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Elements & Aether

The lists are a general guideline for elements, you're not necessarily restricted to just these moves per say.         Elements and tiers As it is known, all main characters start out with one of the single base elements, at Tier 1. And from there, must work their way up. This section tells you about how to level up elements, and how to obtain new elements. 1: Elements. -Experience is gained by participating and story progression, mainly just time and effort. -Secondly, fights. Obviously. Fights will earn you more experience than anything, but training and character progression and feats is also important. -Going above the limits of your element will result in a warning, followed by a suitable punishment. -If you go advanced in a certain element, you are not allowed to advance -You can get experience via training providing a chat log to Trever, for a small amount of exp in said elements trained in.   2: Gaining new elements: Gaining new elements is simple. Once you've gotten your most recently gained element to Tier 5, you may have a second element. Once you've gotten your second one to tier 5, you may have a third element, and so on.   The Combinations of Elements     Core Mixed Elements

Dark 5 + Wind 3 = Web
Dark 7 + Water 5 = Poison
Dark 7 + Earth 3 = Acid
Earth 8 + Fire 7 = Metal
Earth 7 + Water 5 = Nature
Fire 7 + Wind 5 = Lightning
Fire 10 + Light 5 = White Flame
Fire 10 + Dark 5 = Black Flame
Light 7 + Earth 5 = Sacred Ground
Light 7 + Water 5 = Holy Water
Light 7 + Wind 5 = Spirit
Water 7 + Wind 5 = Ice
Water 5 + Fire 1 = Steam
Water 5 + Earth 1 = Mud
Wind 7 + Earth 5 = Sand  
Advanced Elements
Earth 5 + Dark 7 + Light 7 = Moon
Fire 10 + Sand 10 = Glass
Phoenix 2+Terra 2 = Lava
Nature 10 + Poison 10 + Acid 10 + Wind 10 = Gas
Shadow + Lightning 10 = Psychic
Thunder + Titanium = Attraction
Steam + Metal 10 = ClockworkΩ
Thunder 10 + Phoenix 10 = PlasmaΩΩ   Legendary Elements
Nova+Gale 10+Neurotoxin 10= NuclearΩΩΩ
Holy Light 10+Shadow 10+ Lunar 10+ Phoenix 10= CosmicΩΩΩΩ
Hellcraft+Holy Light + = TwilightΩΩΩΩΩ     Ω = Story lock + rarity       Fire/Phoenix/Nova ~   Water/Aqua/Tsunami   Wind/Gale/Ventus ~   Earth/Terra/Gaia   Light/Holy Light/Angelic Light*   Dark/Shadow/Hellcraft*       *= Only achieved by becoming a guardian       Moon/Lunar/Tsukoyomi ~   Dark Flame/Black Inferno/Amaterasu ~   Light Flame/Holy Fire/Horus ~   Poison/Neurotoxin/Morta   Acid/Acidium/Orochi   Spirit/Phantom/Hades   Sacred Ground/Hallowed Earth/Jahbulon   Sand/Dunestorm/Atum ~   Web/Fiber/Arachne ~   Holy Water/Blessed Aqua/Borvo   Acid/Acidium/Styx   Metal/Titanium/Hephaestus ~   Lava/Magma/Vulcan   Nature/Arbora/Dionysus ~   Ice/Frost/Skadi ~   Lightning/Thunder/Raijin ~   Steam/Vapor/Sulis ~   Mud/Clay/Ptah   Glass/Crystal/Theia ~   Attraction/Magnetism/Magnes ~   Gas/Noble/Aeolus ~   Psychic/Psionic/Eldritch ~   Clockwork/Steampunk/Tesla ~   Twilight/Horizen/Izanagi ~   Jim/Mega-Jim/God-Jim ~       ~ = Flight on advanced tiers.               Travel Speeds       Fire - When you get to Tier 8 in Fire you can fly of course, and you start at a constant speed that maxes out at 25 mph, at Tier 10 fire you're flying at about 75 mph full speed. Once you get to Phoenix, if you do that is, you'll get 50 mph of true speed for each level. After Phoenix 5, you'll get 75 mph for each , getting 100 mph extra for Tier 10, maxing out at about 825 mph at Tier 10 Phoenix, or 1328 kph.       Wind - When you get Tier 7 wind, you learn the ability of flight, and start at a speed of about 25 mph, and gain about 50 mph, until about maxing out at 175 mph at Tier 10 wind, then from going to Gale, you'll get 75 mph for each Tier of Gale. After Tier 5 Gale, you'll get 100 mph for each tier, maxing out at about 950 mph at Tier 10 Gale, or about 1529 kph.       