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Demon/Monster Database

Demons God Tier:   Reapers- Reapers aka the 10 guardians that protect the dark infinity crystals are the highest form of demons to ever exist, born from extremely powerful hellcrows that have devoured thousands of souls and at least one ascended demon to gain this title by either outranking a current reaper in power or defeating one in combat, gaining a new form entirely from this title.       Tier 1:   Ascended Demons- The strongest level of demon(aside from reapers), with powers gained from creation or a lower class demon that has ascended into the power from the amount of demon blood they've consumed. These demons are very rare and can be identified by being the most human like in appearance. One thing that sets apart an ascended demon from most other demons is the impossibility of being able to father or mother a child with a mortal.Using a power known as demonic tranquility to tap into their true strengths.   Cuerva Rey- The highest known form of hellcrow kind, a form that cannot be achieved by gaining power but a form that a still bird-like hellcrow is born into upon transformation, in basics meaning a final form hellcrow could never hope to become one. The amount of these type of hellcrow that exist is unknown but most say there's probably less than 10 in existence.       Tier 2:   Final Form Hellcrow- The final form of hellcrows, obtained after a hellcrow has consumed enough souls to reach this humanoid form. They look like regular black haired humans with the exception of the large black wings on their back and a small scrap of feathers that could be anywhere on their body. This changes when they release their full power into their Infierno state(release), causing the small patch of feathers to erupt around their bodies into a more black feathered and demonic form.   Awakened Demon- Demons born from viscous and great souls that were doomed to hell. They take various forms but are the strongest form of demon that have such a variety to what they look like from being close to human looking to looking like a complete monster of hell.   Oni- The oni are powerful demons born of powerful eastern souls who have abandoned their ancestors in the afterlife and began feeding just like any other demon, becoming a demon of eastern lore, known for their abilities   Horus Demon- The Sarabian equivalent of an Oni, brought to life by powerful souls of the sands. These specific type of demons have a strong augmentation for Fire and Sand and have the unique ability of charging surplus energy from sunlight.   Tier 3:   Succubus- The lustiest of the demons, souls are always born into this form as succubus types can not be achieved by lower tier demons. Instead of reaping essence from devouring, Succubi will have sexual relations with their prey in order to retrieve essence by essentially fucking their prey to death.   Shakal- This particular demon are probably the more common of tier 3s but possess a strong ability for shape-shifting at will, as well as increased speed and strength, very charismatic and silver-tongued. They normally look human in their base form.   Schalldämon- The schalldamon are brutish demons that are augmented to dark, wind, and lightning based elements and possess a supernatural ability for being able to speed up their movements a hundred times over.   Tier 4:   Blutkin-       Vampires Vampires in NH are that of the Bram Stoker variety, they DO NOT sparkle in the sunlight, they will burn to fucking ash. Blessed metals and holy light elements are very strong against these beings. Must go for the heart if going for a killing blow, decapitation won't work. Vampires are created when a virgin of the opposite sex is bitten by a vampire.   God Tier- The black coffin tells all.   Tier 1- The father of all modern vampires, Dracula. The nightwalker, he glides through oceans of blood. No one really knows the true extent of his powers.   Tier 2- Those bit by the Tier 1 Vampire. The amount of these vampires that exist today could probably be counted on one hand. The only exception is if a Tier 3 vampire ascends to this tier by consuming enough souls through blood. The powers that extend to these vampires include being able to consume a soul by drinking the blood of another, granting them the use of the latter's power within elemental perimeters. These vampires are capable of high-levels of regeneration, extreme levels of speed and strength. The main difference between a Tier 2 and Tier 1 Vampire is the absence of their ability to basically gain a life for each soul they consume.   Tier 3- Those bit by the Tier 2 Vampires. These vampires are rare in numbers and strong all the same. Increased speed and strength and a high aptitude for Dark and Dark based elements. High regeneration and about the last tier of vampire that's considered strong.   Tier 4- Those bit by Tier 3 Vampires of course. These vampires are a lot more common than the higher tiers. They have a regeneration aspect and increased strength and speed.   Tier 5- Those bit by Tier 4 Vampires lastly. These are the lowest tier of vampire and are the most common. These vampires are rather weak in comparison to the others but still have an ability for strength, speed, and regeneration while maintaining a slight boost to dark based abilities.       