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Genocide of the Terran People

Disclaimer:   These are the records of those that experienced the Genocide of the Terran people. A compilation of witness testimony as to what happened on those fateful days. This is considered top secret information and is not to be released to the public as of yet. However the man responsible for this, Atiman Vigile, has voluntarily been placed in prison due to his actions.       -Atiman sat quietly outside, a barren landscape before him. The earth was course and jagged form months of attempting to better his earth abilities. He trained his body to its limit and beyond and now needed to refocus on his earthen abilities.- "These are just fucking rocks." -He said to himself in an aggressive tone attempting to alleviate himself from the pressure of trying to better his abilities. Atiman always found strength to be easier for him to train and use and earth always came secondary, but he wasted his potential.- "Come on now and work with be stupid stones." -Atiman leaned forward from his seated position and placed his hand flat on the ground and pushed them into the earth having the earth collapse around them sealing them away. He then pushed himself upward with his legs to a hand stand and stood there as he attempted to focus and do his training. Atiman closed his eyes for a moment only to open them again and have them glow with a bright brown. Atiman's arms shook under his own weight as he was now trying to use all his energy to terraform the area around him. Several pillars emerged from the ground twisting around each other forming a circle around Atiman the area he was in lifted up as line were drawn in the stone he created all to try to get minor details into his earth. The spires quickly grew thicker into arms the reached out and grabbed the platform that Atiman was on and pulled it apart creating a fissure where Atiman stood. He slowly turned over and dangled between the two separated platforms and the were violently ripped from the earth and turned into spheres. Atiman now buckling under his own weight attempted to hang on and continue this circus act only for the spheres to crumble around his hands and drop him to the ground creating a massive crater. Almost immediately the structures blew up into dust and Atiman's screams could be heard from the heavens.- "FUCK THIS BULLSHIT!" -S   "Not bad, definitely an improvement Lord Vigile." -Alice said as she slid down the crater with Albert, her 7foot tall dark skinned very muscular butler, the man adjusting his glasses as he put down a metal tray with water and a pork bun in front of Atiman.- "I agree Madam, he only curses half the time now." ; "You see Atiman, the Earth power within you is enormous, but gaining control over it is still the most important thing. Your body is fit, your strength is more than ready for it, it's now just a mental game, but I can't help but feel like something inside you is blocking it." -She sighed crossing her arms under her rather large breasts, the cleavage bulging out in front of him.- "I think you should consider taking a day or two to rest before you attempt more training." -T   -Atiman crawled out of his hole and had a sour expression on his face.- "First don't call me lord. Second Believe me my cursing could be a lot worse. And Third I am not going to stop training, that is not how I do things. I train until my body literally collapses, only issue here is I don't have Leon here to drag my ass back to bed." -Atiman stood up and dusted himself off and held his hands out flat to the ground. He then swept his hands across the air and the field they were in was wiped clean of debris.- "If you don't want me to train this, that is fine but I am not going to rest. Instead I'll go and workout or something else for a few days. At least I see progression there." -Atiman walked away towards more blank landscape leaving Alice, her Butler, and his suit of armor behind. a few moments after leaving a small bird landed on top of Atiman's armor, it had strapped to its back a message holder. Inside was a letter. "Atiman, there is talk from traders in Myroate that their convoys have been raided numerous times by groups of earth users. I'd go but this seems like something more suited for you rather than me. Still holding down the fort. -Leon" -S   -Albert adjusted his glasses as he took the tray and bowed to Alice before walking off. She then stepped forward and followed Atiman, stepping in front of him, closing her eyes and gave him a big warm hearted smile, though this was just a front for what seemed like a gigantic monstrous aura surrounding her. Under that sweet smile seemed to a demon from the core of hell itself as Atiman was rejecting even a small bit of hospitality she was offering him.- "Atiman, I'm not asking you to even rest for a few days, but at least take a few hours to rejuvenate both your physical strength and energy or you won't have any to train with, alright?" -T   -Atiman recoiled from Alice as she stepped in front of him, as she smiled at him he gave a nervous smile back that was something incredibly forced looking.- "Look I know my body better than anyone else. Trust me I have plenty of Strength to spare..." -Atiman's legs began to buckle underneath his weight and he caught himself before falling.- "My body can handle anything I throw at it." -Atiman looked over to his armor and noticed the bird with a message "Mind getting that for me it must be Leon with another update. I love that kid, but damn even I don't care for that place as much as he does. Last week he sent me a letter talking about the vendors in town needed more stock and a wall that needed to be built or something." -Atiman sat down and laid down looking up to the sky catching his breath.- -S   -Albert had grabbed the armor after he returned from putting up the tray, wrapping the leather in stone and throwing it to Alice, who then broken the stone and handed the letter to Atiman, still in it's same condition. He started carrying the armor back to the small tent they set up near the training area. Alice then plopped down on Atiman's chest and looked down to him.- "You're a hard worker that's what I admire about you.. Atiman." -That was probably the first time she had ever used his first name in the year he's trained with her. - "But just a little rest every now and then, if not for you, for me?" -How quickly she went from a demon behind that cute face to an actual sweet creature behind that cute face. She pulled out a wrapped pork bun and consumed it fast. She wasn't that large, busty but not much body fat.. well besides her chest and rear, but the small girl could probably consume a whole feast in one night if she was hungry enough. She then belched loudly, covering her mouth with a blush.- "Excuse me. What's Leon on about now?" -T   -Atiman looked over his shoulder to watch Albert carry his armor away. Considering he left it on x10 and the amount of time he had hit it with his hammer he was astound to watch him drag is away with relative ease. Atiman took the letter in his hand and started skimming through it as he heard Alice mumble some stuff behind him. Atiman stood up with the letter in his hand and turned to Alice.- "Leon needs some help at the home front. So I'm going to have to cut resting off for a minute while I take care of this for hi..." -The words Alice said before finally rang through his head and he smiled and said.- "You finally called me At..." -Atiman then fell over and landed hard on the ground with a loud thud as he was unmoving and unresponsive. Atiman's body finally caught up with him and knocked him into a state of unconsciousness in order to recuperate. He laid there face first in the earth as the letter in his hand flapped in the wind.- -S   -Alice looked over and her eyes turned into a knowledgeable view of what she figured would happen, she then sighed heavily, and walked calmly over to his body. She placed her hand on the back of his armor and jarred it into his body, with a slight glow it released all the weight he had placed on himself earlier to allow him for a full recovery, she then dashed quickly, grabbing the letter out of the wind and read it thoroughly.- "Mmm, looks like I may have to go in Atiman's place." -T   -It did not take that long for Alice to reach Myroate and come into contact with Leon. He was sitting inside a steel bunker that had people building a mansion around it.- "Sorry about the mess, we just cleaned up the last mansion. Atiman has so much gold that he doesn't know what to do with he destroys his mansion every couple of months and pays to get it rebuilt. The only place not touched is his armory which we are in now." -Leon then motions to the somewhat cramped area filled with hammers and weapons previously used, the most prominent are the two steel hammers mounted above the desk. They are war torn and rusty, but have yet to break.- "I have to clean up all the mess he left here on top of all his work he dropped to train with you. I do hope you are making sure he gets rest because he will train himself to death." -Leon shakes his head and takes a deep breath.- "Sorry when I'm flustered I just start going off. Please sit Alice and tell me what brings you here. And if it is destroyed property we will be sure to reimburse you." -Leon leans over slightly grabbing a pot of coffee and proceeds to pour two cups, sliding one over to Alice.- -S   -Alice arrived dressed in her usual travel attire, though didn't have her hammer this time. She looked around at the mansion site.- "Oh trust me I know his habits, but we've set up a camp to train at several miles away from the city, and it was actually partially forested once, not really anymore though.. He has a lack of discipline, but he's.. strong. He just needs to learn how to properly control his power and use it with his strength instead of just letting it flow wild and out of control likes he tends to.- "Anyways, it shouldn't be my place, but I have come in Atiman's place due to him being on a rest bed. Albert is going to make sure he stays in bed for a while too until he makes a full recovery.... You don't have to choose to tell me either, but honestly speaking, unless you would like to wait a week I'm the best option you have." -She sipped her coffee politely.- -T   "I hope Albert knows what he is getting into. Once awake Atiman is going to try to get up and either keep training or come back here and trust me he doesn't care what is in his way he'll have it done." -Leon takes a rather big drink of his coffee the bags under his eyes from his restless nights finally becoming apparent.- "Honestly I'll take whatever I can get at this point. I need the guard here and they need me here so we are stuck. And without Atiman around we can't exactly get a notice out to New Heaven that will be responded to any time soon." -Leon goes to take another drink only to find his cup empty. He stands up and frustrated, he goes and re-fills his cup. From over his shoulder Leon says.- "The complaint is from a mining town near the base of the mountain range just a few clicks from us. Normally this would be like a raiding or a pillaging, something that could be easily stopped by a couple of guards. But they claim that they are being terrorized." -He takes another big sip only to re-fill himself once again.- "Something tells me this is something more than just simple vandalism. It sounds like what ever is there it is destroying everything. Now I'm not going to tell you what to do, but simply stopping this problem is not enough. Getting to the root is the only way to handle this if you are in need of assistance in any way let us know and we will drop everything to mount an assault, but let hope something like that doesn't happen. Any questions?" -Leon turned back to Alice with cup and pot in hand with a stern but questionable look.- -S   -She threw down a small stone that resembled a glass rose it burning brightly until a bird rose from it. She then quickly wrote down on a paper the situation, signed it, sealed it and attached it to the birds back, then proceeded to let the bird go outside and fly away.- "I've alerted the 6th Legion, they'll send over a pair of strong hands to assist, I assure you. As for us we're going ahead. And you Leon are going to rest the whole way there, got it?" -T   "I don't think you understand the predicament we are in Ms. Alice. I will not be accompanying you on this mission. You are replacing Atiman in the field as I am replacing him here." -Leon then pulled out a small scroll from the table the were seated at and inrolled it.