The Goblin

The goblin are a widely misunderstood species of diminutive humanoid tangentially related to humanity. While goblin tribes are widespread througout the land and, in their profusion, appear to have their own cultures and goals, this is an illusion borne of the obscurity of the goblin's true nature. In truth, those who are aware of the goblin's actual nature typically speak of members of the species with the definite article - for, in truth, every member of the species is simply an iteration of the same transcendant individual.

Basic Information


An individual instance of the goblin appears to be broadly human in shape and proportion, but stands only at most four feet tall. The facial features of the goblin are sharp, with pointed ears and a prominent nose. Skin colors include shades of light green, blue, pinkish-tan, or black, and the individual's eyes are typically bright turquoise. Hair may be of any color within the usual human range, and male instances may develop beards.

Genetics and Reproduction

The goblin was created by the higher powers to serve as a force for the testing and evolution of other sapient species - it is, in all truth, designed to be 'cannon fodder' and 'trash mobs' thrown against the arrayed forces of mankind. This divine task was saddled upon the goblin's new-formed spirit with the understanding that, if not faced with competition and struggle, the other sentients would quickly domesticate themselves into evolutionary inviability.   Despite being instantiations of the goblin as a whole, individual instances of the goblin may be of either sex. Conversations with the goblin reveal that it has a vague recollection of being non-plussed with its nature and purpose upon creation. Enraged at the injustice of the task thrust upon it, the goblin cursed the higher powers for their cruelty. In response, the higher powers made an intentionally offensive remark to the effect that the goblin should leave and commence to copulating with itself. In an unexpected twist, because the words of higher powers have the supernatural ability to speak truth to the very structure of reality itself, this utterance caused the instances of the goblin to be thenceforth stripped of their previous ability to reproduce by mitosis and to gain sexual dimorphism so that they could effectuate the literal meaning of this divine insult.   An artificially-constructed species, the goblin was created from human genetic stock but is not a natural branch of the hominid family. The goblin will not speak to the matter of whether humans and instances of the goblin could interbreed - apparently out of embarrasment - but believes that the products of such couplings would simply be humans of somewhat reduced stature with no part in the goblin's eternal spiritual corpus.

Growth Rate & Stages

Instances of the goblin mature at an accelerated rate in comparison to their humanoid peers owing to their shared 'ancestral' memories (see Behavior & Psychology). The goblin as a whole is thousands of years old and has experienced countless generations, but the brain structures that handle physical coordination and the ability to systematically search these experiences for relevant responses to stimuli can take up to 20 years to develop. Importantly, long before it reaches physical maturity, an instance of the goblin is able to fight and take care of itself in the wild; even goblin children, as long as they are coordinated enough to walk, can present a threat to adventurers.


Every instance of the goblin is actually a physical vessel for the goblin as a whole . The mind, or spirit, of the goblin was created in the first instance and has the uncanny ability to project itself randomly forward or backward in time at the point at which its current instance dies. Whenever a new instance is born - even if coexistent in time with numerous other instances - the spirit of the goblin travels through time to fill it. Because of this, every instance of the goblin represents an individual segment of the life of the goblin as a whole.   As a result of this unique nature, every instance of the goblin shares a well of 'ancestral' experience that spans the whole lenght of the species' existence, from the very first instantiation at the hands of the higher powers to the moment when the last active instant succumbs to extinction in the indeterminite future. This eons-long perspective grants every instance of the goblin limited precognition and supernatural cunning. This blessing of knowledge and foresight is counteracted by the fact that searching the entire span of the goblin's existence takes a commensurately long period of time; the span of time between even coexistent instances, from the perspective of the goblin's time-travelling spirit - may cross millenia of other remembrances. In general, the older an instance becomes, the more proficient it becomes at plumbing the depths of its own memories - and, thus, the more magical, resourceful, and dangerous it becomes.   The goblin, though possessed of the ability to reason and empathize with other hominids, has a divine purpose that forces it to live in competition with other humanoid species (see Genetics & Reproduction). The form this competition takes varies from era to era and may take many forms, from military conflict, struggles over limited resources, or even market and trade competition in more cosmopolitan settings. Though forced to compete by a combination of religious belief and biosupernatural compulsion, a group of the goblin applies pressure without the intent to completely wipe out its coevals and is willing to sacrifice many of its own instances to ensure that neither its own vessels nor the human groups it was sent to test are wiped out completely. This creates a strange state of affairs where a previously belligerent 'tribe' of 'goblins' simply disappears from the landscape or, in times of great upheaval, even comes to the aid of its previous human enemies at a fortuitous moment.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Instances of the goblin are not substantially more or less sensitive to their environments than humans, but their reactions to novel stimuli are much quicker. This is because, to the goblin as a whole, almost no stimuli are actually novel in nature; in previous or coexistant iterations, the goblin has seen nearly everything.

