus clothing serves a practical role of identification and status, one can determine the role of a Varanus through the clothing they frequently cover themselves with, from the symbolic robes of the clergy and the medical staff to more practical work dress of the engineers and civil service units. Fashion trends hardly change among the venerable Varanus with the clothing styles changing ever slightly with advancements in technology and the integration of new cultures into the wider society. The clothing styles of the Varanus to a human would resemble that of the Ancient world, with most civilians clad in loose fitting robes and toga-like garments when they are not wearing more functional occupational clothing, bands and jewellery is popular among the use of both genders, with females preferring to hang their jewels on their horns while males wear them on their person. One item of jewellry however is a clan gem which is a specific gem inscribed in writing with the clan sigil and name given to a member upon their graduation, this item is one of the few binding personal items to remind the individual of their family and often is used as a identifier between distant kin. Very few Varanus ever sell this gem not just because of the sentimental value but because of the dishonour it would bring upon them should the family discover what they did.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Varanus society places value in elder wisdom, the virtue of one's character and loyalty towards causes greater to one's own. It is a collectivist society rooted deeply in family and clan ties and one's role in society. Age has status with elders forming the heads of most clans and occupations throughout society, very rarely do the younger members hold similar status and often if they do it's because of their individual achievements having enriched the society or because of unique circumstances that in turn hold unique perspectives. Accountability and responsibility forms a vital part in their hierarchal society to them, there is trust in leaders and those of authority to do what is expected and to acknowledge failures. Often when such public figures fail they are replaced by those with the merits to uphold their position while the former is given the opportunity to learn from mistakes and gain the wisdom to be greater when they are inevitably returned to prominence.   These virtues form a solid foundation for a strong and responsible state whose role it is to enshrine the Varanus and their values in the practices of a wider interstellar civilization, despite being authoritarian in structure and working from a collectivist ideal, the Varanus have enshrined the individual right to speak and address to the authorities on topics ranging from mundane to political without fear of reprisal if it contradicts or besmirches the leadership and elders. However one is not born with this right and cannot be seen as a individual voice among millions unless they themselves have sacrificed time in service to the wider community, either through civil or military service. Those that have done some form of service are held to higher regard in society being seen as more responsible, loyal and competent and can differentiate themselves by wearing a sash in the colours of what service they did, red for the military, deep blue for the Starfleet, grey with golden inlayed patterns for civil state service and purple with golden inlayed patterns for religious services. Often those with this right form the leadership between social classes and clans representing the interests of their families and communities in the respective civil councils of those communities. Those without the right are expected to express their concerns through those that have and lack the authority and respect and power to have their voice heard by the wider society.   Varanus are for the most part extremely stoic as a species, to most outsiders they even seem cold or indifferent to sorrow and hardship but also during times of joy and affection, unlike most species the Varanus are very introverted in their expression of emotion often internalizing their thoughts, focusing on the objective present and venting frustration and sadness in the private or among their most trusted and close kin. Outward public expressions are often seen as weakness and damaging to the social order however this stigma has softened with the 1st Legion's exile on Drakenhelm, many grieved on the loss of their families, kin and empire in days of mourning out in the public, so while the stigma still lingers it's become more understandable for the rare outburst and loss of composure even in the public eye. Some Varanus make steadfast friends with the more expressive and extroverted humans often to explore the more expressive aspect of their being despite the awkwardness it often provides.   Despite their stoic nature they are also a emotional species in non-verbal expression, particularly the arts and writing. In the past it was reserved only for those with noble patrons and natural skill but the exile on Drakenhelm ignited a cultural rebirth in expression as many grieving soldiers began to immortalize the memory of their families or to indirectly vent their frustrations and sorrow in elaborate paintings, sculptures, poetry and the creation of trinkets to be worn or sacrificed in memory of the fallen. The arts is respected in Varanus culture and often every Varanus in their lifetime would partake in some form of self-expression through the arts to immortalize their experiences and thoughts.   