Earth - When you get to Earth 5, you learn Earth Surf which starts at a travel speed of 20 mph on ground, for each level of Earth you get 10 mph speed boost, At Tier 10 maxing out at about 75 mph Earth Surf. From Core-Earth, you get about 12 mph to your Earth-Surf. Sorry Earth Users, but it's a slow element, you do max out at about 200 mph, at Core-Earth 10. Earth Moleing ((EX Tunneling, Burrowing, Digging and ANY OTHER FUCKING WAY OF SAYING IT.)), is slower, and you'll start that at Tier 8, starting with a slow walking speed, and end up with a speed at Tier 10 of about 30 mph, gaining about 10 mph for each level in Core-Earth, maxing out at about 130 mph.   Dark 1- Dark ball, Summon Imp, Dark Throwing Knives   2- Night Bolt, Lesser-Vamp drain(Health absorb tiny.), Summon Goblin Warrior   3- Shadow Splash, Raise Skeleton, Summon Giant Bat   4- Dark Blast, Restrain(Minor.), Summon Riding Lizard   5- Needles of the Night, Minor Vamp Drain, Summon Dark Archer   6- Shadow Grenade, Mystic Claws, Summon Dark Wolf   7- Dark Cannonball, Prolonged Restrain, Summon Dark Warrior, Invisibility 10 seconds(Has a 5 minute cool down.)   8- Night Arrow Barrage, Greater Vamp Drain, Summon Minotaur   9- Shadow Wave, Greater Restrain, Mystic Slash Barrage, Summon Dark Knight   10- Black Explosion, Summon Troll, Black Shield       Light   1- Lesser Ward, Blinding light, Minor light shield   2- Lesser Heal, Candle Light, Arrow of light   3- Light wall, Mid-ward, Light slash   4- Intermediate Heal, Summon Bear, Sun burn   5- Net of light, Sun bolt, Angelic weapon   6- Angelic Support, Lesser- Illusion fade, Major light shield   7- Sun Ray, Greater Heal, Holy spear barrage   8- Major Ghost ward, Major Illusion fade, Summon White Eagle   9- Smite, Angel's kiss, Unbound Holy Slap   10- Judgement Ray, Holy Arrow Barrage, Summon Holy Beast               Earth 1-Rock Punch, Pebble Armor, Rock Throw   2-Rock Sheet Armor, Rock spike   3-Wall of Earth, Gravity weigh 2, Boulder shot   4-Earth Food, Minor Dig, Earth Armor   5- Summon Rock Golem, Earth surf, Rock Arrows   6- Spiked wall, Earth Crater(Small.)   7- Mineral Armor, Spiked fury   8- Earth mole, Summon Giant, Gem needles   9- Fissure, Strong Armor, Summon Gem Boulder   10- Dome of Crystal, Titan(Rock, and Minerals, No gems unless advanced.)           Wind   1- Soft Glide, Wind flurry, Bird Calling   2- Air cut, Speed bursts, weight loss   3- Gust, Air Glide, Wind pistol   4- Slicing Wind, Wind Dash, Summon Eagle   5- Summon Giant Falcon, Air Ride Air Rifle   6- Wind Blast, Minor Vortex, High Velocity Shot   7- Flight, Air Sniper, Huge Gust   8- Wind sprints, Twister, Pressure Net   9- Pressurized wind shield, Air Gatling, Higher Velocity Shot   10- Summon Wyvern, Speed flight, Tornado Blast       Water   1- Water sheet, Water Ball, Water Slide   2- Prolonged water breath, Water shot, Minor Waves   3- Water wall, Water blade, Water needles   4- Aqua Jet, Water Shark Ball, Pressurized Water Arrows   5- Water-walk, Minor Water Heal, Water Tentacles   6- Minor Body liquefy, Water Health Absorb, Summon Shark   7- Unlimited Water Breath, Water vortex, Fast Swimming   8- Larger Waves, Water Pillar, Water Shark Bomb   9- Whirlpool, Greater Water Heal, Pressurized Water Cannon   10- Great Waves(Water source still need.), Water tornado, Summon Large Rain Shower       Fire   1- Fire Ball, Fire Veil   2- Flame Knives, Ember shot, Flaming sword   3- Fire Ward, Claws of flame, Burning Coals   4- Summon flaming pixie, Minor Oil spit, Fire blast   5- Fire dash, Fire grenade, Whip of fire   6- Lesser Fire breath, Rapid Ember shot, Wall of flames   7- Greater Oil blast, Greater Fire blast, Greater Claws of flame   8- Flame bomb, Flight of fire, Great Flame wall   9- Greater Fire breath, Shower of embers, Summon Fire Golem   10- Grand Blast of flames, Claws of the Dragon(Large flaming claw attack.), Oil fountain           Nature       1- Vine Manipulation, Seed Bullets, Grow Tall plants   2- Small Poisonous flowers, Grow Small Man-Eater Traps(could