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Harlan Smith

Mayor Harlan J. Smith (a.k.a. Redhawk)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Harlan Smith stands at 5'10" with a lean and agile build, weighing 150 pounds. His striking mid-length red hair carries a fiery hue, adding a distinctive touch to his appearance. Harlan's grayish eyes, reflecting the tales of his past, hint at a history shaped by the rugged challenges of the Wild West. With a tanned and weathered complexion, his hands bear the marks of a life spent navigating the unforgiving terrain. In the town of St. Basey, Harlan cuts a figure of both resilience and enigmatic charm, his presence marked by an air of experience and wisdom gained through countless trails and tribulations.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Harlan Smith, born into the harsh embrace of the Wild West around the mid-1850s, emerged as a resilient figure shaped by the unforgiving landscapes and lawless frontiers of the era. Growing up amid the echoes of gunshots and tales of outlaws, Harlan learned to navigate the tumultuous terrain with a mix of grit and cunning. His early years were marked by a blend of honest work and shadowy dealings, crafting a reputation as a figure who danced on the fine line between law and outlaw. As the Wild West's pulse beat through his veins, Harlan's life became a tapestry of daring escapades, secretive alliances, and survival against the odds. Now, with grayish eyes reflecting the tales of his past, mid-length red hair flowing like a flame of experience, and a lean frame hardened by countless trails, Harlan Smith stands ready for the next chapter in the ever-unpredictable tale of the frontier.


Harlan Smith's tenure as both sheriff and mayor of St. Basey stands as a testament to his multifaceted role in the town's governance. As sheriff, Harlan brought a vigilant eye and an understanding of the Wild West's nuances to law enforcement. His experience in navigating the rugged terrain and dealing with the complexities of frontier justice made him a respected figure among both the law-abiding citizens and those with a shadier reputation. Harlan's tenure was marked by a pragmatic approach, enforcing the law with a keen understanding of the town's unique challenges.   Transitioning seamlessly into the role of mayor, Harlan's leadership extended beyond the realm of law enforcement. He became a bridge between the diverse factions within St. Basey, fostering cooperation and maintaining a delicate balance between progress and tradition. As mayor, he worked towards civic development, promoting economic stability, and ensuring that the town thrived amidst the unpredictable currents of the Wild West. Harlan's dual roles reflected not only his adaptability but also his commitment to forging a prosperous and harmonious community in the ever-evolving landscape of the western frontier.

Accomplishments & Achievements

During the Duststorm Disaster, Harlan Smith, donning the dual roles of sheriff and mayor, orchestrated a relentless offensive against The Big Al Band that struck hard and pushed the notorious gang away from the region. Armed with a deep understanding of the Wild West's intricacies, Harlan exploited the gang's vulnerabilities, leading the town guard in a series of well-coordinated ambushes. The unyielding pursuit, supported by informed citizens and a resilient community, not only showcased Harlan's commitment to law and order but also proved decisive in breaking the gang's hold on the region. The Duststorm Disaster, under Harlan's strategic guidance, became a turning point, driving The Big Al Band out of St. Basey and cementing the sheriff-mayor's legacy as a guardian of the town's peace and prosperity.

Failures & Embarrassments

In the nascent days of Harlan Smith's career as the sheriff of St. Basey, the challenges of maintaining order in the tumultuous town weighed heavily on his shoulders. Tempted by the allure of power and swayed by the cunning whispers of the criminal underworld, Harlan found himself ensnared in a web of corruption during his first year as sheriff. The shadows of deceit clouded his judgment, leading him to accept bribes and turn a blind eye to certain illicit activities.   Haunted by guilt and a growing sense of responsibility, Harlan's conscience stirred. As the consequences of his corrupt choices unfolded, and the safety of the town's citizens became increasingly jeopardized, he faced a pivotal moment. The internal struggle intensified until Harlan made a resolute decision to rectify the situation.   Initiating a clandestine investigation into his own corrupt dealings, Harlan worked discreetly with a few loyal deputies. The mounting evidence against him fueled his determination to bring about change. When the moment of reckoning arrived, Harlan exposed the corruption within his own ranks, publicly admitting to his transgressions, and pledging to cleanse St. Basey of its criminal underbelly.   The revelation sent shockwaves through the town, but Harlan's honesty and commitment to justice won back the trust of many. Stripped of his tainted past, he emerged stronger, resolute in his dedication to upholding the law. The tale of Harlan's fall and redemption served as a powerful narrative in St. Basey, a stark reminder of the enduring struggle between justice and corruption in the untamed Wild West.
Lawful Good
Current Status
Mayor and Sheriff of St. Basey
Current Location
mid-30s to early 40s
Current Residence
St. Basey
Mid-Lenght Redhair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale beige
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations

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