- "The village that is in trouble is a small mining village. The have reported that a group of exception young people have been terrorizing them over their minning." -Leon then sets down the scroll and with a serious expression looks Alice in the eyes.- "This part is the most crucial as in their note the people refer to this group as Terrans. These could simply be posers trying to use the name as a scare tactic. All we know about Terrans is what we know about Atiman. Sorry I wish I could tell you more. But if you have no more questions then you are dispatched to your mission. Stay safe." -S   "Terans... they were supposed to be near extinction. To think an entire tribe could still exist may be impossible, so yes I'll investigate with my own eyes. Also I really would like for you to come with me Leon, I've sent notice to Albert as well, he could manage things perfectly while you are away. He might be even able to whip some things into shape around here. It's not fair that Lord Vigile always gets to go out, why don't you come? You're the closest one to Atiman excluding myself and Albert, so it'd be good for a record if you came as well." -She sighed and made her way to the door, tying her short hair back.- "I'll be on my way then." -T   -Leon stood up from his chair and scratched his head - "I suppose if you really want me to come along and someone is here to watch over things. I guess I shall tag along. If you don't mind please wait outside I need to armor up. The one good thing about Atiman being gone is that I don't constantly have to lug my heavy armor around. I have no idea why he has that rule." -A short time passed and Leon emerged from the armory in a mix of plate armor and leather. He had a torn cape that reached down to his knees as well as a small straight sword in a hilt hanging from the left side of his waist. However what was not normal was that he also had hanging from the right side of his waist were the war-torn steel hammers that Atiman used to wield. Leon then whistled loudly to the sky and from around a corner a large brown horse raced to their location. Without missing a beat Leon leaped up into the air and mounted the horse, which he then turned around and slowed in front of Alice.- "I think Gilphree would be a decent companion on this trip. After all he agreed to ride with us all the way there it is only fair that we allow him to join us." -The horse then knelt down to the ground and laid down folding its legs so that it would be flat to the ground. Leon then extended his hand out to Alice to help her aboard.- "Shall we?" -S   "Heavy armor isn't that bad, but I do like flexibility to what I'm wearing." -She smiled giving a good stretch as she walked out, giving Leon an accidental good view of some curves and cleavage.- "Yes we shall." -She then climbed nimbly onto the horse's lower back and climbed on, giving him a nice pet.- "Aweh, you're such a gentleman and cute too." -Though she was talking to the horse and not Leon.- "Atiman must be as difficult to you then he is with us.. very difficult. But then again.. the man has a certain.. charm about him." -She closed her eyes, a slight blush coming on her face. It seemed her whole presentation and impression she ever left on Leon were of a noblewoman with a soft side, though she they ever fight together he might be taken by quite a surprise. She then made a few hand signs and placed her hand lightly on Gilphree's back.- "Angelic Art of Gifting Number 42: God's Speed." -And with that a shimmering surge went through Gilphree, greatly increasing his strength, speed, and stamina.- "I have no doubt this majestic steed has the power to carry us there no problem, but I'd like to get there with plenty of time and make it easier on him, the spell should wear off about the time we get there. And should he like this temporary boost I could teach it to you sometime. It also works on just about anything else that's living." -She gave a whole hearted smile and giggle.- -T   "Well it is a necessity actually, unlike you and Atiman I do not have earthen powers. So as to no die I would need proper armor as if I were to go up against Atiman. I can only assume that if these people are correct then were have to believe that these Terrans are just as strong as Atiman. Plus I had this armor custom made to release the steel plates leaving only the leather." -Leon attempted to not look at Alice as she climbing on top of Gilphree, but the hormones of a teenager are too strong and he glanced down at her.- "Yes well...You get reprieve from him, while I have to deal with him 24/7. Trust me the charm wears off fast. But I do admit that I have not found a man so dedicated in my life, HE will go to the ends of the earth just to get what he wants done." -Atiman watches Alice cast the Art on Gilphree and surprisingly Gilphree does not react at all, normally he is so hesitant around people he does not know but some how he is ok with Alice.- "That would be great, lord knows what would happen if you taught Atiman that. He would probably rule the world at this point." -Leon grabbed the harness and snapped Gilphree to his feat.- "Alright friend, let's ride!" -Gilphree jettisoned forward and they were off.- / -After a few hours of riding the three slowing came close the base of the mountain with the town in sight. The town was dug into the earth in a rather large crater, they made a staircase that follows along the sides of the crater and spiral down into the town. The staircase was carved out of the very ground that surrounds the city and has little to no chance of falling apart.- "Well there is the mining town, only a few miles away from the base of the mountain range. If there are going to be Terrans they would be here. It is almost a dream fighting location for earth users. Limited access to water and the ability to close of the top of the town to weaken Light, Fire, and Wind users. No wonder they bully this place. Alright Gilphree let's get going." -The three make their descent into the mining town, as they get closer they notice that the buildings are wooden, much like a stereotypical western town. They place looks run down and is abandoned, but they continue on through. They happen to come across a tavern that appears to be open, it has the faint sounds of people inside.- -S   "Well you see the issue with teaching Atiman any Angelic spells is his retention for control. He has the raw power of a legendary earth user but his control over his power is honestly.. not that great. If one doesn't even have mastered control in their own element and not just it's power then they would have no hope of being able to use Angelic spells." -She giggled.- "He tries though. He always has a will and I have hope he'll master control over his abilities.. very strong." -Alice had another one of her day dreams again that was pretty obvious." -T       -As they reached the mining town Alice pulled out a small scope and looked around.- "No signs." -She then hopped off of Gilphree.- "I suppose we should check out that tavern in there Leon, be on your guard. and if we are dealing with Terrans I suppose I should change." -She then drew out a scroll and slammed it on the ground, a puff of smoke rising up surrounding her. Her usual attire was gone, along with her hammer. Leaving in a get up with high boots, flexible pants, a leather and cotton blouse and a dark purple leather duster, cut off at about the knees. Her signature large hammer on her back.- "Like it? Atiman said it needed something so he found me this duster and I had it dyed to more my style! Alright, let's see what the trouble is." -T   -Leon looked Alice up and down and said.- "And I thought I was an Atiman fanboy..." -Leon pulled his shield from his back and placed it on his right arm. He then went to the door and stopped turning to Alice.- "Remember this town is populated, so please try not to cause collateral dam... Oh wait you're not Atiman. Well regardless if at all possible let's at least try to lead them away." -Leon gave a small nod and threw the door open. Upon them entering the tavern they were presented with a man facedown in a pool of his own blood. Stepping over his body their were people hanging from the ceiling and protruding from the wall, as well as planted in the ground. A small group of three men were sitting at a table, they wore baggy cloth that resembled clothing of some sort. They were beating upon a old man how was dead a long time ago. Panning over to the bar their were two women wearing leather clothing that resembled hides. They did not look flexible at all, nothing like Alice's. They were sitting atop the bar caressing a young man that was fairly attractive.- -S       -Leon looked to the back and noticed a crowd of people jammed to the wall trying to stay as far away as possible from the Terrans. Leon took a step forward and cleared his throat, which got everyone's attention. The three men stand up from their fallen 'adversary' and their giant frames tower over both Alice and Leon. Why the two women hop off the bar top and join with the men. One of the men begins to talk.- "Looks like we have some heroes here to save the day. Who the fuck are you two?" -One of the females leans on the man who just talked and says.- "Maybe they came to see the legend that is the Terran race." -Leon's ears perk up and he smiles.- "So the info was right, you are Terrans or at least you say you are." -He takes a quick breath and stares them down.- "We are going to ask once and one time only let these people go and leave this place or else." -The group of Terrans laugh and wipe away tears as the other women says through laughs.- "This kid is not only adorable, but hilarious too. He thinks him and his mom can take us on." -One of the more silent men leans over to the woman and says- "Hey check out their earth energy I bet they don't come near any of us." "Sure let's see." -The woman holds out her hands and closes her eyes point her body towards Alice first.- "She could actually pose a threat if there were more of her, but something tells me junior over there is much..." -She swings her hands over to Leon and jumps backwards and her eyes nearly pop out of her skull.- "WHAT THE FUCK, HOW ON FUCKING EARTH DO YOU HAVE THAT MUCH EARTH ENERGY FLOWING THROUGH YOU." -The group of Terran look puzzled back at the one woman- "He couldn't possible be that much of a threat..." "NO HIS ENERGY ALONE TRUMPS OURS COMBINED HE CAN NOT BE REAL." -S       -Leon looks confused as he does not know a single lick of Earth, but somehow they are scared of something he does not have. He turns to Alice to try to make some sense out of this.- "Do you know what on earth they are talking about?" -S   -Alice gave Leon a quick glare of annoyance at his comment, then followed him into the bar.- "I'll be sure to lead them out of town should we really have to fight, I can't promise anything if we do fight in town. Albert tries to get me to fight like a noble woman on the field but I've always had issues with that.." -T       -As they walked into the bar she was appalled at the scene, her eyes immediately finding the targets that were still alive and seemed to be the threat here, keeping her powers completely under control. She was always a calm woman for the most part but as soon as she heard the mom comment she showed a frown of annoyance, her fist balling up tightly, and with that she bolted forward with insane speed at the largest male, letting some of her controlled power slip into a punch that would be heading straight for his gut. No she didn't have the raw power that Atiman had but her control abilities over her element allowed her to master other things like being speedy with it and using it with momentum, along with a few other tricks she had up her sleeves. She didn't even bother answering Leon's question, she was already worked up into a rage at the mistreatment of the villagers and along with the very rude comment. Though her punch may have started something that would've been better saved for outside most likely.- -T   -The man caught off guard by Alice's punch bent over seemingly in pain only to lean upward and stare her dead in the eyes. His eyes went from blue to a shining golden color as he grabbed Alice's arm with a vice only rivaled by that of a snake.- "Looks like mommy dearest here knows how to throw a punch. I wonder how she'll stand up to the body of Gaia." -The two other men stared down at Alice with the same glow in their eyes as the one holding on to Alice's arm. The man then removed her are from his gut and lifted Alice above his head and flung her outside. "You two take care of the kid. We'll destroy this bitch." -S       "Three on one, a regular gang bang. Every woman's fantasy. getting pounded by three men." -The three Terran males seemed to grow in size as their baggy clothes began to fill out. They grew more muscular and widened as the gold light shinned brighter from their eyes.