take a chunk out of arm or leg.)   3- Slow Plant Regeneration skin, Razor Leaves, Summon Plant Chimera   4- Grow 10 ft tall trees within minutes, Multiple Vine Manipulation. , Moss Web   5- Poisonous tree flowers, Medium Man-Eater Traps   6- Grow Taller Trees(Seconds rather than minutes), Thick Vines, Lesser Trunk Wall   7- Rose Explosion, Medium Regeneration with Plant, Spore Bomb(Spores create hard to breath air.)   8- Slow Energy through Photosynthesis, Slow Root Travel, Large Man-Eater Traps   9-Grow Large Trees, , Summon Ent, Greater Tree Wall   10- Greater Forest Manipulation, Summon forth a massive tree   _______________________________________________________________________________________________________       Ice   1- Ice bullet, Snow wall, light frost   2.Short Ice slide, Ice spike, Lower temperature of area(15f)   3. Light Ice armor, Body temperature adjust, Summon Snowman minion   4. Ice Wall, thick frost, Ice shards   5. long ice slide, lower temperature of area (5f), Ice blade   6. Ice Dome, Body resistance to a normality of 0f.   7. Ice Mirrors, Heavy frost, Frost Grenades   8. Snow Wave, Frozen Rain Storm, Heavy ice shield   9. Hail, Summon Ice Golem, Low temperature (-5f)   10. Ice bomb, Large Snow Wave, Ice shard gatling       _______________________________________________________________________________________________________       Lightning   1- Sparks, Sparks Dash, Sparks veil   2- Sparks Bolt, Sparks cloak, Regenerate with conduct(very low)   3- Sparks field, chain sparks, Spark Grenade   4- Lightning Dash(20 ft.), Summon Flying Thunder lizard, Lightning ring   5- Lightning bolt, Chain Lightning, Lightning Field   6- Lesser conduction regeneration, Lightning Grenade, Lightning needles   7- Thunder, Thunder Cloud(mist, conduct.) Summon Large thunder snake   8- Area Electron Increase, High Voltage Bolt, Air Pressure Lower   9- Heavy Lightning Dash, Lightning cloak, Combustion bolt(low.)   10- Frenzy Thunder storm, Gathering Energy from natural lightning   _______________________________________________________________________________________________________   Metal       Metal doesn't involve list moves for tiers but a systematic type of thing. Important intervals are 1,3,6,9 to summon up an ore vein to work with no matter where you are, unless you are in the air. The intervals also involve poor, average, good, and great metal work and will express how well the metal you make from the ore turns out. The other levels are just to improve what kind of metal you use, starting with horrible metals like copper and bronze, then iron and wrought iron, and steel, then carbon steel, mythril,etc..       _______________________________________________________________________________________________________       Web   1: Average Spider Web, summon standard Spider (Nothing lethal.)   2: Minor Webshooting (Good for pulling a object close), Minor Venom Immunity   3: Wall-Crawling, Summon Standard Spider (Poisonous)   4: Weave thick web cloth, Heightened senses   5: Summon Dog-Sized Spider, Web-Swing   6: Multi-Spider-Summon (Regular Sized Spiders), Web Cocoon (For Trapping enemies)   7: Conjure up bio limbs (temp.)   8: Complete Poison/Venom immunity, Multi-Spider Summon (Over-Sized Spiders (Not larger than a dog.))   9: Instant web net shooting, Summon Car-Sized Spider. (Like the Tier-10 Power. But no Element Mixture.)   10: Elemental Summoning (Summon Spider that's bigger than most vehicles. Spider is mixed with a different element that the user can control. (Lava Spider, Water Spider, etc.(Note: There isn't a spider for every element, such as really rare elements. NO TWILIGHT OR CLOCKWORK SPIDERS, fuck you.)   _______________________________________________________________________________________________________   For Fire and Water variations, you're allowed to go advanced in White and Black Flame for example. Same with Holy Water and Tainted Water.   