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Elyania Vigile

Elements: Advance Earth 10     Age: 19     Race: Human     Sub-race: Terran     Height: 7'1"     Weight: 230 lb     Frame: Muscualr     Bust Size: 32 D     Eyes: Blue     Hair: Blonde     Skin: White     Accent: -     Blood Type: AB +     Personal Disabilities: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder     Personality: Reserved, Shy, Anti-Social     Other Details: Refrain from the use of the word Reject or calling her or her Brother Reject. This has been found to be a slur.     Seuxality: Bisexual     Virgin(Y/N): No (Don't tell Atiman)     Backstory: Elyania was born in the home town of the Terrans which to our knowledge had no official name. Her mother died at childbirth and her Father was a warrior and did not take care of his children. Elyania was raised by her Brother Nammit (Atiman) Vigile. She lived a relatively normal life until one day, She and Naamit went out to play during a rainstorm. As the rain came down on them a loud crash was heard as a landslide had swept over them.     By the grace of the lord they had been left to slowly suffocate in an air pocket. Elyania was terrified and wished for someone to save her. She passed out in her panicked state and when she woke she was face up on the ground with the cloudy sky above. She sat up and as the clouds parted, the sun seeped through and shone on her Brother. She knew that her brother saved her, but as he turned her happiness turned to fear yet again. Naamit's eyes shone with a brown glow as a elder stood over him. She knew that this meant death for not only Naamit, but her as well. But the elder did not kill them. Instead he guarded their secret even after she too awoke incorrectly.     Eventually her brother left Elyania and she was left alone to live her own life. She remained hidden for most of her life waiting on her brother to come back stronger than ever and rescue her from the hell that was her home. She too learned to use earth, but like Atiman she too was inexperience with her ability. Luckly she had the elder to teach her in private. She grew stronger like her brother would have wanted, and now that she is free she can finally live her life.

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