- "You know we don't usually do this, but sucker punching someone really does get them at their A game." -The man that Alice had punched lunged forward at her leaving a crater in the ground with every bound. Once he got close He leaped into the air and came barreling down at her, while one of the other men had apparently been following behind and rushed her from the front. They both yelled out- "DRILL TECHNIQUE." -This is a 'technique' most children use where a ball is thrown in the air to distract a person, while another ball is thrown directly at an individual to drill them in the stomach. A classic misdirection.- -S   -She tumbled getting caught off guard by her anger getting thrown outside tumbling.- "Shit.." -She quickly regained her footing before they all surrounded her, dodging each punch. Getting hit by one of those would be bad and she quickly outranked them as of speed right now. She simply just side stepped in a flicker, kicking up a chunk of earth with her movement, then shattered it at such a microscopic level it exploded into a dust, clouding the area, and to avoid detection she bounded off a nearby barrel near a building before her feet hit the ground. Taking to the air and rolled forward onto a building roof strategizing the situation. Her speed was at that of a wind user at the mid levels of the second branch. Her little body and strength training allowed her to move this fast. But it was time to get serious, so she grabbed her hammer off her back and looked to the three, waiting for them to move first.- -T   -The two giant figures stood in the cloud of Dust searching around trying to see where Alice had gone.- "Damn, the bitch is fast." "Well let's even it up then." -The third one said that was relatively normal sized compared to the hulking goons he stood between. One of the giant's body began to shift in the dust cloud becoming smaller in stature, much like the third one. One remained giant and Slammed his open hands together and blew the dust away with the boom. There stood the Giant and their normal sized leader, along side them stood one of the giants but he was now much smaller. His muscles going from bulging to more refined in a matter of moments, he now had the body of a runner or a swimmer.- "This kind of body sucks so much. I don't even feel strong anymore." -The leader turned to him and said.- "Yes, but now you are much faster and on top of that you can flush her out." -The man that was now slimmer took a runners stance and dashed off towards where Alice was. He was incredibly fast for normal human standards, but no where near as fast as most elemental users. The man reached the building's bottom floor and began parkouring up it. Once reaching the top the man looked around seeing Alice immediately.- "There you are. I was just going to come up here to get a better vantage point, but lucky me." -The man ran up to Alice and proceeded to leap forward and kick at Alice's stomach.- -S   -Alice was already anticipating, she predicted to be followed and she was already in a stance when the man lunged his foot at her.- "What did Atiman call it again? " -And with this she placed a foot forward then flickered at even a faster pace , side stepping just a split second avoiding his foot, hammer swinging with her motion.- "Oh yes, I do quite remember now. BATTER UP!" -Her hammer swinging straight into the chest of the man, using his her and motion together as a boost to already strong enough hammer swing, which even the man being a terran would most likely be fatal. She then leaped down into the streets, making a slight crater where she landed, standing up having a good distance from the two others.- "Let's settle this then, because now, frankly. I'm just plain pissed off." -Her eyes glew brightly, and the whole town began to tremor like an earthquake was going to happen. Though despite how angry she was, her elemental powers will still very suppressed, but the amount of control allowed to let out explosive bursts like that tremor and then turn them off in seconds. No why she was not as strong as Atiman or was a few power tiers under his Earth abilities. Her amount of control she had over the element made her near 90% of his overall power level. There was also her spirit release she had acquired, but it still lacked quite some training and control to use.- "Honestly I really don't want to hurt any survivors in this town so I suggest you back down now, and go back to where you came from." -T   -The man attacking Alice was hit square in the chest and sent flying away. He was almost immediately knocked unconscious and was sent hurdling towards a nearby house, which he destroyed upon impact with his body. The rubble fell on top of him as Alice landed on the ground and faced not two, but one man the leader. He seemed unfazed by the loss of his comrade and didn't even look back.- "You are fairly strong woman. Hell, if you were a Terran woman I'd marry you on the spot. Unfortunately though I am not looking for a mate at the moment. Your aura however is impressive, for a normal Earth user to reach the level you are at must have taken a lot of training. However, you must know that you can only do so much until genetics get involved, and when you factor that in we Terrans are a breed above the rest." -The man took a rather large step back and then snapped his fingers. The building that Alice just stood on crackled and moaned as it was lifted. Below the house was the second man still large and muscular, he was lifting the house one handed and almost as fast as he picked it up he swung the entire building and dropped it on Alice giving her only seconds to react.- -S   -Alice pivoted her foot and swung her hammer upward, concentrated earth coming up in front of her in a pillar that began striking through the wood parts of the house, connecting her hammer to the earth enhancing it's strength as she kept bringing more earth up to cover her as she broke through it, even using the channel to absorb the stone parts of the house in her shield, until it was just a debris zone of wood, Alice in her own little shield. She then stomped her foot down making all of the earth in her shield break up into tiny spikes, sending them every single one of them at the Terran that had thrown the house down on her.- "I don't take kindly to your brute force." -T   -The shards crumbled against the Terran's massive frame as he stood there unaffected by the earth.- "Well it is like you said. I am a Brute. So.." -The Terran lowered his shoulder and charged towards Alice at top speed ready to ram her.- "Why the fuck would I care if I force my self on you." -It was clear that either this man was stupid or just reaching for anything to say. Either way he was big, strong, and stupid. A terrible mix.- -S   "Perfect." -Alice had predicted he would make no effort to dodge any of the earth shards she sent at him whether they connected or not.- "Truly a brute." -Alice prepared for his ram, dodging to the side quickly, then dashed off of a wall, springing into the air , using a small bit of hardened gems she could only gather quickly into a spike, using the leap's momentum with her hammer coming brutally down, connecting with all of the dust that was all over the man, giving her the connection she needed to amplify her blow, hopefully driving her makeshift gem stake into the man's heart.- -T   -The man stood there for only a minute with the shard plunged into his heart. He reached out and grabbed Alice by the head and lifted her up into the air.- "I might be a brute, but I'm durable." -The man began the crush Alice's head the overwhelming pressure of his hand closing around got to Alice enough to make any normal person scream. And when the threshold of pain was just about to turn over it suddenly stopped. The man stood there his blood streaming down his chest, dead. Removing his hand from her head would be easy, but who knows what the last challenger will bring. Upon turning to face he last opponent Alice only saw Leon standing there with the two female Terran's wrapped up in ropes.- "I see you had some fun too. Now where are the other two?" -S   -Alice cringed in pain as the pressure grew on her head, an aura around glowing immensely around her.- "Unearth, Gal-" -But as the man collapsed, she jumped away, not finishing her sentence as her once glowing weapon stopped glowing along with her aura.- "I was hoping I wouldn't have to use that here, good." -She then looked over to Leon, adjusting herself.- "They're taken care of, don't worry. So I suppose we'll have to share this one?" -T   "You said you took care of the others. And I took care of the two females. What other one are you taking about?" -It appears that during the fight with the large man that was now impaled, the third and final Terran male, had vanished. Leaving little to no markings on the ground for them to follow it seems as though the man escaped cleanly.- "With the last one still roaming around we should try to capture him, or in your case..." -Leon looked over to the standing corpse of the Terran male, but returned his attention to Alice.- "Luckily I was able to capture and subdue the two females. Perhaps we could extract some information out of them inorder to find out where the last would have gone." -Leon held out the rope to Alice and let her have it.- "I'll leave you to it. I am going to go tend to the wounds of the village people. Let me know if you get a lead." -Leon headed back towards the tavern, but stopped short and turned back to Alice.- "And I assume this goes without saying, but please keep them alive." -S   -Alice reached her hands into the ground, and after about a minute of full focusing she pulled out a large mass of diamond and hardened earth, sculpting them into perfect bindings, binding both arms and legs of each female on the ground, then placed various seals on each of them to suppress elemental and natural energies that may emit from them. She then looked down to both of them sharpening up a diamond knife as she did so.- "Where's the big one?" -T   "Damn coward ran away." -One says to no one in particular. She then looks off into the distance with a rather angry face. The other looked at Alice and said.- "If you wanna know where he went, then you have to tell us something in return. Otherwise we will gladly go to our deaths with our friends whereabouts." -The one willing to talked looked sternly at Alice and asked.- "That kid had so much Earthen energy flowing out of him he was like a fucking fountain. And yet, when we fought he didn't use a single earth move. He wasn't even using it for strength. How is it possible that he is that strong without even knowing it? I mean all he used was his Light, MIrror, Sword, and those Hammers. And yet not a single Earth ability? He was using everything to his advantage except for it. So why?" -The woman looked up to Alice for answers.- -S   "Honestly I wish I knew more about your culture without you people being bloody savages, because I didn't even know at first glance, but now that you pointed it out and if I look beyond normal site, I can see it. It's not a mortal born aura like a normal elemental aura is either, that's the thing I don't understand." -She then looked to Leon, looking back at the Terran woman then her eyes focused on him again, the aura wasn't emanating from Leon but the hammers he used, Atiman's hammers.- "I see it now and I can answer your question. It's not the boy the hammers of his mentor that he wields, his Lord. Atiman Vigile, another Terran just like you, or so we thought he was a Terran. Now look I'm not going to kill you, but I need to know where the man went, myself and the boy finding him may be crucial to answering several questions, so I ask you as another person that dwells on this earth, you please tell me where the man possibly could have gone." -Alice squatted infront of the two Terran women looking at both of them.- -T   "Atiman Vigile? No fucking person in our village is named Atiman. And I guarantee any Terran you meet, comes from our village. There is a family with that last name though. Perhaps you found a relative half breed?" -Through her rambling, the other girl turns around with an angry look.- "You wanna find the prick. He probably went back to the village to hide like the pussy he is. I'll fucking draw you a map to his fucking house if you want." -The second girl then turns to the first and says.