Until the introduction of industrial farming and genetically modified crops, most Varanus would spend half their time producing and eating food, while the labour intensity has gradually reduced and the nutrient value of their foods increased, the cultural elements remained behind. The Varanus have among the galaxies most vibrant food cultures and the consumption of food is present in many cultural practices from the tables of clan homes to the halls of the government authority. The occupation of chefs and farmers are as respected as that of civil servants, soldiers and leaders. From staple foods of clans lost to time, the comfort foods and flavours of the various planets the Varanus reside on to 'twists' on foreign recipes utilizing Varanus foods and imitating the foods of alien cultures at home and beyond the stars. It's customary for clans to provide meals for visiting guests just as it is for political officials to start the days of debate and meetings with a light meal alongside their peers, allies and political rivals. Every Varanus is expected to be able to cook a decent meal just in case they have to present one, most only know a single recipe but the gesture of making that meal to the best of their ability and then it being enjoyed by others is a great gesture of respect. Poorly prepared meals as a result is seen as dishonour to the both the one who made it and those who consumed it.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Varanus value a concept of honour rooted in personal integrity, being reserved and being dutiful in one's actions and with one's clan kin. One's character is held in high regard based on expected virtues, soldiers have to be brave, leaders responsible and scholars considerate. Often one has to channel and mimic the characteristic values of their clan elder of which many would be compared to. It's expected that the youth must honour the achievements and values of their clan and those that fall short are often shamed based on how close the generation is to it's sire, the firstborn are often the most pressured to conform to the expectations of the clan. One aspect of note is that the Varanus are nearly always true to their word, regardless of how it may impact the one that gave the promise, rarely would a Varanus turn on their word or 'stab another in the back', the few who do are often shunned by society if not punished outright with severity ranging from temporary incarceration, stripping their citizenry rights to exile and execution. Even among the crooked of this society the value of one's word is kept held high. Another aspect of honour is the clan, religious and military traditions and rituals that honour those from before, nearly every occupation has their own small traditions from the military soldiers honouring the dead of their unit by eating a small part of their ashes to 'carry the soul of the fallen with them.'   Altruism is a important value in Varanus society and one that is celebrated in their cultural works and writings, by helping their fellow kin they are in turn strengthening their community without expectation of reward or self-benefit, families often help one another during hardships, sharing food during famines or providing shelter to those travelling. This element forms the basis of the concept that those who are strong must do what they can to help those that are weak and do what is possible to uplift and protect them. Varanus altruism is one of the elements helped the race endure great hardships in the last few centuries and has imbued a great sense of trust and loyalty among communities and clans that shared those hardships some willing to die for what they consider blood kin.

Common Taboos

There exists a generational divide between the majority of war-weary elders who have grown more interested in maintaining strict security and isolation from outside affairs to keep the species safe, and the more optimistic youth who in the last 200 years have grown outside of the constant conflict the elders have grown accustomed with. The Varanus as a result is stuck between ideas of remaining elusive and isolated or to embrace cooperation with outsiders. This divide remains largely ideological and theoretical among the citizen speakers who would enter debates around subjects leaning in on one of these stances. The wider society under the Keeper however has leaned more into the optimistic future of cooperation, shedding the fanatic militarism of the last 200 years much the dismay of some of the elders who would routinely remind the new generation of the dangers of becoming lax.   Among most Varanus especially the elders is belligerence towards sentient artificial intelligence, what little form of AI exists in their society is deeply limited and utilized for the assistance of organic operation particularly in the forms of communication, administration and complex math-driven operations such as the docking of a ship in a high traffic zone. Artificial intelligence in the eyes of these draconians is not a substitute for life, simply a tool for real organic species to utilize. The Varanus are among the most active in the curtailing of synthetics becoming normalized in the galaxy, with synthetics and foreign artificial intelligences being banned from Varanus governed planets, the few given exceptions tend to be on diplomatic missions or activities that lie in the interests of the wider state. Most young hatchlings are told stories by their elders of the cold uncaring terror of the Helix AI and it's actions that led to the near destruction of the empire and the extinction of the Varanus species, in conjunction with the religious organisations there is a movement that places exceptional value in organic life over that of produced machines so that even if synthetic life is granted residency, it would always be seen as a lesser and malicious element compared to the Varanus, humans and other resident species of the galaxy. It is frowned upon to work alongside Sentient machines and considered heresy against the species to merge with such technologies regardless of the circumstances or benefits.