Monsters God Tier:   Lich- A Lich is able to control any and all monsters, through manipulation or through brain control. They will stop the advancement of any monster that attempts to surpass it in power by weakening the monster or bending it to its will. The Lich itself is immortal, however a Lich carries with it its soul, from this they draw their power. however it is also their weak point.   Mimic- A mimic has no real form, identity, or even sex. These creatures are an amalgamation of people and sometimes animals it sees. Mimics not only can copy people's appearance but also their memories and abilities even going so far as to being able to mimic releases and Deus Virtus. Mimic are vulnerable just like any humanoid creature, however their ability to shape their body to their will makes them hard to actually hit and if they find a source that is immortal they can copy that as well. It is assumed that their weakness can come from their ability to gain knowledge, if you are able to have multiple people come in contact with a mimic you could overload them with information and theoretically fry their brain.   Dragonkin- The dragonkin, an ancient tribe of draco(dragon animalia), as well as the purest form of draco considering their age. What distinguishes these from your common draco is the dragonkin's more dragon-like appearance and elemental restriction of only being fire users. Though only restricted to fire, this doesn't weaken the power of the dragonkin as they hold the highest aspect for fire out of any mortal beings. The dragon also have a long life span with an average of over 2,000 years in age before they can die of old age. The dragonkin have a long history of violence and genocide on this planet, and have been persecuted over the ages because of such, to this very day in fact. The amount of dragonkin that exist in today's society are extremely rare and can probably be counted on one hand.       Tier 1:   Werewolf- Werewolves are mainly a problem during the full moon, overall they are strong, fast, and vicious. However their weakness to silver makes them not as much of a threat as other monsters. Have a metal user on your team or simply carry around a single silver weapon and you should be good. Any normal attacks they can recover from in a matter of moments, if you have no silver equipment or have no metal user we suggest continuously beating the werewolf down until the sun rises and its power fades away. Be weary of alphas as they more often than not use moon to simulate full moons even during the day time and can even control their actions in their werewolf form.       Teir 2:   Harpy- Harpies have the natural ability to fly and mainly stick to the wind element. They are rather viscious to humans on sight however they stick up in the high mountains. We suggest that you try to stay away from their nests if you value your life. They may not be the most powerful, but they are still a threat. From what we do know they have a sort of naming system with the Suffix of -Al, -ix, -ak and -al. (This is unknow to all except harpies but... -ax [Has both brothers and sisters regardless of number] -ix [Has just brothers regardless of number] -ak [Has just sisters regardless of number] -al [No siblings] ). However the only definite knowledge of their society is the prefix of Taa-, in which is given to their leader. Currently Taa-Jakx.   Gargoyles: Gargoyles much like harpies tend to stick to one place. Protecting a tower or city in which they have hidden their wealth. Their bodies are made out of stone during the day and turn into flesh once night rolls around. We suggest again to stay away from these creatures nests if you value your life.       Teir 3:   Skeleton: The average skeleton is not much of a threat. They have the same strength they did when they were human and are also undying. However more light users can dispatch them with general ease. They have nothing connecting their bones together so it is advised that you break them apart and them chuck the skull off of a cliff or into the sea. (Note: Richard is the only known exception to these rules as he is immortal seemingly.)   Mermaids: Mermaids are half fish have human creatures that mainly live in the deep seas. Overall these creatures are non-aggressive, however there are certain classes that are dangerous. Sirens have a ability to sing and control your mind often leading many ships to crash into cliff sides and then eat the crew. Dealing with these we suggest ear plugs. Hybrids are mermaid that are a mixture of human and fish characteristics, unlike Mermaids which are half and half, they are more aggressive and do not have tricks like sirens. It is unsure if hybrids are considered Animalia or not but until more information is given we can not confirm anything. To deal with any of these threats we suggest a lightning user as most of if not all these types live in the water.   Fairies: Fairies are a peaceful race, they do not cause harm or lead anyone astray. The are humans that have butterfly like wings on their backs. Mainly these creatures are found around springs and in the forest. They may even heal wandering people. They can be regular human sized or even down to the size of a human finger, it appears that the stronger the fairy the larger their body is. We suggest nothing for these creatures as they are non-aggressive.

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