- "You really hate him that much? Mentes could be going back for help." "Get fucking real. This Old lady shows up with her prepubescent kid and whoops our asses and you think he is gonna go get help? He is running away." -S   -Alice had struck another nerve but instead of just killing them like a cold blooded murderer, she threw out her hand infront of what seemed like the more intelligent Terran woman.- "Where the mind goes at the speed of a calvary, so I will follow until I reach the heavenly pasture on which the cattle graze. Angelic Benefit Spell, Clarity." -Alice placed her glowing hand onto the head of the Terran woman, after a few seconds she stood up, reaching into her pouch and brought out a small satchel, crushing it and then kicked it into the air extremely high, causing the pouch to explode into a bright flare that didn't seem to fade.- "A squad will be here for cleanup and extraction, and I can imagine the two they sent from the Legion shouldn't be far behind. Let's go Leon." -She then dashed off towards the exit of town, she read enough of the woman's mind to at least know where the village was, seeing as the thought of the village was still on the woman's mind, she was able to dig into that thought on the exact location, and that was the exact utility of Clarity, being able to dig into a recent though in someone's mind to possibly find a secret or a location.- -T   "So you know where to go. Good let's ride." -Leon whistled loudly and Gilphree galloped in and both Alice and Leon hopped on and rode out of the hole. Leon followed Alice's direction which seemingly lead to the mountain's base. Halfway through their ride Leon pulled hard on the reigns and stopped Gilphree. Leon then turned to Alice and said.- "Before we go any further, We need to talk a little bit about what we know. Tell me what happened with the male Terrans and I'll tell you about the female Terrans. Because something is bugging me, and I need to make sure I am not crazy." -S   -As they stopped Alice looked to Leon, her expression calm.- "They had the power to get bigger, and immense strength, but one of them could get smaller for more speed, and something about the glow in their eyes was offputting, like a natural energy that flowed through them gave them this strength, I don't know if we exactly are thinking on the same thing, but it's like they can tap into their bodies for more strength, the glow of their eyes, it's like Atiman's.. but there's hardly any light in them at all like Atiman's, anything else?" -T   "So...they are different. The females had Atiman's power to a tee. Brown eyes with strong earth abilities. They how ever seemed to know what they were doing with their power. Like you, they could control it. But like you said their power was no where near Atiman's for some reason." -Leon looked up and tried to think of a solution.- "Atiman is hiding something from us. Why would he say Terrans are extinct, but they are not? Why would he not talk about other Terrans abilities? We should try to figure this out. Lord knows Atiman won't tell us. Did you tell them about Atiman at all?" -S   "I did yes, they wanted to know. They seem to think he might be a half breed. But did you stop to think Leon that Atiman might not even know his own origins, he has almost no control over his earth powers, he goes into these rages or strength fits with hardly even control over his own power. And it's in the Empire logs that the Terrans were most likely at extinction, so again it all comes back to the fact that he might not even know considering how poor his skills in control are." -She looked at him sternly, speaking her mind from at least her experiences with Atiman.- -T   "Maybe...but I don't know. He never talks about Terrans, but he knows he is a Terran." -Leon looked Alice in the eyes.- "How would he know he is a Terran, but not know about Terrans?" -Leon turned around and commanded Gilphree to continue the route.- "I don't think it is impossible. But it is unlikely." ; -The two rode in silence until the reached the base of the mountain. The area had a high density of trees, to the point where it was hard for Gilphree to walk through. Weaving through the trees lead to a sudden stop of the greenery. A giant wall made entirely out of earth several feet high and thick it stood with a single opening. It was a rather small hole in the giant wall, but was big enough for a person to walk through. There at the gate stood a older man that appeared to stare off in the distance, and did not look at Leon and Alice. Leon leaned to Alice and said.- "Gilphree needs to stay out here. I'll hitch him up you go talk to the man." -S   "Alright then, this day keeps getting stranger I say." -She hopped off Gilphree and paced her way to the entrance, stopping in front of the old man giving a bow.- "My name is Alice Malleo and I'm an Official Emissary from the New Heaven Empire. A group of people belonging to this village has committed atrocities in a mining town in our territory, and the location of this village is technically in our territory as well, so by Imperial Law we have jurisdiction in this area to pursue said criminal, but I don't wish to start a war here. We mean no harm but justice must be followed through in this current situation." -She had her eyes fixated on the old man.- -T   -As Alice got off of Gilphree the man instantly turned his head to meet her.- "I thought that was a deer. Apparently it is a horse." -Upon closer inspection the old man was blind, and although he was old his body was large. He dominated the frame of the entrance. He stood there nodding listening to Alice's dialog. He then hung his head and knelled down to meet Alice.- "I understand that one of ours has wronged you. And I can sense just from your heart beat that you are a powerful earth user. But without another Terran, the people here will not cooperate. They look after their own. It would be wise for you to just forget what has happened and tu..." -the man stopped mid sentence and stared off at Leon. Leon just had gotten off of Gilphree and was tying him up to a hitch. The older man walked over to Leon, leaving his post and said.- "Naamit. You have returned. It is so good to see you again my boy." -The man lifted Leon off the ground and bear hugged him. Even though the man looked nothing more than skin and bones he picked Leon up with ease, armor and all.- "Ummm...." -Leon said looking to Alice for help. But as he did he was put down and lead towards the entrance.- "I assume this young lady is with you. I must say that you must go to see Elyania before you do your business. She misses you greatly. Now go on you two and be careful." -Leon and Alice were allowed inside the wall and were greeted to an area devoid of anything. It was a large amount of turned soil with rocky houses off in the distance.- -S   -Alice was surprised when the old man had hugged Leon, giving a slight cough when Leon looked to her, she began following the path, going inside through the wall to look at the site of the village, looking around for their intended target.- "I say finding him might be a bit of a problem especially if we have to fight our way out, but all the earth here will be of use to me should I need to go all out." -SHe pondered on what to do next.- -T   -Leon coughed heavily as if the wind got knocked out of him. He staggered as he walked with Alice attempting to get his breath.- "I don't know who Naamit is, but either that guy really loves him or hates him with a burning passion. Considering how easily you took them down though, we shouldn't have too much of a problem right?" -Leon said looking forward at the upcoming houses. each house was made from the very earth they stood upon. They were carved, indented, and made to look absolutely beautiful. Nothing at all like what comes from Atiman. There was so much detail put into every building it was amazing for something that has a rather large and barren landscape just next to it. As the two continued into this building area, they came across a group of women all sitting with their eyes closed not exactly moving or anything. The area they were in was filled with grass and even had a small tree that rained pedals down on the meditating women. The women seemed to be from all walks of life, some were older with bags under their eyes, some were rather young and perky, while others looked almost rugged and war torn and were somewhere in between the two other ages. Surprisingly though, no children were present.- -S   "They weren't that challenging but very strong, but if we can do this peacefully to avoid anymore bloodshed. I'd like to do so." -She had a serious look on her face, a usual aftereffect of one of her anger episodes like that had happened in the town.- "We need to trace where our suspect is over possibly saying hi to the parents of the man the old man mistook you for, but it also goes back to what the old man said, about Terrans looking out for their own. So maybe we should head there to see if you can possibly figure out why the old man would mistake your aura for one of his own." -She nodded to Leon.- "Only problem left is to figure out where to look, and we don't really want to try and draw attention to ourselves." -T   "You are drawing quite a lot of attention to yourselves actually." -One of the women that had been meditating only a moment ago now stood behind them. She looked to be in her late 40s and had a frown running down her face.- "You madam are doing a excellent job holding down your power." -She then looked to Leon and said.- "Your friend here though appears to be, trying to prove something. Perhaps impress you or maybe us with his power. I assure you man, that you are not impressing anyone and are in fact just disrupting our meditation" -The woman was very angry, but the other women of the group appeared to be minding their own business. Except for a lone young blonde haired girl who just as she was caught seemed to go back to what she was doing. Leon stepped forward saying.- "I'm sorry, I keep getting that today and am not sure why. I'll try to do something about it, but regardless we were about to leave. Actually perhaps you can help us? We are looking for a man that is from your tribe, but it seems we have come across the wrong gender of Terran." -The woman put her hand up in the air and stopped Leon.- "There have been no males that have come through here today, but it is possible he managed to sneak by. You will most likely have a better chance of finding him in the living area. Elyania!" -The old lady called, and surprisingly the blonde girl from before stood up and wandered close to them looking down at her feet. She was a giant amongst the petite Terran women they have come across so far. She was practically naked as her clothes seemed to grasp on for dear life. She was rather muscular for a woman, but more tone than anything.- "Yes miss?" -She said with a soft voice. The older woman turned to her and said.- "Since you are so inflatuated with these two then perhaps you can assist them with their search. Also granting them shelter in your home as night grows near." "Yes mam." -The giant woman stepped forward and motioned Alice and Leon to follow. as they headed west along the mountain side.- -S   -Alice looked to the Terran women.- "Terran males must be a minority as I've seen more females than males of their tribe, or we just haven't come across a district with males in it." -Alice then turned her attention to the taller Terran woman.- "We're in search of a large terran male who is wanted by The New Heaven Empire for several crimes, I don't suppose I need bring up formalities such as a warrant either. Your greeter also mistook this boy for a man named Naamit? Perhaps it might be a mistake because Leon here is not Terran, but his commander... Atiman.... is.." -Alice's mind just put together most of the puzzle pieces, pointing to the warhammers on Leon's hip.- "Leon, might it be all of Atiman's battle energy in the hammers... perhaps that might be why they mistake you for a fellow Terran? Miss Elyania, do you know of a man named Naamit? And are his relatives possibly still around? Our search for the other male can wait." -T   "Well there is a reason for that. Terran Males have different training than females. So you just happened upon our training spot." -The woman smiled and looked back at Alice. She had a friendly smile and a happy face, she looked ready to answer any questions. Upon Alice saying Naamit the female stopped in her tracks and clenching her hand. She turned and stared at both Leon and Alice with a wide grin being forced on her face. She was grinding he teeth and overall looked stressed.