White Flame, Black Flame, Blue Flame       White Flame is just using fire but white flame deals extra damage towards demonblood beings. Dark flame is vice versa towards angels and heavenbounds.   _______________________________________________________________________________________________________       Holy Water           Holy Water is a mixture of holy light type spells but not as powerful along with the ability of water use as well, bringing both exorcising and support based powers, stronger against demons.       Devil Water   Tainted Water is a mixture of dark energy and water. The water equivalent of black flame, highly corrosive against metals and earths, an extreme healing element for undead and dark creatures as it's based off of the natural water that resides in the pits of hell.   _______________________________________________________________________________________________________       Moon       A mixture of using lesser gravity rocks and lunar based light spells, use your imagination.                       Lava     1. Molten Ball, Lava Resistance   2. Sheet of Lava, Conjure up small magma spout   3. Obsidian wall, Summon Magma Snake   4. Molten Small wave, Greater Heat Resist   5. Obsidian Spikes, Molten Bomb   6. Summon small volcano, Lava Gliding(You can glide across lava like water now.)   7. Magma tentacles, Lava wave   8. Molten weapons, Lava skin veil   9. House sized volcano, Lava manipulation(To an extent.)   10. Summon Lava Golem, Lava swimming(This allows you to breath in lava and magma alike, your body taking an enchanted normality to it.)   ______________________________________________________________________________________________________       Steam and Mud       These are both rather weak elements but can be used. Steam having fire like physics, and Mud having water like physics.       _______________________________________________________________________________________________________       Glass       Glass is free manipulative and has reflective and various powerful but fragile abilities.       _______________________________________________________________________________________________________       Clockwork       Clockwork starts small but gets better as you go being a hard element to obtain but starting with small mechanics at first and slower getting better as you level but shall be limited until later on in the story.   _______________________________________________________________________________________________________       Sand   1: Sand Bullet, Sand Veil   2: Sand Skin, Summon Scorpion   3: Sand Spike, Sand Wave   4: Sand Compression, Sand Shield, Compressed Sand-Grenade   5: Compressed-Sand Armor, Rapid-Fire Sand Bullet, Sand Cocoon(Enemy Trapping)   6: Mini Sandstorm, Form Sand-Limbs, Summon Sand Golem   7: Summon Giant Scorpion, Compressed Sand Bomb   8: Grind Earth Materials into Sand(Higher Quality Material=Higher Quality Sand)   9: Sand Tsunami, Compressed Sand Weapons.   10: Sand Tornado/Hurricane, Major Sandstorm(Think Dustbowl.)           Earth User Materials-Levels   Earth Users can get any material below 7 from markets or anywhere.   Earth Users can not use material in their spells above their level as marked.   Since some of you don't know the limitations of Earth users.               ________________________________________________________ 1- Dirt, Rock, Limestone   2- Copper Ore, Coal, Clay   3- Soft Crystal, Kylite(can block iron.)   4- Opal, Deeper Earth layers   5- Topaz, Granite, Mythrilite   6- Lapis, Marble, Bluerite   7- Rubium, Nololite(Can block up to a 10x10 explosion but you need larger quantities of it to use.)   8-Adamintite, Zirconia, Quartz   9- Aelumenyte, Amethyst, Menolyte   10-Obsidian, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Ryolite               _______________________ Any other stones then these are on the advanced level.

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