The past of this species is shrouded in mystery even amongst themselves, much of their ancient past was erased by Varn the Conqueror who sought to unite all the myriad of tribes and city into a single identity around his rule evident in the species being named after him and the original name of their kind lost to the ages. The loose fragments of history the elders can recall of their time in Andromeda speaks of a great stellar civilization that could harness the power of the stars, one that caught the jealous eyes of neighbouring powers leading to an interstellar war that lasted generations. It was in this war that their civilization was brought to ruin and it was in this war that the Imperium was born, led by the Golden Scaled Sagess, the first and possibly last Emperor since Varn who united the shattered colonies under a single banner and pacified the many threats to Varanus space. Weakened but undeterred the Varanus weaponized the stars against their foes and was able to overcome the largest of the enemy powers leading to a brief era of galactic peace. Unfortunately, ruin would befall them again, plague would spread across the galaxy and even the very stars themselves seemed to dim, the emperor in a vision foresaw the future of the species not in Andromeda but in a nearby galaxy later to be known as the Milky Way.   Desperate to avoid ill portents, the Varanus constructed a colossal ship they would call the World Ship and utilizing experimental FTL drives and wormhole technology they would flee the Andromeda galaxy for a bright future in the Milky Way. Unfortunately, the Convergence interfered with the vessel causing it to collide with a planet, destroying much of the vessel and causing a complete climate shift on the world. For the next few centuries, the Varanus would lick their wounds, slowly rebuilding their civilization and taming their new world. Until their FTL capabilities was restored they would rely on luring curious space travellers to their world, capturing them to learn what they can of the inhabitants of this galaxy, from deciphering common language and taking apart ships to study their parts. Their first public steps into the galactic community on October 2564 was one of careful observation, making note of neighbours and retaining an isolated position in the far reaches of the Northern galaxy. As they expanded however it became clear that the neighbouring factions were volatile from an alliance of Elves and Dwarves opposed to bands of insectoid space pirates and cybernetically enhanced humanoids, the Varanus would secure themselves as a neutral power caught between the tensions of these civilizations. They would make contact with a human-inhabited planet called Farnin and through covert operations to assist dissidents against a police state establish the planet as the first human colony of the Imperium which became a trade hub for Northerners wishing to acquire exotic Varanus goods.   The internal politics of the Varanus steered the species into another bout of isolationism engaging with the outside galaxy only through trade on Farnin, they would establish cordial relations with another human force called the Inquisitorial Reich that aided them in dealing with a rogue weapon and maintain a friendly but distant relationship with the other northern powers. Their human neighbour however would spark events that would lead to ruin of the northern galaxy following the death of Daniel Almis and the beginning of the Helix War.   It happened in the span of months, as contact was lost with the other civilizations. As trade dried up with Farnin the Varanus recalled their forces and prepared for the worst. With the might of their fleet at home and their armies mobilized it seemed impossible for an opposing force to break their defence, the emperor sought answers and established an extensive network of spies to report on this unknown force and on the Almis family. It would be at the start of the new year in January 2568 that the Imperium would be shattered.   Helix, an artificial intelligence sought to remake the galaxy in the wake of its creator Daniel's death. Having broken all other powers in the North it now turned to the draconian Varanus with full fury, the home fleet once considered invincible was completely destroyed alongside the emperor’s flagship. With the emperor missing and much of the military command scattered, the remaining defenders began a desperate evacuation of the planet, soldiers would clash with Helix machines among crowds of civilians many being cut down by the crossfire. The palace would be breached and the heir to the throne slain alongside most of the nobles and palace staff. The survivors fled to the uncharted regions to secret outposts established for future colonial advances, practically becoming a species housed in a loose fleet of transport and warships. Homeless and on the run the species bided their time and gathered their forces   Without a central