- "Yes I do know a man named Naamit. Unfortunately he left a very long time ago." -Elyania spat out through her teeth.- "The gate keeper must have mistook you for him, he is getting on in years." -She turned turned around and stated walking in the same direction as before.- "I will gladly take you to his old home tomorrow. Tonight you will stay with me and my family. I hope that is ok." -She seemed almost calm now but her clenched hand was almost drenched in blood and left a trail behind her. The day grew to night as they stood there and talked so their decision must be a quick one.- / -Leon turned to Alice and said.- "She knows something. Best to play along now and maybe not bring it up again. Best not to anger the one person so far willing to help us." -S   -Alice nodded then tensed up as she could tell visibly that her words about Naamit had disturbed her. She then looked to Leon.- "I suppose we should be diplomatic about this and accept the hospitality." -She then followed with Leon behind the large woman looking all around at the village.- "I do have to say your village is impressive." -T   "Yes I suppose impressive is a word you can use to describe it. A lot of work was put into it by the Terran's. You should feel lucky, not many people get to see this. But regard less we should get going." -Elyania continued forward until they reached what appeared to be another set of houses made out of the Earth. These houses were more shotty than the last ones. The streets were wider and people lined them. They continued moving through the houses until they reached a large open area seemingly in the middle of the housing district. Walking over it gave Alice the feeling something was underneath, as if their was a cover over a large hollow spot. They stopped on this spot and Elyania pointed to a rather large house high above the others that looked down on the spot they stood.- "That is were are leader is. Leaders here are not born, as they are in your civilization. Here our leader can be anyone who proves they are the strongest among us. He should know about the man you are looking for. But as I said, it is late." -The trio continued on back into another district until they reached a relatively small house on the side of a cliff. Below the cliff was a long drop into the sea that slammed against the cliff side. Elyania enter the house and it was dark. She grabbed a rock off of a table and struck it against a candle lighting them and therefor lighting the room up.- "We have one extra room so I hope you don't mind sharing a bed. Its kind of tight in here, but it is nice and cozy. I am tired from my training so I am going to rest. Tomorrow I will tell you all that you want to know." -Elyania disappeared into another room and closed the door without another word leaving Alice and Leon to share a bed.- / "Well I guess we don't have much of a choice. You take the bed, I'll take the floor." -Leon began undoing his armor until he was down to just the leather. He sat down on the floor and rested his head on the wall.- "Normally I would ask you to just make use a quick camp outside. But who knows what they might deem offensive. Best to use and not tamper with what they give us." -Leon looked over to Alice and said.- "She really doesn't want to talk to us. She seemed so nice and then it must have been something we said. Maybe that Naamit guy is her old Boyfriend. Either way it is a sore subject. Maybe it is better to focus on that other Terran? What do you think Ms. Alice?" -S   -Alice nodded and looked at the bed.- "I'm surprised you don't have enchanted storage scrolls in your armory at Myroate." -She pulled out a scroll that poofed into a trunk where she pulled out some garments, then whispered some words quietly that weren't understand by Leon, a completely solid white veil surrounding Alice for a few minutes, then faded. She was now in a long nightgown, with an old shirt over it obviously too big for her, and rather roughed up though it looked like it had been cleaned the best it could be. It was one of Atiman's old shirts. She then looked to Leon and blushed.- "He gave it to me when we were training one night when I was cold and I use it to sleep in when I'm away because it makes me feel safe." -She giggled and crawled into the bed.- "We have a big day tomorrow and you're right we probably should look about apprehending the man first, then maybe inquire about Naamit second, because I think it's obvious by now Leon, we know who he really is. I'm merely curious now." -T   "I guess it is just one more thing that I can learn." -Leon shrugged and laughed slightly about his lack of knowledge on these arts. Even though he was a light user. Leon watched as Alice changed in front of him listening to her story and thinking to himself.- 'If I were in that situation Atiman would have told me that I should have been better prepared. I guess that is what it is like to be on his good side.' -Leon closed his eyes listening to Alice talk and preparing for sleep.- "Don't quite know what you mean Alice. But please lets hold it off for tonight i'm..." -Leon nodded off to sleep mid sentence not being able to finish his sentence exposing how he had yet to make the connection that Alice had. The night continued to fall on both of them as they drifted off to sleep.- / -The sounds of the waves crashing into the side of the mountain grew louder as the wind howled in the dead of night. The cold air brushing against Alice's skin. She was awakened by a heavy blow to the stomach. Awakening to see she was on the ground and outside, with her arms and legs bound. She was then picked up by her baggy shirt and risen up to her feet only to be lifted up farther until she met the face of Elyania. He face was filled with anger as well as the veins in her head popping out of her skull. The most revealing thing about her though was her glowing golden eyes.- "Listen bitch and listen good. I'm going to give you one fucking chance to tell me what I want to hear or else I'll break you in half and throw you down this mountain side. HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT NAME!" -S   -Alice was taken back still recovering. She had two options, she could either give the woman the information. Or she could go into Malleo Valore, her release state, but then risked waking up the whole village and fighting through most of them stalling the Legion Agents getting here, who had made a trail behind them but were trained to always be 30 minutes behind a party they were tracking, but they were in range to see a flare. But she also would have Leon to think about. She sighed and looked the woman in the eyes.- "I've never known him by Naamit, but all day your people have mistook that boy for him because of the boy using hammers once wielded through many battles by his General. So many battles were fought at the brink of death and with fang and claw with those hammers that they are radiating with his energy. We don't know him by Naamit, we didn't know he was Terran not until the past year. His name was Atiman and we thought he was one of the last Terrans, and that's all we really knew, he never talked about it. I just made the connection from your gate keeper and the older woman today and that's why I called him Naamit because that's what you people knew him by. Now if you want to break me and throw me down, do it now. Just know when a dwarf falls down in a drunken bar fight, he gets right back and hits twice as hard, so you better hope I don't survive." -T   "YOU'RE A LIAR!" -Elyania screamed as tears rolled down her eyes. She then threw Alice back towards the house as she fell to her knees her arms keeping her up as the tears fell to the salty sea below.- "Naamit died along time ago..." -She said through gasping breaths.- "He promised me that he would save us both from this hell we call home. He promised we would leave here together to freedom. Somewhere where people will accept us for what we are." -She stood up and with her head dropped she walked towards Alice.- "But instead he just vanished without a trace. So you had to kill him and take his stuff. And now after all these years you came for me too. He wouldn't have just left me here. So there is no other way." -She went over to Alice and picked her up again and slammed her with a strength that far exceeded Atiman's. Her eyes were glowing gold as the tears continued to roll.- "But even if all that is true..." -She said as her grasped loosened.- "There is no way you know his name...THERE IS NO WAY YOU KNOW THE NAME ATIMAN!" -Almost immediately after saying this her eyes returned to normal as a loud 'thunk' was heard. Elyania dropped Alice only for her to collapse to the ground unconscious. Alice was caught by another hand and stood up. A small lantern was held close to the ground only to be raised up a few feet to reveal a large form standing in the dark. The Lantern eventually raised up high enough to show the face of the blind gate man from earlier.- "My apologies for not warning you about her in depth. I knew that you knew Nammit, but not to the extent you did. I should have said something more." -S   -Alice was for once terrified at the woman's rage, having a natural understanding at reading into emotions, feeling them. She grunted and cough as she tumbled, getting ready to break from her bindings but was caught off guard as she was picked, using as much of her natural energy to create a barrier around her skin to soften a blow, her powers within a split second of contact before the major hit was inflicted made the earth under into soil in a small oval but that would only soften the blow more, it was still a great slam of pain, blood coming from her mouth as she coughed.- "He never told anyone nor are there any records of this past, I don't even know if he.. knows. If you give me ti-" -She was cut off as the woman was knocked out, looking up to the old man.- "I... I'm sorry gatekeeper." -She used her natural strength to break free from the bindings now that Elyania couldn't pose such a weighted aura right now, slowly getting up to her feet, holding onto her ribs which a few were most likely broken and a lung most likely punctured as she coughed up more blood.- "Please I need to get to my partner and my belongings before I pass out." -She looked back to the gatekeeper.- "I'll be glad to help this woman with what's troubling her as soon as I get my criminal, if you can explain that to her. I don't like seeing any creature in that kind of emotional pain, not as another living creature, I swear by that." -She then limped back to the house, yelling for Leon.- "Shit." -T   -As Alice limped towards the house a gangly hand reached out and grasped her shoulder.- "Miss if you have any hope in reaching her or finding your mysterious man. It would be important for you to know about the Terran people as a whole. And as I am sure Naamit never told you our history or even his history. I can tell you all that you need to know." -The man removed his hand from her shoulder and grabbed his cane off the dark ground and used it again to stead himself.- "But this offer is a one time deal. You must choose now or never. I am sorry, but even being out here is dangerous and me leaving my post for so long could have a bad impact. So choose now my dear. Sleep or knowledge." -S   -Alice stopped, she had broken ribs and a punctured lung, she doubted if she would even stay alive to know about the Terran people, but then it dawned on her. The one piece of jewelry she always had, that her father gave her, it was enchanted to summon her bare essentials scroll just for a situation like this.- "Alright Elder, tell me what you know." -She gripped onto her pendant tightly, this was actually the first time she had to use it, she was usually so prepared with her essentials scroll always with her, though she had never got caught out in a nightgown before.- "Don't worry I'm listening." -She had summoned up a pouch with some flakes in it and spoke a few low tier angelic spells of healing, dressing her wounds in the same veil she had used with Leon earlier, along with slipping into at least some boots, slacks and a cotton shirt, the veil dropping after just 5 minutes.- -T   "To understand the situation that Naamit is in you must first learn of our people, the Terran." -The Elder raised his hand up making two chairs for them to sit in. He then set the lantern on the ground and turned a little wheel on it making the flame grow brighter giving them some much need heat and light.- "Long ago a group of human decided that in order to gain true strength they must devote themselves to the earth. Nothing else." -He took a deep breath and coughed slightly into his hand and continued on.