Scientific Name
Homo Diracus Fractalis

Creature Statistics

Goblin, Nubbin (11 xp)
S: 1 | D: 3 | E: 1 | I: 1 | P: 1 | C: 1 | A: 1
HP: 11 | PD: 3 (4) | AD: 1
MA: 1 (4) | RA: 3 (4)
Skills: Grapple & Trip 0 (5/0)
CF: Size (down)(x1)
Syn: none

  • Bundle of Javelins: Ranged (thrown) weapon (D/P), hardness 3, dual purpose (S/D)
  • Hide Armor: Physical defense armor (D/P), hardness 2
  • Net: Tool, hardness 2, Grapple & Trip +1/0
  • Meager Rations (2 coins)(x2)

  • Description
    This hominid creature stands around four feet tall. It has yellow-green skin, long and pointed ears and nose, and scraggly black hair. It fixes a sharp, too-knowing gaze upon you before hefting a javelin, ready to attack.
    Nubbins are instances of The Goblin who have recently left the juvenile stage. Fragile but deceptively complex warriors, nubbins prefer to engage opponents at range and in large numbers to gain the maximum benefit of Pile-On. In close quarters, multiple nubbins may chose to switch to their nets in the hopes of pinning strong opponents down to be dealt with later. Nubbins are likely to retreat if overmatched, recognizing that they are limited in the danger they present to more prepared foes.
    Goblin, Sticklespit (14 xp)
    S: 1 | D: 4 | E: 1 | I: 1 | P: 2 | C: 1 | A: 1
    HP: 14 | PD: 4 (6) | AD: 1
    MA: 1 (5) | RA: 4 (6)
    Skills: Throw & Catch 1 (7/2), Grapple & Trip 0 (6/0)
    CF: Size (down)(x1)
    Syn: none

  • Bundle of Harpoons: Ranged (thrown) weapon (D/P), hardness 3, dual purpose (S/D), skill conduction (Grapple & Trip)*
  • Hide Armor: Physical defense armor (D/P), hardness 2
  • Adze: Tool, hardness 3, Throw & Catch +1/1
  • Net: Tool, hardness 2, Grapple & Trip +2/0
  • Meager Rations (2 coins)(x2)
  • *Opponents grappled by harpoons can be controlled with ropes extending up to 5 spaces away. Stuck opponents must use Force Movement against the sticklespit's Hold Ground to move beyond this range, dragging the sticklespit along if they succeed.
    This hominid creature stands around four feet tall. It has green skin, long and pointed ears and nose, and black hair tied back with an iron clip. It fixes a sharp, too-knowing gaze upon you before hefting a harpoon, ready to attack.
    Sticklespits are instances of The Goblin that have become proficient spear-throwers after experience as nubbins. Sticklespits are higher in the hierarchy of The Goblin and are almost always encountered with 3-5 nubbin subordinates each. A sticklespit further weaponizes Pile-On by hurling harpoons at multiple opponents early in a fight, hoping to put itself at the center of a tug-of-war between opponents thus rendered unable to flee.
    Goblin, Pluckripple(19 xp)
    S: 1 | D: 3 | E: 2 | I: 1 | P: 3 | C: 1 | A: 3
    HP: 38 | PD: 3 | AD: 1 (6)
    MA: 1 (4) | RA: 4 (6)
    Skills: Teleport 1 (7/2), Scry 1 (7/2), Illusion 1 (7/2)
    CF: Size (down)(x1)
    Syn: A

