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Physical Attributes:
• Name: Izari-Ibiltaria (Translates to "star walker")
• Age: 3.5 Million Years
• General Appearance: Humanoid, gray skin, silver eyes, dark gray hair.
• Lifespan: 500 years
• Defense Mechanisms/Strategies: Hand-to-hand combat, martial weapons, military tactics
• Abilities: Size manipulation based on subspecies, gravity manipulation, star and lunar-based elemental abilities.
• Locomotion: Humanoid walk cycle
• Herbivore, Carnivore or Omnivore?: Omnivore
• Diet: Vegetation and animal products
• Intelligence: High, equal to that of modern society
• Illnesses: 
+Crystasis or "The Crystal Touch": A gradual corruption of the entire body resulting in complete crystallization. Incurable. Contracted by a massive overload of elemental energy.
+Helrott: Rapid cellular deterioration to an afflicted area, causing any infected cells to turn pitch black and crumble. Curable. Capable of spreading if left unchecked. Contracted through Probitas Anomalies* outside of haven cities.
+Cinderblud: Chemical imbalance in the bloodstream, superheating the body inside and hardening the skin. Incurable. Contracted by Kir'al-naabi (see below). Doubles lifespan and grants the chosen Izari power to communicate with celestial deities. Highly volatile and lethal condition, allowing only the chosen to survive it.
• Predators: None
• Problems: Disparity between subspecies due to difference in inherited power.(edited)
Species Culture:
• Habitat: Lush vegetation, normal weather/season cycle, natural crystalline structures, bioluminescent flora such as certain tree and flower species, long night cycles.
• Environment: Peaceful
• Time Period: Space age
• Rituals/Traditions:
+Kir'al-solma: Paying respects to past and present Seers with gifts and tribute.
+Kir'al-naabi: Ritual of ascension, promoting an Izari chosen by the divine to Seer status.
+Frelse's Blessing: Spiritual ritual done before pilgrimage of any sort.
+Shastaa: Lighting candles to honor one's passing.
+Shahashtaa: Burning of bones to send spirits to the afterlife. Also done with animal bones.
+Viier's Hymn: A prayer spoken after hunts, giving thanks.
• Language: Izari (universal native language), but they can quickly learn to speak any language fluently.
• How does the species attract a mate?:
• Gender Status: Equal
• Do they travel in groups/packs or alone?:
• Government (how do they choose a leader?):
• Clothing (do they wear clothes?):
• Does their religion dictate their clothing preference? (eg. always wearing religious robes/garments/symbols):
• Religious beliefs (how important is it to them?):
• Other beliefs (any beliefs caused by a lack of knowledge, illusion, etc):
• Jobs (what jobs are unique to this species? How important are these jobs to supporting the species as a whole?):
• Special holidays (how do they celebrate them?):
• Are there any inventions, tools or machines that are unique to this species? Why?:
• Law (what laws are unique to this species, how do they punish those who break the law?):
• How does the species think and behave as a unity?:
• How do they procreate?:
• Infancy (what is childhood like for this species? How do mothers care for infants?):
• What happens when they age? Is it any different from humans?:
• Death (does this species die in a different way?):
• General history of species:
• Any significant events (wars, revolutions, etc) in this species' history that has affected them:
• How has this species evolved to its current state?:
• Are they aware of this evolution? (meaning do they know about their pre-evolved ancestors):
• Have any "special messages", traditions or beliefs (eg. myths, prophecies, folklore) been passed down through the generations of this species' evolution?:
• Using the information above, draw some concept sketches and work out a final design for this species, keep in mind the body proportions and mobility of the creature (so be creative, but don't make the body proportions so out there that the creature couldn't possibly move around eg. if the creature can fly, don't give it wings that are too small to support its body, unless you explain how the wings support the body)(your audience is willing to suspend disbelief for your creature, but not to the point where it gets ridiculous)
• Try drawing male and female variations of your creature (like the new Pokemon sprites), make the differences between them as subtle or as obvious as you want. This will support believability for the species.
• If your creature wears clothing, try designing unique casual clothing, religious clothing, royal garments, swimwear, sleepwear, etc. It's important the audience recognizes the clothing as clothing, but try to make designs that are unique to the species' society.

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