leader, the nobles elected among themselves the Elder Imar to act as viscount and leader alongside the Imperator of the legions. The Viscount ever prudent decided that alone the species cannot stand, and extended aid to the remaining northern powers offering supplies and shelter as they gathered all that they could of the war-torn north, then to the surprise of all the Viscount extended his pleas to the southern galaxy and the GSU. The famous Council of Restoration would see the first true alliance of the galactic powers against a hostile threat and a consolidation of the efforts made to halt the machine intelligence. It's here where the trust between the Varanus and the Humans of the GSU was established as both sides fought side by side in battles across the Northern, Central East and Southern Galaxy.   The following months would see sporadic conflicts across space and on occupied planets, the Varanus and their allies were able to wrestle back control of the Imperium's core worlds and utilized what remained of its infrastructure as a beachhead to invade other strategic systems, the fighting would stretch much of the imperial forces, Varanus legionaries undertook the bulk of the fighting for the imperial side supported by hastily trained conscripts drawn from the citizenry and often from the very civilians they would evacuate in the occupied regions. Entire generations would go to campaign only to never return, many clans would cease to exist as the fighting became increasingly costly to the Varanus. Unable to win a war of attrition the Varanus focused on key targets to limit Helix's response and even then, most operations had little foreseeable effect for the war effort leading to a drop in morale, the Viscount organized the creation of the Bane Battalion drawing the best specialized operatives the galaxy had to offer to become an elite team that would be the face of propaganda for the war-effort. Their efforts would lead to the eventual discovery of the Helix Mainframe and they would be the scalpel to the alliance's hammer needed to pave the way to attack Helix at its heart.   Before the operations were to commence, the Imperator led a diplomatic mission to the enigmatic artificial world known as Haven seeking to understand the place of the Custodian in the wider conflict and to question its neutrality, much to their surprise the Custodian would join the war effort directly as part of Bane Battalion noting that an AI of Helix's capability is best matched by another capable AI. The battle of Helix Prime (Known to the Varanus as the Battle of Singularity or the War for Ruin) would be a massive combined planetary siege, the battle itself would be noted as one of the most brutal in galactic history with some accounts remembering how dropships full of troops would land only to return to the fleet full of wounded and dying troops. The Varanus poured the best of the arsenal for this last-ditch effort employing the use of the Imperos Walker to help carve the ground forces a path directly to the fortress Helix resided in. With the fleet jamming any transfer of data from the planet and the ground army making its way to the physical mainframe of the AI there was no means for Helix to survive the encounter, yet it would reveal its own hidden arsenal in the form of weaponized cosmic energy that would destroy the Walker and much of the ground forces, luckily what remained of the Bane Battalion were able to infiltrate the fortress ahead of the army and after a brief confrontation with a physical avatar of Helix were able to end the threat the AI posed. Without the Helix to guide them all war forms of the AI shut down marking the end of the Helix War.   The war forever changed the Varanus, it shifted their culture, views on alien species and left a power vacuum within the internal political structure of the Imperium. The Viscount despite having sacrificed his wealth for the war effort remained an extremely popular figure, even beyond that of the emperor to a degree and utilized his populism to keep the aristocratic houses in check. Maintaining his emergency powers, the Viscount enacted many reforms that saw many changes to the Imperium and its structure, from the ban on slavery to the integration of humans into political positions in the civil and military authorities. Much of Helix's machines and facilities were torn down, reverse engineered and recycled for other uses while many of the former northern powers were absorbed to become either part of the Imperium directly or puppet states with varied degrees of autonomy. The 'Viscount Era' as it was known would see the greatest extent the Imperium and the Varanus would reach with a golden age of technological innovation, economic and cultural prosperity and a much active role in the diplomatic transactions of the galactic community.   