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Old Jeb

Sir Jebediah Caldwell

Jeb's time in europe

  In his mid-40s, Old Jeb, known just as Jeb back then, decided to trade the familiar dust of the Wild West for the cobblestone streets of Europe. Embarking on a journey across the Atlantic, he found himself immersed in the Old World's tales of castles and knights.   Surprisingly, Jeb's swagger and frontier stories caught the attention of local lords. In an unexpected turn of events, the cowboy from the New Dorado State was knighted. Clad in armor that clanked with every step, Jeb became a figure of curiosity, riding across meadows and perhaps tilting at windmills, blending the untamed spirit of the Wild West with the chivalrous traditions of Europe.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Old Jeb, the wily storyteller of the State of New Dorado, was a character as storied as the tales he spun. Weathered by the relentless sun and etched with lines that traced the contours of a life lived on the frontier, Jeb's face told a thousand stories before he even opened his mouth. Folks would gather at the local saloon or around a crackling campfire just to catch a whiff of the adventures that Jeb wove into the fabric of New Dorado's history.   Born under the vast expanse of the western sky, Jeb's early years were a patchwork quilt of odd jobs and transient wanderings. He learned the art of survival from grizzled cowboys, shared campfires with prospectors seeking fortunes in the hills, and even rode with a ragtag gang for a spell, though he'd chuckle and swear it was more for the company than any nefarious doings.   As Jeb meandered through the towns that dotted the frontier, he picked up bits and pieces of lore, blending truth with a dash of exaggeration to create narratives that danced between fact and fiction. New Dorado became his canvas, and his stories painted vibrant landscapes of heroes, outlaws, and the ever-changing tapestry of the Wild West.   As the years rolled by, Jeb became a fixture in New Dorado, a living repository of its past. He'd regale anyone willing to listen with tales of daring escapades, lost treasures, and the unwritten code of the frontier. Whether it was a newcomer seeking a taste of the local lore or an old-timer looking to relive the glory days, Jeb's stories became a binding thread in the fabric of New Dorado's collective memory.   When he finally hung up his spurs and settled into a rocking chair on the porch of the local general store, Jeb continued to spin yarns, his tales becoming the very heartbeat of the State of New Dorado. They say he could make a dust storm sound like a symphony and turn a mundane sunrise into a saga. And so, Old Jeb, the sage of New Dorado, passed into legend himself, leaving behind a trail of stories that echoed in the canyons long after the last embers of his campfire had faded away.
Jeb when he was younger
Jeb during his trip in europe
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Date of Death
22nd of January
1822 1892
Circumstances of Death
Old Age

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