  • Quartz-Ribbed Robe: Arcana defense armor (A/P), hardness 3, Illision +1/1, Scry +1/1
  • Quartz Spellshard Daggers: Ranged (thrown) weapon (D/A), hardness 3, dual purpose (S/A), Teleport +1/1, Arcana Conduction (x1)(Teleport 7/2)
  • Meager Rations (4 coins)(x3)

  • Description
    This hominid creature stands around four feet tall. It has blue-green skin, long and pointed ears and nose, and black hair tied back with an iron clip. It wears a thick robe inlaid with slats of quartz; a holster full of razor-thin sheets of glassy crystal hangs at its hip. it seems unsurprised at your arrival, conjuring a flury of bluish sparks and mystic vapors from its fingertips almost as soon as you lay eyes on it.
    Pluckripples are instances of The Goblin who have reawakened to a modicum of their cosmic powers, granting them preternatural prescience, the power to shunt allies (and foes) from one place to another with a flick of the wrist, and even a limited ability to dull the perception of others. A pluckripple is always accompanied by at least one sticklespit bodyguard and their retinue of nubbins and is difficult to catch unawares due to its constant use of Scry to search both the near future and its surrounding environs for threats. In combat, a pluckripple will use Teleport to move its allies into cover or out of traps set by the enemy. It may use Illusion to create blinds for its allies, block the vision of enemies, or create illusory body doubles as the situation dictates.
    Goblin, Cosmoggit (27 xp)
    S: 3 | D: 3 | E: 2 | I: 2 | P: 3 | C: 1 | A: 4
    HP: 54 | PD: 3 (8/2) | AD: 1 (9/2)
    MA: 1 (7/2) | RA: 4 (7/2)
    Skills: Teleport 1 (8/2), Scry 1 (9/2), Illusion 1 (9/2), Blast 1 (9/2), Transmute 1 (6/1), Summon 1 (6/1)
    CF: Size (down)(x1)
    Syn: A

  • Refined Quartz-Ribbed Robe: Arcana defense armor (A/P), hardness 3, boost 2, precision 2, Illision +2/1, Scry +2/1
  • Refined Quartz Spellshard Daggers: Ranged (thrown) weapon (D/A), hardness 3, precision 2 (ranged), dual purpose (S/A), Teleport +1/1, arcana conduction (x1)(Blast 7/1), precision 2 (melee)
  • Force Barricade Ring: Physical Defense Shield (S/D), boost 2, precision 2
  • Forceshaper Gloves: Tool, hardness 3, Blast +2/1
  • Potion of Reinforcement (x3): Consumable, Reinforce 8/2 (34 HP)
  • Rations (5 coins)(x5)

  • Description
    This hominid creature stands around four feet tall. It has pinkish-purple skin, long and pointed ears and nose, and black hair tied back with an iron clip. It wears a thick robe inlaid with slats of quartz; a holster full of razor-thin sheets of glassy crystal hangs at its hip. The air around this creature hums with latent magical energies as its eyes glint with malevolent starlight.
    A cosmoggit is a powerful instance of The Goblin that, due to a further dive into its collective subconscious, has a widening grasp of its own cosmic powers. A cosmoggit may serve as the chieftan of a goblin tribe, with one or two pluckripple apprentices, multiple sticklespits, and their Nubbin followers comprising the power structure beneath them. Cosmoggits also have the unique ability to call forth other instances of the goblin from within the same portion of the timeline, summoning their fellows like human mages might call forth sprites, animals, or golems. Cosmoggits prefer to counterspell when faced with other mages, letting their fighting compatriots engage these opponents to capitalize on their weaknesses, but will turn their blasting and illusion powers directly against opponents dressed for physical combat. Cosmoggits may also attempt to make themselves (and sometimes their pluckripple subordinates) immune to certain types of damage through the use of transmutation, though this is a new development for the individual at the cosmoggit stage.

    Cover image: by Austin Schmid


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