Yet in the shadows of the towering spires of the Varanus and their empire was a movement of dissent, many of the former factions wished to carve their own path once more outside of the shadow of their draconian overlords and the largest of these movements were among the members of the former Reich, the return of leaders once thought dead stoked an insurgency that would strike at the heart of the Varanus power structures, aided by a cabal within the Imperial Court that sought to undermine the Viscount and force his resignation so that the noble houses could vie for the throne. The Guerrian insurgency as it became known was a shadow war waged between the secret police forces of the Viscount and the Reich-loyalists aided by Vikah conspirators, the insurgents would steal artefacts related to their cause, hijack a self-sustaining colony ship for their ends and launch an terrorist attack that would cripple the Varanus Starfleet all before leading an attack at the seat of the Imperium, eliminating the Zikah Guard during a ritual in which they were most vulnerable, assassinating the Viscount inside the throne chamber and blowing up the spire that housed the government. In one fell swoop the Insurgency brought the Varanus into a succession crisis as the houses began to consolidate power and debate among them who would take the throne.   The 1st Legion commanded by Imperator Zorbek held no loyalties to any house outside of the royal house, the close relationship between the Imperator and the Viscount was always held in contempt by the other nobles who immediately demanded the 1st Legion disband until a new emperor is crowned, the Imperator refused and mobilized his forces to hunt down the insurgency leaving the nobles to bicker over an empty chair. Without the funding provided by the houses the 1st Legion needed a revenue source to sustain their campaign, they turned to Orion station, a gathering point for Bounty Hunters across the galaxy and one of the richest stations in galactic history, in a swift attack the 1st Legion swarmed the station in a battle that saw to the surrender of the hunters, the acquisition of their funds for the legion and the capture of some vital prisoners for the Imperator. With a substantial treasury at hand the 1st Legion could now act independently from the Imperium.   A call for aid from the GSU went ignored by the Imperium but was answered by the 1st Legion who came to the aid of the Southern sector as it was beset by the Acheron Crisis, once again Varanus and Terran human stood side by side against the countless creatures that poured from the portals with a sense of order returning only after Acheron was destroyed leaving behind a dormant portal. What was supposed to be a celebration turned into a nightmare for the Varanus and their human companions in the legion as the planet's destruction created the Mist. The unstable energies of the mist stranded the 1st Legion in the southern sector, all attempts to make contact with the homelands ended in failure leading to the Imperator to declare an emergency military government and negotiating with the weakened GSU to occupy half of the sector under the banner of the 1st Dominion.   The 1st Dominion was vital to maintaining order in the sector, forming a great deal of the bulwark against the danger Acheron posed, among the surviving forces of the 1st Legion was a portion of the Varanus Starfleet that was active in the sector, Dominion ships during this period would provide much of the security to the sector against pirates and scavengers, some would even sell their protection to corporations and other planets as the navy partially became a mercenary force to capitalize on the lack of competition. But with the declining health of the Imperator and the occupation of half the sector would stretch the dominion force too far out to maintain any significant hold against threats. The Dominion would retain from settling worlds until the extinction as the hopes of contact with the home systems still shone bright retaining their forces on mobile stations made from retrofitted transports and avoiding upsetting the existing inhabitants of the worlds they now occupied.   As a decade passed the hope began to fade away, a great mourning took hold of the Dominion as the soldiers came to terms that they might never return to the home systems, that the Mist and its effects most likely point to the destruction of the Imperium and the Varanus that remain would be the only survivors of their species. One of the last public statements of the Imperator was the order that the Dominion must carry the new burden of protecting the Varanus species and their interests. Shortly thereafter the Acheron Invasion took place and most of the Varanus garrisons were destroyed shortly thereafter, the Varanus would retain a reserve position to defend the sector should the GSU retaliation fail, luckily the invasion was repelled and the Varanus provided support to the veterans thereafter. Unfortunately, underneath the victory another battle was being waged between the Almises and the Rift, a battle that would lead to the end of magic as it was known at the time.   