Witch Magic

Witch Sense is an encompassing term for the unique abilities inherited by Witches and Warlocks. This generally includes some degree of Clairvoyant abilities and the ability to Scry, which means to use crystals or crystal balls in order to locate people or objects. The crystal is merely used as a vessel to conduct a Witches 'sense'.   The 'sense' is generally the aspect of Witchcraft that cannot be taught. A Witch is able to sense a person's whereabouts (at beginners level a personal object is required but at advanced level this is not necessary), they can also communicate with the spirits of their ancestors; powerful Witches who have chosen not to pass onto the Glow and remain to teach and guide others. This sense can also help a Witch predict the future, although to gain accuracy in this requires practise. Witches are capable of having prophetic dreams as in a subconscious state the sense intensifies.   An extremely powerful Witch may be able to access Astral Projection, enabling them to separate their spirit from their physical body, this is a skill reserved for only the most adept as it especially dangerous. With this they can percieve things across the galaxy or even interact with objects without being there; in theory one could also cast spells while projecting, although this has never been seen.