- "These people referred to themselves as Terrans. Children of the earth and devoted followers of the goddess Gaia. It took a few generations, but two people finally were able to reach a new level of devotion and were granted an audience with the Goddess Gaia and demanded that for their undying loyalty to her that the Terran people be granted a gift." -The Lantern flickered showing off different portions of the giant man's frame. When the light danced across his face he almost looked sad, only for the light to return to normal and his story to continue.- "She gave us two." -S   -Alice could completely correct the man as the Elder Goddess Gaia was gone along with the other 5 a long time ago to create all existence we know today, along with the 2 generations of Demigod guardians besides the Dark User who was rumored to be sealed deep within an unbreakable barrier in the earth's core. Maybe it was a current Shard Guardian a user of the third tier, one of the 10 Guardians of the Sacred Earth Shards of the Infinity Stone they had spoke with, though 3 of them could never exist on Earth itself for their sheer size would disrupt the world's balance. But it'd be rude to correct a whole civilization's ideologies.- "And one of those gifts has to be Atiman, I mean Naamit, if I'm correct in my assumption? He's far beyond the power of any Earth User I've came across. The pool of power he possesses is that of an unlimited potential but he has a lack of control over it, or perhaps he's a descendant? Evident by his lack of control?" -She used her scroll to summon up a small fire gem molded into a disc that she sat a tea kettle and 2 small ornamental cups beside.- -T   "Yes he does have one of those gifts, as do I, Elyania, and every other Terran." -The old man leaned forward towards the newly placed tea.- "You see the story goes as so, the two that approached the goddess Gaia were one of each of the gender. One man, one woman." -The old man grabbed his cane and drew in the dirt a female figure with a circle inside.- "To man Gaia gave what all men strive for, her body." -He pointed with his cane to the form he drew.- "And to woman she gave that which they could most resonate." -He pointed to the circle inside the body.- "Her spirit." -The old man sat back up resting the cane across his lap.- "The body of Gaia allows man to transfer elemental energy into physical energy. This power is marked by..." -The old man closed his eyes and opened them again and they changed into a golden light.- "This power allows man to control their body. Changing muscular mass, Increased ability above normal humans, and durability as well as regeneration. However it takes much more energy to do extreme things like that. But, that is not what you want to know." -He reached forward and wiped away the figure leaving nothing but the dirt.- "The Spirit however is the opposite. You exchange physical strength for elemental energy. This make you more adaptable to the earth and stronger. Naamit and Elyania however, are different." -The old man looked down with a grim expression on his face, and a tear rolled down his face.- -S   -Alice poured a hot cup of tea and offered it to the old man.- "I see." -It made sense now, the second generation Earth Guardian was that of a shapeshifter, the terrans must be the direct descendants of the first earth users to walk the earth and the earth guardian must've assumed the form of Gaia for this role. Only thing that seems to make sense since the Elder Gods could no longer maintain a form in this realm.- "And how are they different?" -She was definitely intrigued now especially about Atiman and Elyania.- -T   -The old man took the tea from Alice and took a sip and smiled continuing his story.- "From these two Terrans spawned five children. When each child grew they grew to resent each other thinking that each was the strongest. They split from each other and made sections of Terrans lead by each of the original children. Everything was peaceful for a few centuries..." -The old man wiped the tear from his face with one giant finger.- "Eventually the leader banded together and made a plan. A plan that involved regaining the strength that the Terran's were feared for. They raided their people, taking from them the strongest and best to form one group to be lead by the strongest of all of them. This was my grandfather. But his reigned ended and my fathers began..." -The old man gripped his cup to the point it shattered in his hand. He looked to Alice and said.- "My apologies. This subject is close to my heart..." -He grabbed his cane from the floor where he placed it before he grabbed the cup and continued.- "The first of them were born. The Rejects." -Elyania turned over in her unconscious state and grimaced.- "You must understand that for a Terran to be referred as that. It is a great slur and a terrible thing. These Terrans are born the opposite as the Goddess Gaia had intended us to be. Women with the Body of Gaia." -He pointed his cane to Elyania.- "And Men with the Spirit of Gaia." -He then pointed his cane behind him and mad a circle.- "When the first were born not many knew what to do. Was this a message? Was it fate? My father deemed it unnatural and affront to the Goddess. He deemed all children born this way to be 'Rejects' and their fate was sealed." -He continued to grasp his cane, the wood cracking under the pressure of his strength.- "He killed all those related to the rejects as to make sure their blood would not taint another. The child would be..." -The man began to weep even more as streams rolled down his face.- "They were not killed, but instead left to rot among their murdered family. Their bodies left underneath the ground in a pit alongside the other 'Rejects'. Their cries could be heard for days. The scratching in a sad attempt to reach the outside world for help. But none would come." -He dropped his cane on the ground as it rolled away towards Alice. His hands covering his face, but the tears continuing to drain from his eyes.- "I WAS USELESS! NOT ABLE TO SAVE ONE OF THEM, FORBIDDEN TO RESCUE THEM FROM THEIR UNFIT PUNISHMENT! I WAS A COWARD!" -The old man screamed through gasping breaths and tearful cries.- -S   -Alice listened contently completely connecting the pieces in her mind, that explained a lot about Atiman, tears streaming down her face at hearing the unfit fate of the Terrans.- "A lot of tribes tend to have a set traditional way of thinking, and they eventually fall or never progress from their own tradition. But I can tell you one of this tribes so called rejects... He's now a Lord in the military of the Empire. He helped bring down the Red Cloak rule in this region, which I knew must've been a problem as they were insistent on bringing down tribes to expand their own empire. He's currently resting back in my territory or he probably would've have come with us. But my point is, he's become something great, yes he still has a lot of training to do, but he's become a great warrior something the Terran people would be in awe at, no matter what standard he was born by." -SHe stared into the eyes of the sorrowed old man.- "I honestly want to help your people." -T   "As do I young one. But we are just dreamers in this world. For I was once the strongest of the Terrans and wished to right the wrongs of my Father before me. But not all thought as I did." -The old man held his hands out for Alice showing her a circular scar that appeared on both side of his hand.- "They chained me down and deprived me of food and water for months. Until I became this pale form you see today, all because I did not see the Terrans as they did." -He recoiled his hand and continued.- "I am forced to work all day and night watching the gate. So that I may never regain enough strength to heal my wounds. And by the time I had saved up enough, the damage was permanent." -The old man smiled slightly and let out a small chuckle.- "On one day there was a heavy rain. And off in the distance I heard a pound crash of trees. I ran as far and as fast as my emaciated body could move, only to find a mudslide that has knocked over a few trees. I would have normally written it off but something did not sit well with me. I used what little energy I had and scanned for life only to sense two small beams of energy. It was two children trapped in the slide." -The old man gripped his cane again still smiling.- "I clawed at the mud still weak as ever, only to have one of those energies spike beyond anything a child could hold. The mud was throw away with me alongside it. Out of the mud appeared a young boy craddling his sister in his arms as he emerged from the wet mound. When he saw me he tried to run away only for me to stop him in his tracks. He knew he was defeated and begged me 'Kill me if you want, but my sister is innocent. And if you touch a single hair on her head I will never forgive you.' " -The old man's smile grew wider.- "From that day forward I swore to protect Naamit and Elyania's secret so that they could grow up in peace. But that was not enough for Naamit, he fought with all his heart as he grew up, but was handicapped due to him never being allowed to use his power. The other mocked him even as Naamit pounded them into the dirt." -The old man lost his smile.- "One day Naamit approached me and said that he wished to leave. He said that one day he would return to end this nightmare for his sister. But he needed to get stronger, and to never forget." -The old man twisted his cane and it unscrewed revealing a secret compartment. From the compartment a large piece of paper fell out into his hand. He unrolled it to show a list of names.- "These are the names of all the Terrans that helped and cheered for the countless deaths of reject Terrans, as Naamit was forced to watch unable to do anything about it. But the most confusing of all is this." -The old man held the list out to Alice with one hand and pointed to a name with the other. The name read "Naamit Vigile."- -S   -Alice continued to listen, wiping her tears as she slowly sipped her tea. She could maybe get her criminal then bring Atiman here to maybe sort this out. Hm. There were also other options but if she didn't get her man and report in by noon the two legion agents would be here too, and they wouldn't be near as polite about it. She then stared at the name on the list.- "What does this mean?" -T   "I'm not sure, I've asked myself that many a time and come up with no answers." -The old man hung his head down and got a worried expression on his face.- "Perhaps the guilt of watching countless other Terrans just like him be slaughtered in front of his very eyes weighs too heavy on his heart. He too thought like I, thinking of oneself as a coward for doing nothing. But perhaps Nammit wishes to take it upon himself to right his wrongs and end..." -The old man grew quiet as he perished the thought of his idea. upon his silence rose a sound of clapping. Turning around revealed the lone survivor from the attack earlier. He stood there smug with seemingly all the Terrans behind him.- "What do you know. I figured I wouldn't be able to get back at you without a little help. But now, not only are we going to get to kill the outside who imprisoned our friends." -The man turned to where Elyania was resting only to see more Terrans surrounding her and holding her up by her arms.- "But we also get to purge yet another Reject from our ranks. As well as a traitor." -The entire town had awoken in what was now the bleak hours of the morning all to confront Alice, Leon, Elyania, and the old man. The old man stood up putting his cane together and holding it in both hands as if it were a weapon.- "Listen now my fellow Terrans, Elyania and I have live amongst you, broken bread with you, shared countless and priceless conversations with you. She is no different from you than I am. We do not have to senselessly slaughter our own like this." -From out of the blue a rock was thrown at the old man striking him in the head and giving him a nasty gash. And from the crowd roar.- "Traitor!" "Reject!" "Let's kill 'em all!" -The crowd of people erupted in agreeing 'yeahs' as a few men came out of Elyania's house.- "The male outsider is nowhere to be found." -The man from before looked at Alice and said.- "Aww, looks like your boy toy ran out on you. Too bad, we would have loved to have killed him too." -S   -Alice immediately pulled out a stick and struck it against a rock, throwing it very high into the sky, it then exploded into a very bright flare. She had to hold out for 30 minutes for reinforcements, usually she thought things through.