Despite having avoided magic in their technology and lifestyles at the time, the Varanus were inherently magical for their draconic bloodline especially for the Winged Vikah, while the wingless Varanus were mostly unaffected the Vikah which comprised much of the officer class of the legion disintegrated into dust alongside the Elven and Dwarven units in the Legion. Much to the horror of those that survived the sudden extinction would cut the legion into a fraction of its number causing a month of absolute chaos followed by a lengthy memorial service as the ashes were recovered and later used to create a monument in honour of those lost. The Dominion now severely weakened could not maintain their hold on half of the sector relinquishing it instead back to the local governments as they demilitarized their outposts and dismantled most of their facilities, the Imperator commanded the Dominion to settle on Drakenhelm which would be among his final commands as his health took a turn for the worse.   Shortly before the Imperator would pass, he would announce the position of the Keeper who he granted executive authority over his fellow generals, the Keeper was to be responsible for evolving the military government into a proper Varanus state and to 'break the cycle' of sorrow that the species was suffering. The Keeper would for the next century see that the 1st Dominion evolve into the Drakenhelm Dominion, undergoing a cultural revolution that would shift the sorrows of their kin into a vision of a bright future, the rebirth of faith as the connection between Dragons and the Varanus was further contextualized with Drakenhelm's ruins, the creation of a priest class that would cooperate with the military elite and the creation of the Tribunal to incorporate the military, clerical and civil authorities into one government. And nearing the end of the century as the mist rescinded the Keeper would personally undertake a pilgrimage to the homeworld, returning with an artifact that held the key to the species past and future.   The next century would see the Varanus return to the North, populating and restoring their ruined systems. Drakenhelm would remain populated by Varanus and become seen as a holy world and haven that provided them with answers and shelter in their darkest hour, the Tribunal would become a two-way government between the North and Drakenhelm in the South facilitating the creation of an advanced wormhole gate to connect the two distant systems of the homeworld and the holy world. This century would be marked as the 'Keeper’s peace' as careful diplomacy with the southern powers alongside the lack of hostile threats would see a most welcome break in the constant war and strife the Varanus faced, many elders placed down their arms to turn to teaching the next generations, trade between North and South grew and the Varanus grew less and less jingoistic as the legion took on a more defensive role in maintaining the core systems and the colonial expanses. The Dominion would be recognized as a fully realized successor Imperium, one with its eyes set on the bright future ahead of its dark past.   But as war turns back on their GSU allies with the invasion of an unknown alien species, the question grips the conversations of the circles within the Tribunal halls, would the Keeper’s Peace be broken to aid their allies, risking a repeat of the 1st Legion's campaign or would fate have another plan for the paragons of the remaining Dragonkin?

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

While not having many opinions on the other Zodarrin (Outsider species) the Varanus highly respect the sprawling mammalian species they have come to know as humans, impressed with their tenacity, creativity and adaptability alongside having fought several wars with the Galactic Systems Union in addition to having a significant human population in residence alongside the Varanus has created an air of co-existence, the strongest in Varanus memory.   The Rhacodan are another species that earned the Varanus respect however where the Varanus view Humanity as equals to a degree the relationship to the Rhacodan is patronizing in that the Rhacodan are seen as a underdeveloped brother species of the draconian Varanus, throughout the years however the Rhacodan have placed themselves as valuable guides and teachers of 'breath-magic' making it unclear who is who in this teacher-student relationship as the roles interchange between circumstances, the Varanus dominate the affairs of technology often teaching if not adapting it for Rhacodan use where the realm of magic is guided by Rhacodan shamans teaching the Varanus clergy and mages on how to strengthen their connection with the glow.
Average Height
1.8-2.1 meters (6-7 feet)
Average Weight
170KG (375 lb)
Average Physique
Athletic, Lean
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