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Alan "Mad Dog" Anderson

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Big Al's imposing physique reflects the harsh life of the Wild West. Standing at a solid 6 feet 3 inches, he possesses a broad and sturdy frame, a testament to years spent traversing the unforgiving terrain. His shoulders carry the weight of countless challenges, while a weathered and tanned complexion tells tales of sun-soaked days on the trail. Big Al's hands, calloused and scarred, bear witness to a life filled with confrontations and audacious exploits.   A salt-and-pepper beard frames a face marked by the lines etched from the relentless elements of the frontier. Steely, penetrating eyes, often hidden beneath the brim of a well-worn hat, radiate a shrewd intelligence that hints at the strategic brilliance for which he's renowned. A few scars, souvenirs from past skirmishes, add character to his visage, and the glint of a silver tooth occasionally flashes when he grins—a subtle reminder of the audacious and successful endeavors that have shaped his criminal legacy.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Alan "Big Al" Anderson, born in the harsh frontier of the Wild West around 1850, forged his destiny amidst the dust-choked canyons and lawless expanses. A visionary and charismatic figure, he founded The Big Al Band in 1875 at the age of 25, turning a motley crew into a feared and audacious gang. Big Al's life is etched with the scars of countless skirmishes, each one a testament to his audacity and resilience. The silver-haired outlaw earned his reputation through strategic brilliance, a silver tongue that secured alliances, and a relentless pursuit of power. The dusty trails he traversed, the shadows of countless heists, and the loyalty he commanded among his gang members tell the tale of Big Al's rise to prominence in the volatile landscape of the late 19th-century Wild West.

Accomplishments & Achievements

The Silver Heist: Big Al orchestrated a daring heist on the Silver Mines of Eldorado, a renowned establishment rumored to hold a treasure trove of riches. With meticulous planning and audacious execution, the gang infiltrated the heavily guarded mine, extracting a substantial amount of silver without alerting the authorities. This daring feat not only enriched The Big Al Band but also solidified Big Al's reputation as a strategic mastermind in the criminal underworld.   The Shadow's Accord: In the heart of New Dorado, Big Al brokered a clandestine alliance known as "The Shadow's Accord" between various influential figures, gangs, and businesses. Through cunning negotiation and leveraging the gang's prowess, he established a delicate balance of power that allowed The Big Al Band to thrive in the shadows without drawing undue attention. This achievement not only secured the gang's dominance but also showcased Big Al's ability to navigate the intricate web of alliances and rivalries in the volatile landscape of the Wild West.

Failures & Embarrassments

Big Al's most significant failure, the ill-fated "Duststorm Disaster," not only resulted in casualties and tarnished the gang's reputation but also led to the loss of crucial territory. In an ambitious attempt to expand The Big Al Band's influence, he led the gang into a risky venture involving the raid of a heavily guarded, high-profile convoy carrying valuable goods. Unbeknownst to Al, the intelligence on the convoy's schedule was faulty, leading the gang into a meticulously set trap. The ensuing ambush resulted in a devastating confrontation, leaving several gang members injured, captured, or dead. This failure not only dealt a severe blow to the gang's strength and reputation but also exposed Big Al's vulnerability to cunning adversaries. As a consequence, the Duststorm Disaster marked the beginning of a decline for The Big Al Band, as the loss of territory became a lasting scar on their once-unassailable dominance in the Wild West.

Morality & Philosophy

Big Al's morality and philosophy are forged in the crucible of fortune and survival within the unforgiving Wild West. In this tumultuous world, he believes in the primacy of loyalty, viewing The Big Al Band as an extended kin bound by the harsh trials of frontier life. His moral compass, though shaded by criminal pursuits, centers on the idea that fortune favors the bold and cunning. Pragmatism governs his actions, leading him to make calculated choices aimed at ensuring the gang's prosperity. Big Al's philosophy embraces the chaotic dance of luck and audacity, where the whims of fortune are navigated through strategic brilliance. In this lawless landscape, he justifies his actions as necessary for survival, operating by a code that demands adaptability and resilience, for in the Wild West, success is measured by the risks taken and the fortunes seized.
Current Residence
Dead Meadow
Grey, Piercing
Bald, salt-and-pepper beard
Quotes & Catchphrases
"La chance sourit aux audacieux, mes amis!" "Le far west ne pardonne pas les hésitations"
Aligned Organization
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