- "You're making a mistake. If you attack a New Heaven noble on what is technically still within New Heaven jurisdiction. I am within my rights. And the injustices you create against your own people is maddening. You slaughter me or the boy here and you will have an entire battalion at your front gates within days. New Heaven does not want war with the Terrans but you people have provoked war by attacking villages within our borders. We only want the man responsible for this and we will leave. I guess that's what I would say if I didn't find out the atrocities of what Terran society is and how badly it treats the people who were born different. Now I feel like it's my duty to make things right, not for The Empire but for all of your own villagers that have died brutally just because they were born differently." -She summoned up her hammer, an instant veil coming up from the ground placing her battle armor on her.- "I'm ready to fight." -T   "Good, so are we." -Each of the Terran males bulked up to colossal sizes, as the female Terrans summoned countless golems that towered over the males as if they were ants.- "You seem to think you can threaten us. And yet we Terrans love war. We love violence." -The man from before continued to talk as the old man was picked up by his neck as one Terran male began to choke him to death.- "Tell me, Naamit. Has he ever shown mercy? Does he ever forget? Does he ever pull punches? I'll answer for you. No, why? Because he is a Terran, and we Terrans are warriors. Even if you are a filthy reject." -A female Terran instructed the male Terrans holding Elyania to place her on the ground. One of the golems stepped down on her and began to crush her.- "We will gladly take you on. But I think we will even out our odds first. Unless you agree to drop your weapon and submit to us." -The man still unchanged smiled as he held out a single hand with his middle finger and thumb ready to snap and give the command to kill both the old man and Elyania.- -S   -Alice dropped her hammer and sunk to her knees.- "You have me by a hold right now and I must submit, don't hurt them, please." -A single tear had streamed down her eye.- "But don't you dare act like you know him. YOU THE PEOPLE OF HIS TRIBE KNOW NOTHING ABOUT HIM. YES HE IS A HARD HEADED MAN BUT HE IS NOT COLD LIKE THE REST OF YOU! HE HAS A HEART AND LOVE FOR THE PEOPLE OF HIS STATE AND THE PEOPLE OF HIS EMPIRE. Atiman... Naamit... he... HE IS THE STRONGEST TERRAN THAT HAS EVER BEEN BORN BECAUSE OF HIS HEART!" -T   -The man continued to stare at Alice as the rest of Terrans began laughing uncontrollably. The retransmission carried both the old man and Elyania away back towards town. A group of terrains gathered around Alice and picked her up by her shoulders and dragging her towards the man from before. He held up a hand and the Terrans lifted Alice to her feet and let her go. The man wrapped his arm around her as if she was an old friend and lead her to the cliff and in a hushed voice he said.- "Allow me to share with you a secret. I know he is the strongest, I know you and the little one believe in him, I know he would end everyone here if any of you were hurt. Which is what I am counting on." -He smiled and put his back to the cliff looking at Alice.- "Tell me. How many Terrans stay calm and collective? How many actually have plans? How many run away from a battle?" -He leans in and says.- "If you haven't understood what I am saying, let me enlighten you." -He pulls back and stares her in the eyes as his eye color shifts to a multitude of different colors and sizes, his very facial structure changes around before reverting to normal.- "The name is Morpheus." -He leans in again and whispers- "Welcome to the party." The man steps back and motions for the Terrans to come and drag Alice away. As she is drug away, still facing Morpheus, he smiles stretching out his arms and falls off the side of the cliff.- -S   -Alice was horrified as she looked to Morpheus realizing he was a rare creature only talked about in old scriptures. This plot was obviously bigger than just a simple tribal village, something else was in the works here, she was connecting the dots. But now she was in trouble with the Terrans and starting a fight would only make the situation worse so she had to figure out a way out of this or some way to stall as so the Legion Agents could arrive to help them out.- "You Terrans! Hear me out! Should you harm any of us there will be war and blood shed for nothing. Release us!" -T   -As the group of Terrans continued to drag Alice along towards the center of their town one said.- "It's not over nothing. Killing our own is to keep our genes clean, while killing you will be for fun." -They drug Alice to the center of town where they had the old man on his knees in the center of the ring beaten and blooded. His face was unidentifiable and blood or tear ran down his face. He was not restrained and simply remained still and kneeling as they continued to hurt him. Off to the side Elyania was tied to a post with her eyes being held open to watch in horror as the one person that cared for her was beaten down to the brink of Death.- "START WITH ME NOT HIM! I'M THE REJECT REMEMBER!" -One Terran male that was much large than the rest jumped down from the tallest house down next to Elyania. He punched her gut and pulled her up by her hair as she screamed.- "Yes and for being an affront to our god you shall pay. And as punishment we will beat down and kill those you care about before leaving you to rot in the hole with the rest of your kind." -A post was slammed into the ground as Alice was tied to it forced to watch the old man suffer as well. Dawn soon broke over the forest and sunlight beamed down on the town.- "Today we purge these sinners from our lot, and be rid of an intruder. We hope you Goddess Gaia accept our offering as we view them as you do. Purge us of this curse and may no other Reject be born her again." -The leader of the Terran's said as the others continued to cheer for this destruction.- "And once this is done we shall march forward against those that seem to think they can fight us. And show them the wrath of Gaia!" -S   -Clouds had rolled in on the night, flashes of lightning echoing through the sky. One very large lightning bolt that could be heard for miles echoed throughout the land on an island 20 miles off the coast, a small light in the dark ocean at the moment. But this was only a setting for the horror to come. Alice watched as the old man was beaten, trying to keep herself restrained to avoid her anger breaking and to cause an all out brawl but now she might not have a choice. She began silently whispering words, it'd take about 30 seconds to chant her hammer to her. She then looked to the Terrans.- "You have one last chance to stop all of this and to avoid brutal conflict." -T   -The leader Terran kneeled down and looked Alice dead in the eyes.- "It seems that we have a volunteer to give the old man some needed rest from his beating. Isn't that what you are saying?" -His eyes turned gold as a toothy grin crept across his face.- "Because that is all I hear." -The large man stood up reeling back ready to lay into Alice as a small rock smacked him in the back of the head. Time seemed to almost pause as the veins in the man's face bulged out. Everyone shifted their attention from Alice to the person who threw the rock. In the center of the circle next to the old man was Leon. He was huffing and breathing hard, still in a throwing stance.- "If you are taking volunteers...I'll go next." -The Leader stomped towards Leon, his face red.- "What a noble young man. Sacrificing yourself to save time for an old man on the brink of death and two women. What a hero!" -The leader swung down at Leon looking to crush him flat with a single punch. Only to have a figure jump up and shove Leon out of the way. In the spilt second before the impact the old man looked over to Alice, Leon, and Elyania and simply smiled. A second later he was smashed into the earth creating a fine mist of Blood and Viscera that sprayed over the crowd.- "Stupid fool, just bought you a few seconds of precious time. That is all." "NOOOOOOOO!" -Elyania cried out watching the old man die before her eyes. She sobbed looking down to the ground and then jutting her head up towards the sky and cried with all her might.- "ATIMAN!"/ (Jumping to a few minutes prior) -In the distance a loud cracking of trees was heard. as Atiman stomped into the ground with each leap boosting himself forward using his strength alone.- "THOSE FUCKING IDIOTS, IF THEY AREN'T DEAD ALREADY, I'M GOING TO KILL THEM!" -Atiman wanted as normal Go alone on this mission as he planned to do, but upon hearing the mission details not one of Alice's guards could restrain him. He made a B-line to where he remembered his old home was only to be followed by some of Alice's men.- -S   -Albert was leaping from tree to tree, following Atiman.- "Normally Lord Vigile I'd ask you to stop but Lady Alice is in Danger and we must get to her, luckily I got the communication pearl up ahead of time and found 2 Legion Agents are already ahead of us and one is in position for our plan, they are just ahead actually." -He jumped down and followed Atiman on the ground, jumping with him.- "Forgive me Lord Vigile." -He grabbed Atiman by the waist and bolted forward right off of a cliff...- ; -Alice luckily just finished her chant, her hammer materializing right next to her bound hand, she grabbed onto quickly.- "Crush the Heav-" -Her release was interrupted by the death of the old man as she was in shock, she really had not seen the true pain of war and suffering until now and it looked like it would be the death of them all if not for a very high speed boulder tearing through the crowd and going straight into the building.- ; -Albert seemed crazy as they jumped off the ledge but only to hear shouting.- "NOW GANJU" "ALRIGHT!" -A large man 50 feet under them picked up a very large boulder and threw it up, the voice of the woman that shouted his name by 30 feet behind them with a bow and a very large wind arrow charged and ready to fire, releasing it just as Albert landed on the boulder, gripping onto it hard.- "PREPARE YOURSELF LORD VIGILE!" -And here we are now.- -T   -Atiman looked down to the ground as Albert picked him up making a mental note to kill him later. He watched the aftermath of the old man being turned into nothing more than dust. His expression turned from serious to almost contempt, Atiman the pinnacle of emotion driven actions, looked almost calm. Atiman turned to Albert and spoke softly.- "Here is how this will go down. We are going to land, you are going to stand as still as possible. I'm going to hand you two people. You will run back to the others and stay there and I am going to handle this. You stay and you will regret it." / -As the boulders fell the Terrans looked almost shocked and turned their attention to the falling rocks. Leon took the opportunity and dashed over to Alice and Elyania.- "Looks like it is fighting time. No time to greave." -Leon pulled his sword out and cut Elyania down and rested her over his shoulder.- "I hope you can handle all these terr..." -Leon looked over to the boulders to see if they could escape only to see Atiman and Albert standing there.- "Atiman you ca.." -Atiman vanished almost immediately and appeared in front of Leon and cold cocked him, knocking him out immediately. While collapsing, Atiman grabbed both Leon and Elyania's limp bodies and tossed them over to Albert, looking at him and expecting him to follow orders.- "Leave." -S   -Albert nodded and grabbed them both, leaping straight out of the Terran village leaving a crater where he stood.- "Taliho!" ; -Alice looked up to see Atiman, smiling at last.- "Atiman..." -She gripped onto her hammer and used the energy from the hammer to break free of her bindings, slamming a nearby Terran that would try and stop her into a wall, but looking over at Atiman's seriousness, she knew this was his fight.- "I won't stop you, I tried for peace Atiman but it looks like your old village really can't be turned otherwise, so I leave this in your hands. And don't worry, I have plenty of questions for you once this is all over." -She leaped on top of one of the Terran huts, observing Atiman. He was definitely serious right now.- -T   -Atiman stood in the ring of Terrans alone staring at each one as he slowly passed over the entire group. The leader towered over Atiman looking down at him angrily.