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Theodore Junt'cil

Elements: Aqua 10, Sludge 5, Sand 10     Age: 81     Race: Kame     Sub-race: -     Height: 5' 7"     Weight: 195 lb     Frame: Bulky     Eyes: Black     Hair: Black     Skin: Brown     Accent: -     Blood Type: O -     Personal Disabilities: Can be too relaxed to the point of being caught off guard.     Personality: Happy go luck, Fun, Relaxed     Other Details: Second in command of the Legionaries, Knowledge all of the Chakras of Sanguine     Transformation(s): Sea Turtle (Balanced), Leather Back Turtle (Decreased defense but increased speed), Alligator Snapping Turtle (Attack increased dramatically, slight speed increase, Defense remains same, but can cause damage on physical attack. Overall loose of peace and sense and personality.), Tortoise (Defense increased immensely, Speed reduced Immensely.)     Release: Chelonian Armament: Theodore coats himself in a golden aura which expands past himself creating a large tortoise like figure. When this is activated all incoming attacks are null and void, however Theodore is unable to move while using this ability.     Seuxality: Straight     Virgin(Y/N): Yes     Backstory: -

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