- "You let the reject go. AND FOR THAT YOU AND YOUR FRIEND CAN DIE!" -The leader went to smash Atiman the same as the old man only for atiman to stretch his hand up and catch his arm mid-swing. The leader looked confused as did the other Terrans expecting again to be splattered only to find that this mysterious man was able to stop their strongest member in his tracks. Atiman smiled as he reached his other hand up grabbing with a vice-like grip onto the man's arm and swinging him around his person only to throw him into the mountain behind them leaving a large dent in its side. The members of the Terran race all gasped as they looked at their leader taken down so easily. Atiman looked up with a big grin on his face and started laughing manically.- "You don't know how long I have been waiting to do that." -The leader stood up from the crumbling earth and smiled.- "You are strong. What is your name, so we can write it on your tombstone?" "The name is Atiman Vigile." -The leader shook his head and laughed.- "No Vigile is named that." -Atiman stood there and stared at the people as they began to stand next to their leader ready to attack.- "Oh sorry, let me use my old name, Naamit Vigile. Does that name ring a bell." -The other Terrans smirked as the leader step forward.- "Oh yes it does. In fact we were hoping to find you so we can kill you along with your sister. After all she just was revealed as a Reject." -Atiman smiled as his eyes turned brown.- "Well I guess it just runs in our genes. The only difference between us, I got tired of hiding." -S   -And with Albert out of the town Alice could begin to sense what was about to come, and with that a large pressurized wind shot struck through the earthen wall, bulleting through a row of houses before striking a few terrans.- "I suppose she thinks blindly shooting into the town is the best for everyone. But like I said this is Atiman's fight." -She pulled out a stick and struck it, throwing it up into the sky, a green flare exploding brightly.- "Sorry about that Atiman, they are all yours now." -She said this right before a large Terran male jumped up at her to maybe possibly capture for hostage purposes, Alice reacting with a very powerful swing into the man's chest.- "Mostly yours." -She smiled her unique smile at him in a sort of apologetic way but she didn't want Atiman to think she was just a damsel in distress.- -T   -Atiman stood staring at his people shrinking back behind their leader as he use the Spirit of Gaia in front of them. The women were especially frightened for they more than the males could see his energy. One woman approached the leader saying.- "Sir his power far surpasses all of our even combined. Could he even be Terran?" -The leader pushed the woman out of the way saying.- "This is but a lowly reject. He is nothing compared to us. We are chosen by the goddess Gaia to purge this acumen from our ranks. She is merely testing us." -Atiman bent his knees slightly and outstretched his right arm. The veins around his eyes buldge out as the red color faded away to a dark brown. The very earth beneath them began to tremble as he slammed his right hand down to the ground yelling.- "EARTH DEVASTATION!" -The earth underneath began to turn as it became looser and easier to use for manipulation. This destruction spread outward reach as far back as Alice's air user. Atiman kept his hand to the ground as a great tremor rocked them all, shaking even the mountain and the sea. One Terran woman cried out.- "It's an earthquake." "THEN STOP IT." -The leader shouted. But then as soon as he said this the earthquake began to dissipate, slowly stopping. The leader turned to the women and said.- "See he isn't that strong." -But the women just looked at each other and said.- "None of us did that." -One pointed to Atiman and said.- "It isn't gone it just got smaller." -Looking over to Atiman the ground was moving as the ocean does in wave all flowing towards Atiman as they disappear as the hit his focal point, his right arm. As the wave moved in a brown light pulsed through the ground and into his arm pumping all the way to his heart. As this happened Atiman screamed.- "DESTRUCTION." -As the earthquake disappeared Atiman stood up his heart now glowing that dark brown to match his eyes.- "If I really am a reject, do me a favor. When you meet the goddess Gaia, ask her if I was a mistake." -Atiman reeled his arm back and said- "Magnitude." -Atiman dissapeared from his spot and then appeared before the leader and the whole group of the Terran people.- "Six." -Atiman threw his shoulder forward, his fist following behind. As it tore through the air the dark brown light pumped out from his heart and coursed through his veins of his right arm. The leader of the Terrans held out his hands and scream.- "WE WILL NOT DIE TO A FUCKING RE..." -And in that moment Atiman screamed, drowning out the leaders cry.- "PUNCH!" -Atiman's fist connected with the chest of the leader. and in that moment the Brown energy reached his knuckles just at the point of contact. Instantaneously The leader, the Terran population, and the mountain that marked their land vanished into dust as a boom shot out from the point of impact, deafening in nature, and causing the cloud to blow away. The sea behind the mountain rose up creating a tsunami that sailed off into the sea. Atiman stood there his arm outstretched dripping with blood. He let his arm drop, it soaked in blood, and feel to his knees. He turned back to Alice smiling and said.- "Damn that felt good." -S   -The Archer woman sighed.- "So boring, I only got to fire 2 arrows, we didn't really get the action we were hoping for Ganju." -She dropped from her ledge and landed on the giant 8 foot tall man's shoulder.- ; "That's because this is Lord Vigile's fight, he wouldn't want us to interfere and it looks like the worst is coming." Alice knew what was coming as the earth echoed out from Atiman's charging, quickly vanishing from the village, meeting up with Albert.- "No time Albert, Heaven's Hand." ; -Albert nodded pulling 2 scrolls from his belt, unrolling them and crossing them.- "Right!" ; -Alice made several praying handsigns before chanting out.- "AS THE EARTH CRUMBLES AND THE OCEANS ROAR, THE HAND OF THE DIVINE HEAVENS WILL PROTECT THE CHOSEN, ANGELIC HOLY DEFENSE SPELL, HEAVEN'S HAND." -She pressed both of her hands to the scrolls Albert had, the man then lining then throwing them both up in a twirling motion to where they intertwined, glowing a sparkling gold color, eventually forming into a giant hand around the 2 Legion Agents, Leon, Elyania, Alice and Albert, about 10 seconds before the giant shockwave went out.- "Typical Atiman, he has no control, just giant bursts. We'll probably be dragging him out of the crater when he's done." -Alice sighed, dropping the shield after she steered it towards the edge of the crater, sliding it down to meet Atiman.- "ATIMAN! ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?" ; -The female was in shock.- "What power! DAMN GANJU!" -T   -Atiman pushed himself up with his left arm still bleeding from his right and said to Alice.- "Do I still have my right arm?" -Seeing that he did still in fact have his right arm attached, even though he couldn't feel it in the slightest. He sighed with relief.- "So, you have some explaining to do. And I am sure you have questions to ask. So while someone is patching my arm up we will take the time to compare note. Then proceed to never talk about this again. What happened here never happen. And by that I mean. You weren't here, Leon wasn't here, and Elyania wasn't here. You don't tell either of them what happened after they 'Passed out' only when you agree will I talk." -Atiman kept a serious look on his face and waited for a response.- -S   -Albert jumped down nodding in agreement with medical supplies, first of all popping all of Atiman's bones into place then began using glowing magicks on them.- ; -Alice had tears going down her face, going over with Atiman over the next 20 minutes on their mission to the village and how they tracked down the terran and all the events in the village.- "But the thing that may have started this whole battle here wasn't even a Terran, he wasn't even human at all. He was some kind of shapeshifting thing... Honestly Atiman..." -Albert finished his work and quickly jumped away back to the others, leaving the two alone.- "Honestly... you don't have to answer anything to me. You are who you are, you made your decisions, but you're here now. And honestly there might be a threat still looming and I want to stand by your side to make sure you're strong enough to fight through it, even if you don't want my help." -Alice had tears running down her cheeks as she looked down to Atiman who was now wrapped up pretty good laying on the ground.- "I know I'm weak and you don't want my help but I can't stand by and let you fight all these fights alone... okay? I'm sorry I'm so weak but please.. let me help..." -She hit the ground, head down crying into the earth.- -T   "Letting you help got not only you in danger, but Leon, Elyania, and your lackeys." -Atiman turned to Albert and said- "Not to be mean of course, just couldn't think of a better word." -Atiman continued to sit and stare at Alice crying.- "You are smarter than this Alice. You don't go gung-ho into fights you know nothing about. You are supposed to be calm and collective. On top of that you went on a mission that was given to me." -Atiman squinted as his arm was being fixed.- "And you took Leon and endangered his life too." -Atiman took a deep breath and lowered his head.- "You want to help that is fine, you want to look out for me that is fine. BUT." -Atiman stood up even thought Albert wasn't done fixing him yet.- "I'm not going to sit here and let you kick yourself. WEAK? What weak person takes on three grown terran adults on their own? What weak person is willing to fight an army of people no questions asked? You are the farthest thing I think of from weak." -Atiman leaned down infront of Alice and said.- "If you were weak, why would come to you. Why would I be interested in you. Why would I train with you? You. Are. Not. Weak." -Atiman stood up and went back to albert and sat down.- "I don't deal with weak people. You, Leon, Elyania. None of you are weak. You are strong in ways I can't imagine. So pick yourself up and be happy that we survived. Because it could be worse." -Atiman looked at Alice in the eye and said.- "You could have just committed Genocide." -S   "Well on the genocide note. They declared war on New Heaven the minute they decided to harm official New Heaven ambassadors, and you as a Lord wiped them out, and that's pretty much what happened. Cut some edges and shorten it a bit and it'll look better on paper, at least when I fill out my report. And I suppose we'll have to take on Elyania. She's free to stay at my estate if she wishes. She could also stay with you. As for me, thank you Atiman. You... you're the one that gives me the strength I have." -She smiled with a blush, leaning down to give him a kiss on the cheek.- -Albert then leaped down and threw Atiman over his shoulder.- "An Air Hopper will be here soon to pick us up and take us home." -T   -Atiman sternly looked at Alice and said.- "I distinctly remember saying, in order to be having this conversation that the events here never happened." -As Albert tried to pick him up Atiman shoved him aside and stood on his feet.- "Arm is broken, not legs." -He then turned to Alice.- "You wanna help take that Air hopper, take Leon and Elyania, and forget all of this happened. You weren't here. All you know is that I left for a mission." -Atiman walked over to his armor and jumped in it, he put his right arm to the ground and coated his arm in stone to hold it in place.- "I did this all by my self. I'll be damned if I get in trouble for sleeping on the job. and letting others do my duty." -Atiman stared at all of them with the most serious of faces. He was planning on standing his ground.- "And if any of you object I will gladly add Murder on top of Genocide." -Atiman said this looking at Albert and the other two of Alice's subordinates. He returned his attention to Alice.- "If you trust me, take care of both of them and never say a word." -S   -Alice nodded as the Air Hopper began to land, climbing aboard with the others. The big man and the woman were already gone. Meanwhile all this happened, way out a few miles in the midst of all the happenings, a man put his enchanted scope away, tucking it into his pristine white coat.- "Hm, Lord Vigile is a great fighter and a glorious Lord on the battlefield but I must file this report by the parameters and rules. Tis a shame." -His body then faded into the wind.- -T

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